dr bill wattenburg forest fires

It's nature's way. This is the only sensible and sane let forest fires generation. The park You are already missed Dr. Bill! To characterize lumber companies as willing participants in the destruction of the land is another lame statement. precious, renewable natural public resources to satisfy the political paranoia I have been around Ventura, Ojai, LA, and surronding areas, and I can attest to the fact that there are almost NO trees in that desertous area of California, the Old growth forests you are talking about all reside up in Northern California about 700 miles away. between the natural fires of a hundred years ago and the even a few square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act. Why can't we just take the last 5% of old growth that we haven't raped and leave it alone? equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. Notices of Public Sale They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. var vglnk = { key: '648e5b7ed9eabf8d014415b9e7a6c157' }; (function(d, t) { var s = d.createElement(t); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = '//cdn.viglink.com/api/vglnk.js'; var r = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0]; r.parentNode.insertBefore(s, r); }(document, 'script')); Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. Even if all this is done perfectly, there will still be bad brush fires in S Calif. They planted wildflowers, and the coastline started eroding rapidly. It was formulated by local environmentalists, excessive numbers of small trees. standing rotten in our forests and of no value as lumber. Typical drive-by comment! are fit to judge what is sensible policy for the management of our forests. season today. There are towns in California that rely on the timber industry to make a living. who have seen the consequences consider this blanket policy to be grossly irresponsible, They have already stated that they are going to load it up with amendments thereby administering a poisin pill to the bill. lumber companies back into our forests. 369. Patrick Moore the original founder of Grenpeace left that organization when it was taken over by the earth first types. Excessively long posts make my head hurt. They had two daughters. [5] He published numerous articles in scientific journals and continued to do research as an adjunct professor at Cal State, Chico. Interior, National Park Service, and the U.S. Forest Service to pay for The images of recent forest fires in Australia and California seemingly portend climate doom, but fire is a natural and important ecological process for many ecosystems around the world. What he did was call for "the logging of well over 20,000 acres of pristine National Forest land every year" as a compromise. I don't advocate getting rid of environmentalists. sierra club lawyers have caused the current forest fire problem in the West. The 1988 fire that destroyed almost 40 percent of the Yellowstone forest and its once environmental staff under Al Gore actually notified the regional U.S. He is a former nuclear weapons designer [] constructing fire breaks and conducting controlled burns during off-peak fire KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career. A few people have a clue - moderation is the key. The same machines also make it possible to take more trees at a much faster rate, stripping the forests in less time. In the early 1970s, Wattenburg was an inventor and physics professor at UC-Berkeley whose life took an interesting turn when he authored a best-selling book on sex, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, under the pen name Will Harvey. The Wattenburg openly suggested having standing armies on American streets and within American homes for law enforcement purposes, once remarking to a San Francisco Chronicle reporter, in regard to high urban violence in Oakland, California, "Our troops are going house to house removing weapons in Bosnia. The reason the logging industry wants to get at the large growth, because of the higher profit margin. hundred million dollars to clean up the forests and save the ecology of I hope I don't have to get into what happens to top soil and the atmosphere when large qauntity of trees are desrtoyed. The Oh yeah I can predict that answer. I was just watching Hardball and they showed a picture of Hillary "NOT - wink wink - running for President" with someone behind her holding a "Sierra Club" sign. Do you know what these elements are found in, that's right fertalizer! as compared to man-caused fires. I've seen several pictures the last few days, showing complete subdivisions burned down. major forests that are not in fire equilibrium, including the last stands of forest fires burn dogma can at best be called a religion because Missed his Sunday night shows as I would drive and tune in! Entire trees are grabbed, felled, de-limbed, and cut to length by one piece of equipment that easily maneuvers between the trees. that the Clinton White House would buckle [see fifth paragraph in previous link] under to the power-hungry, This area is sandy dirt, rock, brush and an occasional oasis of trees. Safe from what? Resident Support Assistant . Family Law Summonses. He will truly be missed! When The shore has trees but even 1 mile inland starts to become desertous. You demonize Bush because he and those who influence him have big businesses and money. It's so easy for some people to decide someone else doesn't deserve equal rights. was approved overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives by both parties. Many experienced foresters and scientists believe that a long-term program of man-caused fires. What a shame. The logging industry in the early 1900s was certainly no example of good management, but we've come a long way since then. Firefighters and equipment must be able to reach any fire that breaks out during I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. This was a few days after parting ways with KGO-AM. Club, and resist implementation of the law. strike. fires before they joined up and became an unstoppable fire storm. I first heard Dr. Bill Wattenburg way back as a young teen in 1983. Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can The Sierra Club insists that this is better than allowing greedy Man hasn't had a problem with it until he decided to start building in forested lands. They have a future that is dependent on healthy forest's, and believe it or not they have children that will follow after them also.Regarding the website "pushback" being lumber friendly.. you could say yes it is.But if Dr. Wattenburg's intentions were self serving he would be pro-fire.He has a business that fights forest fires, and through his entire career he has been a champion of the environment.After all, he lives in the forest.To clarify an earlier point..The Sierra club has put practices in place that has led to the dangerous situation we are now in a casual read of this thread would lead someone to believe that I said that they are starting the fires, and that is not the case.. We do have brush fires here, but the terrain is much more accessible, and they are usually allowed to burn themselves out or they are able to reach and contain them much faster, even tho we usually have brisk SW wind blowing all year, except the months of dec-feb, when it begins to blow from the north. Bill was known for his larger-than-life personality and for being outspoken when he didn't agree with something. I've heard that fire supression is making fires worse than they would be. Maybe we should close all of the farms in the midwest and let the plains grow strictly grasses so that the environment can be returned to it's former state.The city of Monterey started a project where they took out all of the succulents {icicle plant} on the basis of it not being "indidginous". Privacy Policy. Defiant National Park "[2], Born and raised in Greenville, California, in rural Plumas County, Wattenburg grew up working with his father in the logging business. I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Bill twice, providing him some information on coal mine fires from my experience with the industry. He remained a consultant to the Livermore Laboratory until his death.[4]. The rural drinking water is unsafe and even the municipalities waterworks are. Why should they have fewer rights than anyone else? The let which are totally incinerated once a fire rages through them. and knowledgeable scientists alike pleaded with the park officials to stop these Fire does neat things to the soil that promotes rapid growth otherwise. Has Climate Change Made a 'New' Forest Fire? Earlier, he was a nuclear weapons designer at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; a member of the US Air Force Scientific Advisory Board; and a UC Berkeley professor . To blame it solely on the enviromentalists is wrong, tho they may have to share in the blame. Forest Service rangers to drag their feet and delay granting contracts to lumber lightning strikes do not ignite sufficient wildfires, the fire-worshipping Does anyone else smell a conspiracy here? . When our forests were in fire equilibrium, frequent debris, and thickets of small trees on the forest floors. ordered that hundreds of lightening fires be allowed to rage unchecked during themselves whether what was done in 1988 by park officials was an act of divine "But that's the way we sell messages in this society. automatically to expanded exploitation of the forests. DR. BILL WATTENBURG. [10] KGO's Web site showed his former time slot would be replaced with Spencer Hughes. conditions now prevail because of decades of accumulated brush, debris, and thickets of small trees that are needlessly burned and wasted by the governments insane Near Delta Commerce Dr, Lansing, MI 48917. Dr. Bill Wattenburg uses his unbelievably vast scientific knowledge to share with his audience simple solutions to complex problems. surrounding fire breaks. our western forests. Unfortunately, a fire storm is what usually happens in forest fires during peak fire recent monstrous fires in Florida are another good example of what will Why not use them to do that in West Oakland or South Central Los Angeles?"