do sheep eat snakes

By bringing them to a boil in water and then straining the liquid into a spray bottle you have a strong smelling spray that snakes do not like! Smaller snake species will feed on animals, including fish, rodents, birds and their eggs, insects, frogs, lizards and smallish mammals. RaynerAg, a consulting company for cattle and sheep ranchers, says cows are not above eating snakes if they are suffering from a mineral deficiency. 255 38 Even if you have a pet lizard, dont try and use it to get rid of cockroaches. Have some feedback for us? Hunter and hunted were frozen in time at key moment. From the inside, Tammi Doyle added. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, About | Privacy Policy |Contact | Advertise, 12 Snake Predators (Enemies Of Snakes In The Wild), Western Banded Snake Eagle (Circaetus cinerascens), Congo Serpent Eagle (Circaetus spectabilis), Southern Banded Snake Eagle or Fascinated Snake Eagle (Circaetus fasciolatus), Black-chested Snake Eagle (Circaetus pectoralis), Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Beaudouins Snake Eagle (Circaetus beaudouini), Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina), Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii). j0d' `6@/n7# !&a Sanejeh did have a key adaptation also found in modern snakes: an upper jaw that can move independently of the lower jaw. However it is also probably the most expensive. There are many animals that prey on snakes and love eating them. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. But what about the snakes themselves? When the tigers face a scarcity of food and wander close to human settlements, they can also feed on cattle and farm animals such as sheep, goats, cows, buffaloes, horses, and so on. You are probably wondering how a harmless and flightless bird can possibly kill snakes. Unlike chickens and geese, ducks are not usually overprotective of their offsprings or territory. Feeding ruminants meat proteins is believed to have started bovine encephalopathy (mad cow disease). Both are active at night, and like damp, dark spaces that they can hide in. *Aegn^ @zt` 5 They will certainly eat them if they can get hold of them, but few mice or rats will make a regular habit of hunting cockroaches, as they are just too difficult.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'pestcontroloptions_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_15',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); You might wonder if spiders make good cockroach predators after all, they eat many other kinds of bugs, and they are likely already around.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'pestcontroloptions_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Some spiders eat cockroaches, yes. ", "Dinosaur-Size Spurt: T. Rex Teens Gained Five Pounds a Day. This North American hawk species are quite fond of preying on snakes and have included these reptiles in their regular diet. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. be the anaconda, the python, and the boa constrictor - and they They will also not be upset by any bacteria the cockroach could be carrying, so they arent at risk of any nasty diseases or upset stomachs. As far as snakes are concerned, the smaller owl species (such as the Screech Owls) are content with eating insects and wouldnt want to risk being bitten by preying on snakes. However, mongooses also happen to have a genetic mutation that prevents their blood from any adverse effect of the venom of all snake species, even the most venomous snakes; this gives them an edge over the snakes. Although these turtles are toothless, they do possess a razor-sharp beak that is their main weapon while hunting and killing their prey. There are some spiders that specialize in eating cockroaches, however, such as the widow spiders, the brown recluses, huntsman spiders, jumping spiders, and running spiders. There are two extant species of snapping turtles: Out of these two, the Common Snapping Turtles are omnivores and less dangerous than the latter, which are primarily carnivores and have dorsal ridges on their prominently long tail. Can they roam freely in the wild or do they have reasons to be afraid as well? Following are the ophiophagic snake species: Although it might come as a surprise to many, there are many primitive cultures in the world that hunt snakes for their meat. (Related: "Dinosaur-Size Spurt: T. Rex Teens Gained Five Pounds a Day."). If you do see a cat chewing or eating a cockroach, you should keep an eye on things. These reptiles are obligate carnivores, which means that they only eat meat. The feeding requirements of sheep are somewhat high as with most ruminants. German shepherds are naturally sensitive, fast runners, and strong. A mans world? Also referred to as Red Lynx, Bobcats are medium-sized wild cats (twice as big as the regular house cats) that are endemic to North America. Goats do not keep snakes away. Just like all the birds of prey, eagles, too, have a large, hooked beak and strong talons, two of the deadliest weapons that they use to kill their prey. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may earn a commission. Together with King snakes, they are responsible for eating Copperhead snakes. HtSMo0W"SP!Ca!HmtnH |bYj ==l@Y>!f_HA,([ 7DKCLK%zDQ:0\XRc8 The sheep would not be affected by the venom. ,Sd05sq'AZ{1. A lot of cockroaches are also too big to be easy prey for a spider, especially American cockroaches. ), Scientists have long known that some dinosaurs were egg snatchers, and recent fossil evidence suggests mammals also dined on young dinosaurs. I am terrified of snakes! My name is Annie, and my knowledge of pests was initially an unintended one that over the last 10 years has lead me to become what my friends call an "expert". Whenever we hear birds of prey, birds like eagles, vultures, hawks, and ospreys come to our minds. Do Hedgehogs Eat Snakes? A 30 degree angle is said to be effective. If you want to keep snakes out of your yard then you should start by eliminating the places that they live or hide. The reptiles have excellent survival skills, which is how they have managed to exist for millions of years. Farm animals like chicken, geese, and ducks cant really do much when it comes to killing or chasing snakes away from the farm. Most of these would not be found in the average home we hope! They have a unique and rather terrifying way of killing large prey; they would stamp them to death, and then eat them. What are the benefits of sheep eating sunflower stalks? If a sheep is stranded in a location where there is no other food available, it may turn to snakes as a last resort. Whenever you spot a sheep, they can often be found chewing on grass. Grains and supplements are given to sheep that require higher nutritional needs such as pregnant ewes and ewes that are nursing lambs. Also eliminate places where things they eat live. I only like to use things in my lawn that are natural. These snakes may take alligators and crocodiles . While you cant really use either to deal with an infestation in your house, you can encourage more frogs and toads into your outdoor spaces by building a pool (with easy ways for them to climb out) or even just providing damp, slightly overgrown spaces for them to hide in. Featured Image Credit by pixel2013, Pixabay. When he is not farming you can find him at the nearest lawn tennis court, hitting a mean backhand down the line. It keeps weeds away from plants and trees. Wolves are very opportunistic animals. Here are some of the most common farm animals that kill snakes: Every experienced dog owner knows fully well that dogs can be very observant of their surroundings most of the time. They have a varied diet that can range from termites to baby rhinos depending on the availability of food in their surroundings. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are, therefore, obligate carnivores like all the other cats. Farewell! I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. As mentioned earlier, sheep can graze for up to 7-8 hours in a day. Yes, opossums will certainly eat cockroaches, and enjoy them. Also, sheep that wander from the flock are targeted more often. 292 0 obj<>stream This is probably something that also needs to be reapplied frequently. Toads will certainly eat a cockroach if they come across them in fact, theyll eat them in quantities. Chickens have hard beaks that can break the bones of tiny snakes that creep into farms. Did they work for you? 0000009936 00000 n Phosphorus is an important mineral that cattle require, and in many parts of the country (phosphorus) is severely lacking, RaynerAg wrote. The 'extreme cruelty' around the global trade in frog legs, What does cancer smell like? endstream endobj 291 0 obj<>/Size 255/Type/XRef>>stream There are several things to keep in mind when building a snake fence. Related: Here is an article I wrote on farm animals that do not need a lot of space. Are you terrified of snakes? As the name of this article suggests, coyotes do eat snakes. What is the reflection of the story of princess urduja? ALL OF THEM! The main diet of the falcons mainly consists of smaller birds, although they can also eat small mammals and fish occasionally. If you would like to learn how to raise chickens you can do so here. Some of the snake species that can safely be consumed by humans are rattlesnakes, coral snakes, and copperhead snakes. 0000110747 00000 n Copperhead snakes eat many insects, and will take and crunch up any cockroaches that they find.