why is "drumming" spiritually important to the yoruba?

Using my PC, a good mechanical keyboard, good quality headphones (or a good set of speakers), freely available on youtube drumless tracks of my favorite music and a program called DvDrum, I am having a blast sounding like I did with a full kit back in the day. Drum on! the frequency of the sound, released from the drum synchronises with the brain waves of the listener, causing a sort of hypnosis. So cool. Drums have been used in every culture for many purposes from religious rituals and other ceremonies, to sporting events, and as a way to communicate or signal. M utua, just 29 years old, has been fighting gender barriers and cultural stereotypes in the field of percussion her entire career. From dynamic presenter programs and workshops to virtual healing arts offerings, explore all Kripalu has to offer you in the comfort of your home. Melanie. Dear @PeteSechler, Dr. Northup, and others. I am sure there are other drumming programs available. , Christine, It's important when doing this to focus on the click and not the instruments. Djembe or Talking Drum The talking drum dates as far back as 500 A.D where it served as the secret drums in major societies for the rite of passages, ancestral worship, rituals and social dances. Thanks !! I moved to another city and it no longer fit into my space, but I had gotten pretty good at it. Share. I had no idea that there were so many different kinds of benefits to drumming, especially that while drumming you have access to your entire brain. Certainly burning more calories than playing the flute. The drum is THE universal instrument, for reasons that are both known and unknown. It has also helped me with sinus issues as well. Recently at a Special Needs Conference Ive had a chance to meet and talk with Temple Grandin, I gave her my methodology behind my music program, she told me, you could do good in a kids life. That was when god gave me a coach! Hello, i have a GOD GIVEN TALENT TO PLAY AND ENJOY THE PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT. It is amazing to see a persons transformation when drumming it can happen instantly. Good vibrations. Shamans used drumming as a means of reaching an altered or trance-like state so that they can connect with the spirit dimension. They are YOU! I always feel energized during (and afterr) the spiritual drummimg groups I attend! Students create music through a hands-on approach. Even historically, drums were used in war to give/relay commands, intimidate enemies and rile up troops & morale. Since the drums don't produce any melodic notes, a drummer will take a more rhythmic approach to songs, providing beats and rhythms to benefit those songs. Since they were trusted and respected in the community we were all invited to a community feast and drumming celebration. She just said to me oh I just do this in study hall all the time .. Kripalus evidence-based resilience program, RISE, is anchored in the science of mindfulness, yoga, and positive psychology. Hi , My name is Margie. In this article, I will discuss the importance of a drummer's impact on an ensemble and how having a musical approach can affect performance or recording. I swear I always felt so relaxed after playing his drums. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8, Feel free to reference this blog. I took some pole dancing classes a while ago. THAT IS WONDERFUL. Christiane. I was beginning to lose hope. This is why the drum is played so often in powwows and spiritual and religious ceremonies. I touched a Djembe drum April 2, 2022 at a Caregivers retreat; in love. My first experience with drumming was when I was fortunate enough to stay a traditional native village in the North West Territories of Canada. Its a more peaceful type of playing, somewhat meditating. I am a hospice volunteer and these are the forgotten people. The drums can be both musical instruments and works of art, sculptural forms that are often decorated in a resplendent manner suited to their . Drum beats used in these ceremonies come from a variety of different drum types made with various woods and animal hides. We have gone way beyond the campfire drum circle! As a tongue drummer and djembe enthusiast, I especially like the part where you call out the neural connections and the way the brainwaves sort of sync with the rhythm. He held the mic tapped out three beats on the mic, said a couple of words, tapped three beats, said his words, he done this amazing song for us before the rest of the class came in. All the the best to you on your drum journey. Hand drumming is actually my best form of meditation because I am so present and so in the moment, the past and future do not exist in the 3 hours of drumming that feels like 15 minutes. Richie! Id be curious to know if you were born left handed. I started playing drums at an early age and played semi-pro for 10 years and sold my kit of drums aged 25 then I met my wife in 1977. I have been drumming since the 1990s. Really lifts your spirit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5v5eBf2KwF8, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11191041, https://www.scribd.com/document/28220586/Therapeutic-Effects-of-Drumming, https://web.facebook.com/MCPS.Bathurst/videos/618667091615391/, https://www.facebook.com/lesfemmesdekissidugu/, Why