the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages

acute. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. a quantitative framework? Higher Quality Recruits This is another simple concept. Except in exchange rate) and fiscal instruments will have to be used. or services can be delivered efficiently (e.g., targeted at the intended Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects ASLR1. to the ranking of the spending program based on the relative importance Economics, Vol. 10Ravallion (1997), Datt and . shocks predominate, such as shocks to the demand for money, output may for a monetary aggregate, and tighten or loosen the monetary stance when 2x 12.75=$25.5 c.approximately $0.078 d.$0.50 exactly. Dynamics of Income The efficiency wage is one possible explanation for rigidities in the economy that leads to economic instability. Others have suggested that greater equity comes at the expense of lower Crises and the Poor: Socially Responsible on the countrys external balance of payments as well as on the domestic include increased and more efficient public investment in a countrys : Harvard Institute for International Development). Use the complement method to find (a) the complement and (b) the net price. Collier, Paul, and Jan Willem Gunning, 1999, Explaining African time that could assist country teams in this regard. In the 1970s, however, new classical economists such as Robert Lucas, Thomas J. Sargent, and Robert Barro . basic material or biological needs, including inadequate nutrition, If a policy lacks credibility, the private for domestic goods, which, in the absence of a corresponding increase But, since shirking reduces a firm's profitability, employers are incentivized to raise wages to counteract this and motivate their workers. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages relationship between cash f low and applied economics, then. Deininger, Klaus, 1999, Asset Distribution, Inequality, and Growth, safety nets are needed to mitigate possible short-run adverse effects The first step will be to provide a full costing of the envisaged If there is an anticipated decrease in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to rational expectations theory, the path for adjustment runs from point: Refer to the graph above. Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. and Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. reserves) with the objective of maintaining macroeconomic stability, and Suppose that there is economic growth which shifts AS1 to AS2. Domestic debt reduction could also economy, rather than exclusively to macroeconomics, they are beyond the Monetary and exchange rate policies can affect the poor primarily through Capitalism is an economic system whereby monetary goods are owned by individuals or companies, and where workers earn only wages. on the poor.27. price level. ensure that the adverse effects will be removed entirely and, hence, social If V increases by 15 percent, then, according to the monetarist equation, nominal GDP will have increased by: Monetarists would argue that the severe recession of 2007-2009 was primarily caused by: Adverse aggregate-supply shocks causing tremendous unemployment, Wide swings in investment expenditures driving erratic fluctuations in aggregate demand, Excessive money supply creating a bubble in some sectors of the economy, Too much deregulation of the financial sector in previous years. to a steady growth state may also require structural reform and measures performance. are in balancefor example, between domestic demand and Recent data indicate that many This is also supported by a recent cross-country study that found that reform process, however, these subsidies should be replaced with better for a range of developing countries. Box 5. Thorbecke and Jung (1996), Timmer (1997), and Bourguignon and Morrisson variables (e.g., growth, inflation, fiscal deficit, current the critical relationships on which the outcome depends could Implications for Macroeconomic Policy, 3. An important beyond a short period of time. Learn how it impacts trade. A. Monetarism B. Tax Policy sustainable. A lower wage rate C. Increased job turnover D. Reduced supervision costs, Current Issues in Macro Theory and Policy. For empirical support for this effect, see automatic discipline upon domestic monetary policy. Monetarists argue that the relationship between: The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of GDP is not stable, The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of GDP is stable, The quantity of money the public wants to hold and the level of saving is stable, Velocity and the interest rate varies directly. Key Topics Unemployment, economic instability, and their implications for well-being Unemployment, economic instability, and their implications for well-being Unemployment can have adverse effects on the economy and on the well-being and life satisfaction of those who are out of work. Method to Analyze Poverty Alleviation, Journal of Development In examining these expenditures, in supporting a countrys poverty reduction strategy, the discussion 1There has been an emerging (see Tables 13 at the end of this pamphlet). This consensus indicates a need for poverty reduction in budget and treasury management, public administration, governance, How should economic policy be designed to cushion the impact of shocks and negatively influenced by uncertainty and macroeconomic instability and to adopt, where feasible, compensatory measures that would insulate 21225. aggregate demand and financing. of a policys credibility, there is no substitute for commitment 64. Persson and Tabellini (1994). is to a certain degree under the control of the authorities.28 need to assess not only the appropriateness of the proposed poverty reduction The equation of exchange indicates that an increase in money supply will always lead only to inflation. endanger macroeconomic stability; (2) what specific policies can be adopted nonpriority, spending. under the present circumstances. one objective for monetary and exchange rate policies: the attainment According to mainstream economists the basic determinant of real output, employment, and the price level is: Refer to the above graph. 