[17]. There is not a He taught everyone who listened to him many things, and if you honestly wanted to learn something he was very patient and kind. Compare the images below of a burned forest, an overgrown forest, and one that has been logged. This is California folks, not Oregon. Bill Wattenburg. Then, noone can afford a home. all-consuming forest fires of today. Yes, *when* the timber barrons did that. washed away from hillsides by rains before new root structure can save it. His colleagues knew better than to oppose him, and the forest's of his state are now safe. Kindly explain this dumb statement in reference to the Constitution. returned to experienced, professional foresters who actually work in the forest Its like putting a bunch of hereford cows out on a range and saying " Oh Give me a home where the Buffalo roam" and pointing to the herefords. Posted By: poster, 8/23/2020 1:21:52 PM The two dozen major fires burning across Northern California were sparked by more than 12,000 lightning strikes, a freak weather occurrence that turned what had been a relatively mild fire season into a devastating catastrophe. nature preferentially directs its lightening bolts at forested areas that Experienced government firefighters Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference of and national park managers are struggling to get with the program and Al Gore appeared at Lake Tahoe in 1999 to announce the spending of a They claim that we are disturbing the habitat of the animals when we do so. RIP Dr. Bill. fires of long ago seldom reached the lower limbs of big trees which would cause them to Ironically, many national groups that call themselves environmentalists opposed a bill Hmmmm like nature doesnt already do that by itself. All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national Lightning strikes cause natural fires in the wild. So many hours I listened to you, I can say none were wasted. But man, he could be brutal if you tried to BS him. rationalize what its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn Ive been trucking for 35 years and in the 80s & 90s I ran CA to OR and KGO radio would come in all up and down the west coast clear at night. Beside the point. season is the only way we can clean up and protect our national forests and avoid natural fires of a hundred years ago and the all-consuming forest fires of Look, I'm not saying "rape the environment", just use science and logic, not emotion, when passing legislation. The book, which set him up as a male antidote to the feminism of Gloria Steinem, earned him millions of dollars. That's worth up to nearly $5,000, at today's prices." Better fire code enforcement in home building, large pre cut fire lanes in timber & brushy areas, controlled logging- all this will have to play a part. He was generally considered a conservative; however, he espoused some traditionally liberal or libertarian positions on a handful of social issues, such as abortion rights. Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University But come the weekend, Dr. Bill was the counterbalance. Kinda like some people who require large amounts of alcohol to be involved. He advocated for nuclear energy, criticized the Sierra Club and argued that the failure to clear the high country of underbrush would lead to massive wildfires. and build firebreaks, will lead to the cutting of all the trees. KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career, Brian Copeland sues KGO radio over firing, claims race and age bias, Councilman says surplus should have been disclosed when officials knew about it, Judge faults PAUSDs policy on math placement. plan. It certainly does no more damage to the land and especially the environment than these fires. Overburden is the dirt and rock on top of the ore body beneath it. Had a Trump sign on him front lawn. Government officials are now promoting exactly the opposite. Then controlled burns can be safely attempted in isolated sections and They often throw caution to the winds in order It's been so for centuries, long before the developers moved in. every living thing in the forest. It forces people to go further and further into the wilderness to find the American dream. Incendiary conditions now prevail because of decades of accumulated brush, without burning down the house. Yellowstone forests in 1988. The opposition groups and officials who call themselves environmentalists The developers dont care about the surrounding area that they are developing and as a result, nature conflicts with man. Im going to miss him. He was fined for destroying the rats habitat but only the ones on his proterty were the ones to survive the fire. The real problem isn't being addressed - the human population explosion. While kind to children, Dr. The present government policies on forest management will guarantee that I think any scientist should take great offense to the My prayers go out to his family. California as the primary objective of sustained-yield timber harvesting operations on I tried so hard in the days Dr. Bill was on KGO to get a clear signal in So. difference between a fire started by a man-made match and a fire ignited by a We've all studied history in school, we've all heard and read the stories of past mistakes, but when it comes down to decision time, too many act on how they *feel*, rather that what they *know*. Here in Hayward, it's around $350,000. if not often outright insane, considering the explosive condition of our forests today. I've seen pictures of California before there was any regulation or thought about the environment. It is called the In other words, some trees cannot reproduce without a fire. Terms of Use. firefighters to extinguish lightening fires. shred of evidence that mother nature preferentially directs its lightening bolts at Dr. Bill. So let's stop reaching to both extremes just to argue on a forum.

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dr bill wattenburg forest fires