Your Psoas Muscle Is The Most Vital Muscle in Your Body. I love hearing what youre doing. Through the efforts of about 100 people, drummers and or dancers alike, we came together for an extraoidinary night of percussion. A typical DRUMS from HEAVEN usually features a very entertaining interactive free style drum circle welcoming anyone to join in with no drumming experience needed. We are a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to empowering people and communities to realize their full potential through the transformative wisdom and practice of yoga. According to a recent study, the cabling that . One of the most used drum for communication is the West African . Ive been playing for 10 years now and cant imagine life without drums. Hopefully, that will erode the stigma of a hippy culture that drumming seems to conjure up (my Mom could never understand my love of drumming). Finally, drumming can induce a natural high by increasing Alpha brain waves. It is such an important part of my life..couldnt go without it. Drumming, yoga, dancing and pottery to me are heavenly. Thank you for posting this article on your sight. Drumming is a powerful form of yoga. 1. Take care and keep on drumming.it is a universal language and a gift of healing from above ! I love it. My drumming partner, Diana Young (who is also a Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner who incorporates her focusing exercises to all our classes) and I created the Young Fish School of World Drumming in 1997 and have been conducting hands on educational and therapeutic global drumming programs for K-12, community centers, all populations with special needs, etc. The feeling came back about 5 years ago and I felt the need to play again wonderful! level 1. for my son. System also. As the sounds of the drum vibrate through your body your muscles and your mind get a sound massage, leaving you in a state of relaxation. Here, the International drumming group Tao performs (see video below.) Pressure. The drums speaking heart to heart has created such a bond with these people, they are like family. They sing random, popular and traditional songs, and I just pick up the rhythm and thump along. I know the healing power of drumming. The drum has been part of my Irish culture for millennia, the sound of the drum connects us to our mothers heartbeat, her first communication with us in utero and perhaps the one we need to get back to in order to heal mother/child history. It lowers blood pressure. My life was very short of like minded people until then. Looking forward to revisiting at sine point. It really gets the brain working as your hands and feet are doing different things. But i came across Dr Northrup site and read your article. Im sure that with a bit of research you could find something rhythmically satisfying without having to resort to a full kit. Its never too late to do anything. I have gone to a few drumming circles with different leaders. Thank you for popping that bubble for me. Im a POUND master trainer and our classes are so much more than keeping fit. They are incredibly powerful and offer a deeply spiritual experience. These are questions that have puzzled exercise scientists for some time, and studies have not confirmed one way or the other whether exercise will make your skin look younger. I believe it never too late to start. I hope I could reference your article while Im presenting if its fine with you. And enjoy this service to humanity that you are providing! I have been a drummer in many capacities for over 40 years. I am a professional drummer and health advocate I have also noticed that if I dont drum for a while, I get depressed. I listen to shamanic drumming regularly, when seeking insight, or as a healing tool when Im emotionally stirred. Im in my 50s, in really great health, and Im still rockin! Ive used it for special needs students. Yours in Gratitude, Nadiya Nottingham By all means play Caravan, it is a great tune and the creative possibilities ar. My daughter has friends that have a coffee house and my 2 friends and myself will probably play there. The ENT doctor arranged for a hearing aid and I wasnt ready to give up. -socially the treatments and options past that are a bigger conversation, as there is a lot of useless stuff out there, but atlasprofilax or nucca / AO chiro will fix the upper neck however you may need pt as well for the whole thingand a there are a few therapies that will fix the jaw, most are temporary however you can just drum with a bite guard of the same thickness and it will not cost 5k and these. My mother introduced me to it and she loves drumming in a circle or anywhere, she is 81. Research grants if your area. Plus, its fun! but after a few years it ended up in the back of her closet years Their reactions can range from meditative to curious and playful interaction. Central Virginia, USA. My mom who sings in a choir of Angels at her church had a crush on the bands drummer. And listening to drum sounds regularly can have the same effect as drumming itself. Sexual selection in spiders shows how sexual selection explains the evolution of phenotypic traits in spiders. He was actually a jazz drummer. It burns calories. Explore upcoming programs led by Kripalu faculty and expert presenters on topics ranging from yoga to societal and personal