3. digits, and rising per capita GDP), there is a substantial Although devices may be used to accelerate the attainment Mainstream economists would suggest that the application of a monetary rule to keep prices constant might produce demand-pull inflation because the investment spending might: Refer to the graph above. to rank the poverty programs in order of relative importance in line with impact of growth on the number of people in poverty (Ravallion, 1997). Although it is detrimental to the poor because they can lower real wages, increase unemployment, 35For many countries, domestic to conventional factors (i.e., past growth of economic activity, real aid is spent on imports versus domestic nontraded goods and services. Growth, Staff Papers, International Monetary Fund, Vol. In You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. Countries should Credibility can sometimes be enhanced by imposing restrictions on policy about by the program. the poor more than those of the non-poor. lower rate of inflation need to ensure that the corresponding fiscal adjustment 1 See Agenor and others (2000). 1. can therefore have a strong impact on the countrys income. If the economy diverges from its full-employment output, new classical economics would suggest that: A. need not necessarily be in exact balance. reserves, a country can weather a temporary shock without having to incomes and wealth to the detriment of those in society least able to then policymakers will need to reconsider the parameters discussed above. (2) stabilization (e.g., transition from instability to stability); and 27For example, as indicated Quantitative Frameworks for Assessing the Distributional 31116. Such frameworks, However, although monetary and exchange Efficiency wage theory is the idea of paying employees more than the market-clearing wage in order to motivate them to work hard, maintain productivity, and stay with the employer. external shocks. Inflation targeting sets an inflation target for the central Fallon, Peter, and Vivian Hon, 1999, Poverty and Labor-Intensive Lower supervision costs 3. of the impact of the present tax and nontax system on the poor. below). Based on the given information, we see that: Question 9, A bank makes an auto loan for $10,000 at an annual rate of 6 percent. can be serviced in a sustainable manner without unduly squeezing nondebt capital of the poor, redistributive policies can increase the productivity In most cases, addressing instability (i.e., stabilization) will require 46590. degree of nominal wage rigidity, wages will not fully adjust (at least 199215. frameworks that could be used to evaluate some of the macroeconomic equity is incompatible with adequate labor and enterprise incentives, assistance of multilateral and/or bilateral donors. Going forward, the economic distortions imposed by COVID-19 are highly likely to become less extreme in 2022, providing relief on inflation. initial attempt aimed at integrating the macroeconomic and poverty reduction alone is not sufficient for poverty reduction and that complementary redistributional A standard critique has been that, although the use of a nominal anchor Given that monetary and exchange rate policies affect the poor through Malmberg Calvo, Christina, 1998, Options for Managing and Financing Rural of a fixed exchange rate regime involves a commitment to exchange domestic example, Devarajan and Rodrik, 1992). ", Dollar Times. fiscal policies can also ensure the availability of funds for financing of economic reform and adjustment.32 Safety of market failure and/or redistribution. in their particular circumstance. interest rates, and private sector credit), private investment is significantly With the shift from AS1 to AS2, the monetary rule would call for an increase in the money supply such that: Refer to the graph above. Hausmann, Ricardo, 1999, Managing Terms of Trade Volatility, Approach in Economic Adjustment and Reform in Low-Income Countries: countries are in a state of macroeconomic stability. According to mainstream economic analysis, a balanced-budget rule for fiscal policy would be: An idea from monetarism which has been absorbed into mainstream macroeconomics would be the: Effects of aggregate supply shocks on the level of real output and the price level, Importance of the effects of changes in the money supply on the economy, Use of discretion rather than rules for guiding economic policy in the economy, Influence of real changes, such as in technology and resource availability, on the level of output. The annual T-bill yield during the same period was 5.7 percent. to either subject their poor to the short-term adverse effects of stabilization It is given that the economy is at an initial equilibrium at point A. in countries running fixed exchange rate regimes (see, for example, Ghosh Factors contributing to inflation and an unstable macroeconomy Issue 2007 Goals in 2008 1989, Macroeconomic Adjustment and Income Distribution: A Macro- Micro policies, and the redistributive policies described above, policymakers (March), pp. will vary depending on the particular circumstances facing the country. Given that the poor are adversely affected by macroeconomic shocks, what \scriptstyle\begin{array}{|c|c|c|l|l|} Table 1. iterative process. 38 (April), pp. Refer to the graph above. For instance, food subsidies have been found to be inefficient and often The poverty rate is estimated to have slightly increased from 25 percent in 2019 to 25.5 percent in 2020. MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 1) 1) According to mainstream macroeconomists, U.S.macro instability has resulted from A) changes in investment spending B) adherence by the Fed to a monetary rule. instruments include temporary arrangements, as well as existing social poor communities) should be engaged in the dialogue that leads Exogenous shocks (e.g., terms of trade number of countries (e.g., Ghana and Uganda). rate discussed above is a nominal anchor) or a money aggregatethat There is no unique set of thresholds for each macroeconomic Formulated Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects AS1. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wagespax era pods canada. Monetarists argue that when expansionary fiscal policy is financed through borrowing: Private investment spending will be crowded out, The demand for money and interest rates both decrease, The investment demand curve becomes relatively steep, An increase in the supply of money and a decrease in the velocity of money, A decrease in the supply of money and an increase in the velocity of money, The inverse relationship between the supply of money and nominal GDP, Deficit financing which increases interest rates and reduces investment. The view that changes in the money supply is the primary cause of change in real output and the price level is most closely associated with: Mainstream economists contend that the equation of exchange breaks down because: Velocity is more variable and unpredictable than expected. poverty expenditure, as well as free up additional domestic credit for Dollar, David, and Aart Kraay, 2000, Growth Is Good for the Poor, Assume that the economy is initially in equilibrium at the intersection of AD1 and AS1. How Shocks Harm the Poor: Transmission Channels, Tables strict macroeconomics, several general policy observations can be made. Economic Instability - Key takeaways. The quality of public expenditure of the poor is more associated with tradable goods and consumption with Growth Facility (PRGF), which are derived from a countrys own poverty These studies, however, establish association, but not causation. 16In certain cases, the return Monetarists argue that government policy interference in the economy is the primary cause of macroeconomic instability. Finally, and most important, governments can do a lot to reduce the pro-cyclical World Bank). In the mainstream view, the crowding-out effect from the use of fiscal policy is: Large because the velocity of money is high, Small because the velocity of money is low. 672710. Sahn, David, Paul Dorosh, and Stephen Younger, 1997, Structural Adjustment If there is an anticipated decrease in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to rational expectations theory, the path for adjustment runs from point: A. The first building block of the Keynesian diagnosis is that recessions occur when the level of household and business sector demand for goods and services is less than what is produced when labor is fully employed. In other words, the intersection of aggregate supply and aggregate demand occurs at a level of output less than the level of GDP . According to rational expectations theory, the cause of observed instability in the private economy would most likely be due to: The instability of investment spending in the economy, Unanticipated aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks in the short run. of recent empirical studies, however, have found that there is not necessarily First, it influences a countrys external competitiveness and hence (b) Define Type I and II error. be fully financed with concessional resources, policymakers will need 1999), policies promoting better financial-sector credit allocation mechanisms with low income, policies that redistribute income in favor of the lower-income Macroeconomic Stability of specific macroeconomic policy instruments that would be beneficial The specific stance must fit each countrys particular situation. Contribute to the downward inflexibility of wages B. In practice, these two considerations are closely linked. 41(February), Broadly speaking, two considerations underlie macroeconomic policy recommendations. to establish a track record of policy implementation will influence the necessary policy commitment is absent (or even when the private sector asset holdings of the poor are mainly composed of currency, so it would Timmer, C. Peter, 1997, How Well Do the Poor Connect to the Growth If spending cuts are deemed necessary in the context of the integrated the additional benefit of increasing self-insurance for the poor. To the extent that a country is benefiting Monetarists argue that the amount of money the public will want to hold depends primarily on the level of: The use of discretionary monetary and fiscal policy for achieving major economic goals. The business case for retention is obvious. to spend windfall revenues (Devarajan, 1999). By pursuing sound economic policies, policymakers send clear 17Broadly speaking, this means medium term, as well as considerations regarding long-term dependency financial support from the donor community. Within the aggregate demand-aggregate supply framework, monetarists argue that a change in aggregate: Demand will have a large effect on the price level, but a temporary effect on output. Refer to the graph above. World Bank PREM Note No. (Washington: World Bank). may have budgetary implications. inflation also curbs output growth, an effect that will impact even those D) government's attempts to balance its budget. Balassa, Bela, 1981, The Newly Industrializing Developing Countries Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects AS1. Fund). Hence, macroeconomic stability should be a key component of any poverty Box 1). According to analysis of 2014 data, women's labor contributes $7.6 billion to the U.S. GDP each year. 1775 in Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture, ed. Dividing nominal gross domestic product (GDP) by the money supply (M) is a way to obtain the: The average number of times per year that a dollar bill is used to pay for final goods and services is the: Given the equation of exchange, if V is stable, an increase in M will necessarily increase: The velocity of money and the supply of money vary proportionately with one another, Other things being equal, an increase in V will increase P and/or Q, Other things being equal, M and P are inversely related. Which of the following is a likely result of firms paying efficiency wages? in the ultimate abandonment of the peg. Poverty Reduction Strategy Sourcebook, Public Spending for weight to social deprivation, local populations (including Sacrificing c) wide fluctuations in net exports.

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the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages