why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend

Men can be crafty. Studying the vast and complicated world of relationships entices me, and I am constantly striving to learn more, so I can then help others with more knowledge and experience. They say that the truth shall set you free. As much as that may be true, it can also hurt you severely and irreparably. Take a deep breath and a step back. He's probably afraid you'll mess up his parade with his new woman. Heres the thingon some level, lying in a relationship is normal. Stop worrying what he does, says, lies about, all of it. We've all probably been there. WebA couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. So, by asking her if shes happy, youre not going to achieve anything positive for yourself and are just going to end up feeling worse about losing her. They also deserve to be happy, so keeping the new one hidden initially may be their way of not trying to jinx things or make the same mistakes from the past. Of course I dont love him more than you! Perhaps you have mutual friends and they want to keep up the faade of being innocent in the break-up. It happened to me just 4 days ago. Finding out the truth might open a can of worms even after the relationship may have ended. Yet, for your ex girlfriend, the old saying of Better safe than sorry, will usually be part of her exit strategy from a relationship. If youre thinking, my ex girlfriend or my ex boyfriend lied to me, remember that dishonesty usually begets dishonesty and the best way to counteract it is by being the bigger person and maintaining your integrity. this, he protested. Another common reason why your ex girlfriend could be lying about having a new boyfriend is. how has school been? Apparently she didnt. You can share it with others and also drop a comment. A man who was about to break up with his girlfriend was informed that she was pregnant (Red Flag #1). Another scenario in this regard may be that he was cheating on you but gaslighting you. Shes just focusing on herself and doing what feels right. When a couple first starts dating, there is always more energy and passion in the relationship. Enter your email below to watch the video for FREE right now. To protect himself or herself from getting hurt, feeling embarrassed, or from being viewed as a person who moved on quickly. And you, whos supposed to be the main provider of that emotional fulfilment, are not doing your job. Meaning they lie not for themselves. Youre not together anymore, so try to let it go. Talk to your friends and get evidence to support your truth. Sometimes they just want to keep their lives private, perhaps the previous relationship you both shared did not work out because it was all over the place. You dont have to do anything. Also, if his girlfriend is an extremely insecure woman, he may want to keep things under the radar. Web1. It could you understand if your ex was considerate of your feelings and if your ex can make a decent friend one day. So if your ex is still talking to you, hanging out with you, and trying to help you get over the breakup, your ex most likely lied to you for you first and himself or herself second. The kind of person your ex while dating him is key to knowing their reason for lying. He has major social anxieties. After a break-up, the two people in the relationship are no longer entitled to full disclosure and 100% honesty, even more so if there were hurt feelings between the two parties. I mean that period in a relationship when we are not sure of what we have, where things are heading, and so on. Why Did My Ex Unfriend Me But Not Block Me? If you are feeling depressed please talk to an adult about your feelings and the situation. Ignoring the rumors and waiting for the situation is a good approach. 2023 Elite Communication Coaching, LLC. This boosts her self-esteem and makes her feel really good about herself. Source: whisper.sh. Best to move on and improve me. Webwhy is my ex lying about having a girlfriendlocal news definition. We are not mind-readers, so we cannot tell you why someone else did something, what they think, what they feel or what they may intend. It just doesnt add up. There have been cases where a jilted lover attacked the new partner of their ex. Before you act on your emotions and get back at your ex for hiding his or her relationship from you, try to understand that your ex is allowed to date other people. They lose respect for you. Youre in a situation saying my ex is lying to our friends or my ex is lying to our family because they are waiting to see how you will react. So, she will think something like, Hes okay for now, but hes not the kind of guy that I want in the long term. You dont need to bring up the fact that she cheated on you prior to breaking up with you. i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. And if your ex happens to be watching from a distance as he or she regretfully bemoans lying to you, show them that their lies had absolutely no effect on you, or your emotional and mental state. Whether you want them to stop so you can get back with them, or want to move on, we can help! Did she? If there are no hard feelings after splitting up chances are, you may connect or even see each other once in a while. Also, it may be because they are trying to get back with you, so knowing they have someone else may spoil their chances. So, rather than getting dragged into that kind of drama, she just lies and says that she doesnt have a new boyfriend. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be lying to you. There are better ways to get your lost power back. This is the only way they know to get your attention. If you are, then watch this free video by Dan to discover the secret to getting her back FAST. And thats it. When again she was just with me the day prior. Then, when things have calmed down and he has begun to move on, I can dump my new guy and find the man of my dreams.. i never told my girlfriend that i saw my ex at the gym. WebAnswer (1 of 23): Hes your ex, and why do you care? Is he lying about actually sleeping with other people when he possibly actually didnt? If shes worried about you creating drama or getting very angry, she would rather lie to you than risk having to deal with an emotional outburst of some kind. Its not your fault your ex jumped straight into a new relationship and lied to you about it. Our team of coaches at With My Ex Again is here to help you navigate these murky waters and tell you what you need to know and what to do. Relationship advice for women that is researched-backed and data driven and actually works. Turn your empathic abilities on and try to understand how you would feel if you left your ex and your ex asked you if youre dating someone new. Your letter is not about your ex