transformation. So no matter your age its never too late to try something new even if its not the norm. I hope that many more medical professionals like yourself promote recreational drumming and its health benefits. Im a drummer (not a professional though) and always felt that I need to use my skill for a cause that adds value. I like to look into some of these ideas in more detail. Drumming has been proven in human clinical research to do the following six things: 1. I instantly agreed and told her I was sure god wanted him to teach me the drums. Surprisingly, the Kumi-daiko style was invented in 1950's by single person although taiko itself has a long history. The sharing of traditional knowledge, including drumming and drum making, is done through the passing of teachings from knowledge keeper to learner. The band i play in ,classic rock you know. I have had a rough year, lost my job, death of a pet, family problems, car accident and some other minor issues. Its my favorite class yet! I tried cardio drumming, but it made the back pain worse. Ashe ! Ive also started doing some hand drums at our community center. All types of drums and percussion can create such a special blend, its like nothing else. thanks again for putting this out there, its the best kept secret around in my opinion. RhythmU, who yoU are Beat by Beat. I dont do drum circles but I created customized health and wellness programs that rock (Next Stage Drumming) and I have a drum ministry through my church. When doctors come on board to reiterate and validate what us field practitioners have been experiencing, sharing and practicing for many years, it makes our role and our job a little easier. Thanks for this article! Thank you!! I suffer from anxiety and PTSD and it such a useful tool for alleviating stress and keeping you grounded n the present. It feels absolutely great! The good news is there are two primary issues that are usually found here, jaw pain and upper neck (c1,c2) pain. Doing this for 15 years has also helped me get over shyness. I am a band director with a degree in percussion performance and played and taught Drum and Bugle corp a long time. This is the truth! I am part of a womens drumming performance group, Les Femmes de Kissidugu. Snarepy!! I began West African drumming last October, and the feeling of wellness and serenity is remarkable. For the f i rst time, I will be presenting my dream baby of two yearsSNAREPY! I agree with all your points! However, other people who are more academic-minded will learn . This groove-inducing tactic breaks away from the strait feel when every note falls on the expected beat. I look forward to doing more good work in the neerby communities if any are interested. Hi They are showing up all over the place. This article will be about typical drummer hand injuries. They carry both emotional and physical stress in the bodies, working with the drum is a very non-invasive way of providing healing. I never knew that drumming can induce a natural high by giving your brain a lot of alpha waves. Playing in real time I almost immediately found things much more enjoyable and the results were also much more natural sounding to my ear. There are way to many benefits of drum therapy to mention. on Halloween weekend at the first DRUMS from HEAVEN drum circle. It has been a very emotional day as I research the ways in which Drumming can influence our health and well-being. Drumming can have positive effects on your health and may help with many conditions from stress, fatigue, and anxiety, to hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, addiction, and even cancer. Is there a reference list for these claims? I ask because I am compiling some literature which demonstrates some of the benefits of drumming and I wish to include as much evidence as possible. I majored in music at Shepherd College and Berklee College of Music. I will share this post with my Facebook friends. Art, Culture, and Music Therapy Teacher. Thank you. The Pioneer Woman's husband broke his neck following a car accident in March. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. No, breathing the animal skins of drums cannot affect your health. Drumming has also been used therapeutically since ancient times. I go once a week but if they offered more I would be there. Thanks for this wonderful comment. It's a part of the turkey hunting experience that can drive normally sane . Science and Psychology: Drumming as Therapy for Both Mind and Body thanks so much. And yes it is incredibly difficult. Lovely sound. Should I Still Be Menstruating at Age 55? First Sound Workshops (facebook). The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Thanks for taking the time to share the benefits of drumming with us! Now online, Kripalu offers a variety of teacher trainings and certifications to deepen your practice and share your passion with the world. Soreness is a good thing! RhythmSoul Drumming, Wow! Funnily enough the first day I did drumming I got sinus infection followed by a chest infection and then the next week a stomach cramp that put me in hospital so I dont believe it improves immune system but it might be flushing things out. Mother Earths heartbeat. And teaching a toddler even the simple basic rhythm patterns is going to tremendously improve their motor skills and teach them to control their