being a d*ck. due to substance abuse after our breakup. Bear in mind that an ex whod lie just for himself would most likely stop talking to you and avoid you like the plague. So, if you were seeig a good guy, lying about his new girlfriend may just be his way of keeping his moving on very quiet without making you feel you were not important to him. That person will by default be the new person because your ex doesnt know that person very well yet. Definitely going through this right now, last night my ex gf lied too me about doing something so I went to pass by her house cus I noticed it was a lie she was not even online n checked to see if she was with someone and she was, I couldnt believe it as she was just with me 30 min before and noticed that it was the same van as before when I accused her of being in that van with someone as they drove off, which ofc she denied a month earlier. So, dont let her see you as her back up guy. So lets say you ask for information about their past dating relationship and maybe something they did with someone else. You also said that if they didnt love their partner, then upon being caught they would turn angry and avoid their ex like the plague. So we spread lies about them. WebAnd there are typically two reasons why people lie about such contact. If your ex lied to you about dating someone else for himself, however, then the situation is a bit different. If the answer is yes, your ex probably lied because he didnt want to hurt you anymore. He wants to get in your pants, with no strings attached. Of course I still love you and want you back she will know that he was only pretending to be happy for her as a way of hopefully making her feel attracted to him for being so independent. Bullies want to know their victim is reacting. I do stress, however, that this is extremely difficult to do and usually only possible when you are given a last, final push. Make her feel drawn to you and want to hug you, kiss you and have sex with you again. But he was even contacting my family and trying to spread rumors about me to them. If you are wondering how to get over an ex who lies, chances are the deceit your ex committed against you was serious enough to warrant putting the final nail in the coffin in which your relationship lies. If you dated a boyfriend that's an unrepentant cheat, a liar, and is perhaps deceiving his current girlfriend, the circumstances of his actions may make him deny having a girlfriend. Bullshit. Why Are My Exs Friends Contacting Me And Being So Nice To Me? 2. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Why? And yet, the person who has caused this pain walking around as if nothing has happened. (Where did that number even come from?) I know that were not together anymore, but we did love each other before. If your ex is a good person and you care about him or her, you would most likely feel guilty and have a really hard time answering this question. Punctuation is your friend. No one can read minds. I suggest that you end your friendship with her immediately. The other reason is that he is trying to provoke some jealousy in you. The break up is all your fault.. There are some truths that we just never come back from. 1. Its best you unfollow your ex and move on. Watch a secret video by Dan Bacon where he reveals the fastest way to get your ex back. Married and only be sleeping with her on the side. While dating them, you may have noticed he never shares his life or relationship on social media. But right now (if youre hurting), friendship with your ex is out of the question. So, rather than trying to guilt your ex girlfriend into being honest with you (which, even if it works, isnt necessarily going to make her want you back), just focus on re-attracting her sexually and romantically whenever you interact with her. I know that he made some mistakes and turned me off, but deep down I know he still loves me and if he changes, I could definitely see myself with him in the long term. If he did, he wouldnt just talk to you and would actually get back together with you very quickly (in a matter of days). So you may find yourself saying, my ex is lying to our friends in order to protect you, protect your thoughts, your emotions, and your feelings. And also, if youre looking for personalized 1-on-1 guidance,click hereto see our coaching plans. If they dont see a reaction theyll become bored and stop. Didnt our love mean anything to you? So, if your ex tells you he's just a friend with a girl he's with, chances are, he may not be ready or can't put a label on what it is. Lies are not always told because of intent to harm, or ulterior motives. Saying goodbye, moving on, and the whole process that comes with calling things off with someone you once shared emotional ties with. I keep wondering if she only fell out of love with me, because we couldnt meet while that bastard met her. Was he always there for you when you needed him? The main reason why an ex with a girlfriend keeps contacting you is that hes used to talking to you and respects you as a person (not as a romantic partner). This push is usually the straw that breaks the camels back, powerful enough to end all emotional attachments you may have with your ex, and give you the strength to confidently move on without looking back. Thoughts??? Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. He was ashamed and embarrassed to even be open about that. Anyone who is in a new relationship and stil coommunicates woth hsiex n secret Does he not realize that I am human too? Im perfectly aware that fears and insecurities are not a good reason to lie, but sometimes I dont want to answer personal questions. However, as tempted as you may feel to say something along the lines of, Why are you lying to me? Wimpy and easily bossed around by her and other people. They may not be justifiable because lies are still lies, but youve got to agree with me that white lies dont intend to cause harm. Then, based on her exs unattractive approach to her, she will compare him to her new boyfriend who is most likely feeling more confident around her (and thus more attractive to her) and she will then say, Yes, I do. Eventually he pulled away from me WebWhen my ex-boyfriend lied to me about his new girlfriend, he admitted later that it was because he was still slowly pulling away from me AND he was unsure about how he felt about the new girl. Web today we are going to tackle the question of why your ex girlfriend might be Dan Bacon is an ex back expert. In the end, you'll know how to handle such a situation as it may be a case of deceiving you to achieve an end goal. hell probably take it to the grave. Instead, shes going to say whatever it takes to show you that shes okay and moving on without you. It may give you an opportunity to vent, but ultimately, your ex will still date that person and want to get to know him or her better. In some cases, a woman will quickly get into a rebound relationship (the relationship someone has right after getting out of a serious, long term relationship) with a guy who isnt her ideal man, just to help herself get over her ex and not go back to him. Maybe they want sympathy from others and painting you in a bad light helps them achieve this. The awful part is, they consciously know the kind of person they are. You can get your power back simply by backing off the moment your ex lies about dating someone else. I can never understand why he did this to me. That means from the moment you met until the moment you decided to call it quits. My ''ex'' who is now my girlfriend again, did not tell me she was interested in someone else while we were apart, because it'd hurt me. They might be hurtful but get some perspective on whats being said. There are only 2 possible reasons why an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend would do that: Due to anger and bitterness. Your ex could be hurt or angry that the relationship has ended. It feels so exciting and fun. Perhaps they cant cope with relationships that end so they lash out. So the person who left is good and the one left behind is bad. Additionally, if you stay honest, you can hold your head high with a clean conscience and be clear of any blame or wrongdoing. WebSooner or later, they will suck their partner dry of money, enthusiasm, self-esteem, or all three, and they discard them without looking back. First, make peace with everything that has transpired between you and your ex for the entire time that you knew each other. Last I heard last month he took the girl home to introduce her to his parents and kept posting his new love all over his IG feed. His aim is to get into your pants without being your boyfriend. Youre the sad one that got brushed aside. Something like calling his new partner and warning her about him. I think she loved you, but her love quickly disappeared when she met the new guy. They feel the need for a fresh relationship and being wanted. When they get separated, its like getting a license that allows them to either have sex with someone else, or even just enjoy the company of another woman. Your ex is your ex which means that your exs business is your exs business. Theres no way you have enough time on your hands to worry about your exs behavior too. Let the ex go and move on with your life. WebFor either two reasons: 1.) Youd likely feel torn between doing the right thing and keeping the situation peaceful and under control. Show them that you have power over your thoughts and your emotions, and that they dont. we had a short conversation but for the most part left each other alone. Important: If she did that to you and you want to get her back, make sure that you dont go to her now and say, I know that you cheated on me with him before breaking up with me. After realizing I was the person that everyone around me always came to for dating advice, I decided to merge this skill with my profession writing. [7] Express how the lie made you feel to help your girlfriend understand why this was hurtful to you, even if the lie was regarding someone else's behavior. In that case, your ex probably didnt know whether he was dating that person. WebFor example, if you threaten to end a relationship because your boyfriend or girlfriend talks to an ex (very costly punishmentthere is a lot to lose), then the odds greatly increase that your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to lie to you about this issue (see when people lie). First and foremost, an ex who wants the best for you will tell you or show you that he cares about your well-being. Because of this reason, keeping their lives private is one of their modus operandi, especially to the exes they have been toxic and abusive towards. Source: whisper.sh. If the relationship broke down because of their behavior then spreading lies about you maintains their delusion. It is expected for a person to find, my ex is lying after a breakup because you two are navigating uncharted seas. Its a fact of life. But she did get angry when you confronted her about her new partner because she felt victimized. Why go to the trouble to be dishonest and risk getting caught lying? WebIf you were clingy or needy with your ex in your past relationship, youre probably telling yourself, my ex is lying because he or she might be trying to teach you a lesson. It applies to single people, married people, and all occasional liars of different sexes, ages, colors, and cultures who find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. It's not uncommon for relationships that did not end on a good note to lead to some dramatic scenarios from either party of the relationship. While an ex may be lying about having a new woman because they have hidden motives, it may also just be because they care about how you feel. They may share pictures of you as a couple on social media. I didnt meet her in that month, because covid just started back then and I thouht we both stayed home. To avoid feeling guilty for cheating on you and betraying you in the way she did, she can focus on all the mistakes that you made in the relationship and blame you the break up. This makes her look at you in a more positive light and realize that you probably are the right guy for her after all. We feel this loss as keenly as a death. He wont breadcrumb you, confuse you, get angry with you, point out your flaws, and blame you for the end of the relationship. Why Do Exes Leave Their Stuff Behind? He doesnt own me. Are they hurt or angry? You said you shouldn't be thinking about him though. how has school been? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As a result, she might not be very proud of her new guy, so she doesnt want you to know about him. This is the most common reason why exes lie about dating someone else. It would behoove you to focus on whats on your plate in front of you. Even more, they don't feel angry, or bitter, display confidence around you, and support you in your current relationship. When relationships end we enter into a kind of grieving process. Your ex was probably happier in the last year than in the years before. (21 Things to Consider), 19 Signs You Have a Second Chance at Love with an Ex, 2. The truth is it's hard to sit and talk about these things, so people just lie to avoid it. Maybe not everyone, but many people lie and they do so for various reasons. Know the kind of drama, she just lies and says that she on. Up guy friend one day to lie, but many people lie about such contact this pain walking as! 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why is my ex lying about having a girlfriend