body much faster than their peers. You can get in touch with us at dianayoung@youngfishschool.com or rafish@youngfishschool.com We will create a new Website soon Thank you so much for your highly informative feature on the positive empowerment people can attain from drumming, RA Fish / Bob. What type of drum do you use? Hi Dr. Northrup, I will cover the types of injuries, how we can deal with them, and how we can prevent them as best we can.. By the end of this article you'll know things like how to spot a hand injury coming up, how we can cure them, how we can play drums with them, and how they can even be a good thing for our drumming. Woodpeckers declare their territories and seek mates by what is called "drumming". Drumming can help improve attention, inhibition control and thinking skills, research suggests. I play in a couple of Samba bands and I am establishing a project where I deliver facilitated drum circles to various at-risk groups. The fills. the power of music and drumming within a fitness class is revolutionary. Ive been drumming for 47 years and several personality tests, including Briggs Meyers, that Ive taken show that I am not right or left hemisphere dominant. Brilliant article and great reminder to follow the primal passion of our core. I am obsessed w the health benefits of drumming! We had 55 people on the drums! All their information is on line. How do I learn to teach drum therapy sessions, Bad side of breathing drum skins in a closed ac room, The Therapeutic and Social Benefits of Drumming. By clicking Submit below, or otherwise using or visiting www.DrNorthrup.com, you hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in Christiane Northrup, Incs Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Kripalu is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. My Mum and I were introduced to shamanic drumming and we go to drumming workshops at weekends. In today's day and age, people tend to be moving less and less due to . This is what most cultures would consider a "manly" duty. Love this! For many people, the challenge is that, somewhere along the way, weve been cut off from our outward expression of rhythm. There is a health insurer in Pennsylvania that also bought drums as part of a getting healthy program for seniors. I love that I shared the link to your article with our Drum Maker who coordinates our group. Lars' drumming is very good. Drumming isn't an experience that "only" music therapists can use. I love my work and the opportunities I am given to serve. Reduce Blood Pressure, Anxiety/Stress. I think its key to find what resonates with you be it djembe, conga, synthetic or natural, shakers, bells, etc., etc. I dont know how I would have been able to make it through those extremely difficult days and the time after his death without the benefits of drumming and the supportive community that came from it. I AM CAREGIVING MY SICK HUSBAND AND FIND THAT WHEN IM IN MY DRUMMING CIRCLE I AM OUT OF MY ANXIETY OVER HIS ILLNESS. -creativity Which three types of compositions were dominant in the Renaissance? You could try getting a prescription for a muscle relaxer, to see if that might help. Everyone's counting on you to set the tempo, drum guy. Thanks! When you set up a high frequency, others rise to meet it. This is why you might see a flicker pounding on a metal power pole or your house siding - to make the loudest sound he can, not to look for food or drill a hole, but to make a statement. However what I love about it is that you feel a sense of tribal primal togetherness. I am now putting together a program that integrates Drumming with Reiki. The therapeutic effects of our programs touch lives on so many levels and we are blessed to drum every day. I began hand drumming in a drum circle after toxic mold exposure turned my life upside down with chronic fatigue, insomnia and numerous other health deficits. I even use shamanic drumming in my sound healing sessions because it opens the heart chakra. And thank you SO much for this incredible gift to your students and to the planet. You would certainly be welcome, this is a group of wondrous women. It boosts brainpower and increases confidence levels. Kripalu experts and visiting faculty share their views on yoga, health and wellness, nutrition, relationships, creativity, and spirituality. I like your idea by the way, of delivering facilitated drum circles to at risk groups. I get exercise, work my left and right brain, connect with others on a deeper level than just talking, and It always lifts my self esteem. Check for groups on MeetUp.com. I am a Celtic Priestess of Bridget and I lead women in Womb Healing ceremonies with drumming to connect to ancestor teachers. Kassa. I would like to hear more of your success. There may be other known injury, these may contribute as well, and all of this may also cause a dystrophic state (kind of a neurology is in over its head so it freaks out in levels type of thing). What a joy! Maybe you can consider starting up a drumming circle in your area-benefiting yourself & others. Boosted immune system and more positive emotions. I designed a percussion based music program. So happy to see your post about this, and obvious endorsement of hand drumming.

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why is "drumming" spiritually important to the yoruba?