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'pestcontroloptions_com-leader-2','ezslot_4',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-leader-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'pestcontroloptions_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',122,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-leader-2-0_1');.leader-2-multi-122{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. They are instinctively defensive, they selflessly care for their offspring, and are they are also experts at surviving on their own. 0000006316 00000 n The diet of these birds varies according to their size and species. Tigers generally avoid going after them for two reasons: they have very little meat to offer to the tigers, and theres always the risk of being bitten. What eats a sheep? As a result many cattle will chew bones; or even road kill. Make sure to put this information to good use to keep you safe this season. But did you know that essential oils are said to be effective at repelling snakes?! Sheep enjoy the taste of grain, but the amount of grain being fed must be limited as these can cause digestive problems in sheep. Although many eagle species can easily kill snakes, there are some species that specialize in hunting them, along with other reptiles. And gopher snakes snack on mice and rats. It is said that the sonic vibrations emitted from these solar powered snake repellers are very effective at keeping snakes away. They have an extremely skilled ability to find and enter the most difficult of hiding places in your home. While theyre on farms, they feed on many sorts of grasses, legumes, and other plants. Well, a forest full of wild animals is a dangerous place, even for snakes. Typically, a lamb will feed on milk exclusively for the first week or two. In the wilds of Africa, the Honey Badgers are often seen messing with highly venomous snakes like the vipers. Though Zug agrees the new fossils are the first proof of snakes eating dinosaurs, he said the behavior wouldn't shock anyone familiar with the ways of modern snakes. Is the singer Avant and R Kelly brothers? They also eat lots of amphibians such as salamanders and frogs. The kinds of snakes that coyotes eat depend on where they are located. Snakes are said to dislike sulfur as well. 0000007404 00000 n They will eat anything of nutritional value and will choose plants with fibrous stalks or nutritional growth before moving to other sources that they can find. These animals are omnivorous, and mostly eat plant-based food during the summers. "By the time this sauropod was about a year old, we think it would have been out of the range of Sanejeh," Wilson said. Moreover, sheep spend between 6 and 8 hours grazing each day, so they need the energy to find food. Only in 2020 you would see a cow eating a black headed python in Camooweal, Australia, Back To Bush Reptile Relocations posted on its Facebook page. Although snakes are not a part of a bobcats usual diet, if there is a scarcity of food in their surroundings, bobcats would happily take on a snake. Peacocks have a powerful kick that can kill their prey swiftly and humanely. They can only overpower small snakes that arent venomous. So, chickens will in fact eat snakes, but not all sized snakes. You may well see your feline friend tackling and batting a cockroach across the floor in play. On average, a sheep can consume 1-2 gallons a day. This jaw structure would have allowed Sanejeh to wriggle, mouth first, over struggling prey in an alternating side-to-side motion familiar to anyone who has ever tried to squeeze into a tight pair of jeans. By-products from production of crops and foods can also be given to sheep as this limits the amount of waste and are also nutritious to the sheep. These foods will keep sheep content and healthy while they hunker down through the cold, wet, and windy months. These raptors have a remarkable vision that allows them to locate their prey from high in the sky, where they soar. These mammals actually belong to the family of the weasels and are carnivorous. They will have no problem dealing with the hard shells, and prey on many kinds of insects. What is error code E01-5 on Toyota forklift. Lets talk about some of the enemies of snakes in the wild: Mongooses are small, carnivorous mammals that might appear harmless to humans (since they usually avoid conflict with larger mammals like us), but they are the worst nightmares of snakes. When a snake bites a sheep, the sheep will usually show one or more of the following symptoms: -Swelling at the site of the bite -Bleeding from the wound -Lameness -Difficulty breathing -Paralysis -Shock If you see a sheep with any of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional help immediately. Some types of, Read More Does Mulch Attract Roaches?Continue, When most individuals think about cockroaches, they recall images of filthy and germ-infested critters scurrying across surfaces within the house. They will also not be upset by any bacteria the cockroach could be carrying, so they aren't at risk of any nasty diseases or upset stomachs. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. The snake's jaw joints were no farther aft than the back of the skull itselfearning it the name Sanejeh indicus, or "ancient-gaped one from India.". Joel Comstock sr. {{ relativeTimeResolver(1666211281154) }} Snakes eat a variety of pests. For the venom to work, it needs to get into the bloodstream of the camel. What is wind chill, and how does it affect your body? Of course, sheep living on farms have better protection from predators in the form of human structures, herders, guard animals, and mixing the flock with larger creatures to stave off predators. Do you have children that play outside? His ID is now known, What judge said to Alex Murdaugh is why we should abolish the death penalty | Opinion, Honeymooning couple abandoned at sea by snorkel tour boat, Hawaii lawsuit says, Watch: Brawl ends Inderkum-Riordan CIF Northern California playoff game in San Francisco, The new McCarthyism: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is way too cozy with Fox News | Opinion, Californians await key decisions from reparations task force, Downtown LA stabbing sends 6 to hospital; 1 arrested, Bernie Sanders Would Be More Extreme President than Trump, Historian Warns, Police: Argument preceded fatal California school stabbing, More than 200K without power in Michigan after second winter storm in a week, Trump supporters spared more jail time in weapons case. The same issues could arise as if a cat eats a cockroach. Weasel Rodents, Snakes, Ground squirrel, Insects, Birds, Frogs, Eggs Hawks, owls, foxes, coyotes, humans (trapped for fur) River otter Fish, frogs, young muskrat Humans (trapped for fur) There is one particular falcon species that is known for killing snakes: the Laughing Falcon. This is not a common occurrence, but it does happen on occasion. For a second thing, few animals will actually be capable of getting on top of a true cockroach infestation, which can be massive and would overwhelm pretty much any predator. But other than grass, what do these gentle creatures actually eat? Moreover, cats can be territorial most times. These are large, freshwater turtles that are known for their aggressive nature. As a result, sheep eat a wide selection of foods, including: Sheep will eat a wide variety of different foods, but they prefer to eat ones that they can consume quickly. These animals can sniff it out. I hope this article was able to provide you with insights into the world of snakes. In many cases, larger snakes are also seen preying on the smaller species. Nevertheless, ducks have been repeatedly classified as farm animals that kill snakes. Some of the most common predators of snakes are the birds of prey, mongooses, honey badgers, coyotes, and the larger members of the feline family. For example, a field in a dry climate may only be able to accommodate a small population of sheep compared to a field of the same size in an environment that gets adequate rainfall. If you want to raise farm animals that kill snakes, you should include a dog. When does spring start? And the bite of a highly venomous snake can even end up killing a tiger. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pestcontroloptions_com-netboard-1','ezslot_23',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-netboard-1-0');If you plan to add any new species to your space, always check whether it is native to your country, and what it might choose to prey on. The answer is that it depends. If so please leave me a comment below letting me know! In fact, there are more sheep in Scotland than people, with millions of them living on farms. These eagles are together known as the Snake Eagles or Serpent Eagles. You are probably wondering how a harmless and flightless bird can possibly kill snakes. If you want to rely on farm animals to repel snakes, its ideal to go for dogs and cats, as they are more efficient. However, animals like deer, wild boars, and wild pigs are their most common prey in the wild. Luckily, most of these pet . The garter feeds on slugs; the sharp-tailed snake adds grubs to their diet, including the destructive Japanese beetle grub. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. These invertebrates exhibit no preference for one location over another and will scavenge wherever there is an abundance of food. Although the leftover solids from the production of ethanol can contain high levels of phosphorus and sulfur, the amount of distillery by-product must be managed when being fed to sheep. The more shade you have, the more likely you are to see these amphibians, and they will happily help themselves to any outdoor cockroaches. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the different types of plant-based foods to ensure your sheep has a balanced diet. They do not eat meat. I mean I dont even like to look at them. Hay is simply dried grass that is cut up, and silage is fermented green forage. As well as creatures that snakes like to eat. The harware cloth here should be sufficient. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Perhaps you havent witnessed a goose kill a snake, it still doesnt alter the fact that this category of birds doesnt tolerate the presence of snakes on farms. Mulch can attract or deter roaches. These snake repellent granules seem like a good option. But what kind? Though dogs dont have the same level of must attack twitchy things instinct that cats have, many dogs will chase and attack cockroaches if they see them, and they may even try and eat them. Long COVID patients turn to unproven treatments, Why evenings can be harder on people with dementia, This disease often goes under-diagnosedunless youre white, This sacred site could be Georgias first national park, See glow-in-the-dark mushrooms in Brazils other rainforest, 9 things to know about Holi, Indias most colorful festival, Anyone can discover a fossil on this beach. How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. Well, it turns out that not only is this a myth, but roaches can be controlled using numerous pest treatments, including fumigation. During that time, its up to the farmers to provide for their flocks by offering rich foods along with their typical fare. 0000008864 00000 n "The discovery is very interesting, and I think the study's conclusions are reasonable about the snake possibly feeding on hatchling dinosaurs," said Brad Moon, a herpetologist at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, who was not involved in the new research. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'pestcontroloptions_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pestcontroloptions_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Small roaches might be hunted by house spiders, but most will choose easier prey. Nevertheless, they are relatively stronger, faster, and more sensitive than dogs. 0000111014 00000 n These are all places that snakes like to live. Due to the apparent victim's young age, the team couldn't determine the dinosaur's species. . As these turtles spend most of their time in the water, theyre swift swimmers and can easily prey on fish, frogs, and water snakes. 0000111337 00000 n They simply accomplish their aim of killing snakes by repeatedly pecking the reptiles with their hard beaks. Can we bring a species back from the brink? they get eaten by snakes, coyotes, wolves ,kids, uglyhoes (humans), large cats , and human kind. Read more here to find out exactly how they work! If a venomous snake is bitten by another venomous snake of the same species, (for example during a fight or mating), then it will not be affected. And while certainly spectacular, the revelation of a snake attack in progress is less than surprising, scientifically speaking, according to George Zug, curator emeritus of amphibians and reptiles at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. I definitely do not want any snakes roaming about my yard! Were talking about the Secretary Bird, a lethal raptor that is endemic to Africa. They do have humans watching out for them on farms, keeping them safe with the help of other animals from dogs to llamas. If we decide to farm them and harvest their wool, it is only right that we give them the necessary greens that these herbivores know and love so much! They might be somewhat docile but are ferocious killers and snakes feature high on their list of prey. Although ironically, chickens can be sometimes voraciously eaten by giant snakes, the birds have their own special way of overcoming small snakes by using their hard beaks to break the bones of the young snakes. You may think chickens are too incapable to kill snakes, but they are included amongst other farm animals that kill snakes. Did you know that raising certain animals will help to keep snakes away? Below are some health benefits that you can gain from eating their meat: Snake meat has several benefits for your skin. You got it wrong: The snake was eating the cow. Also referred to as Ratel, the Honey Badgers are medium-sized mammals (slightly larger than a house cat) that are endemic to Africa and Southwest Asia. If you are here then I assume you want to learn about farming, farm animals, gardening, and equipment. The only snakes who would be large enough to eat a sheep would be the anaconda, the python, and the boa constrictor - and they would have to be large snakes to be. Entombed at the moment of attack, a fossil serpent and sauropod are the first solid proof that prehistoric snakes ate dinosaurs, a new study says. Chukay is a season writer and farmer who enjoys farming and growing plants in his backyard farm. (See pictures of the dinosaur-eating snake.). One of the most common and scariest challenges farmers who raise animals face on their farms is the invasion of snakes. However, these birds look very different from the rest of the raptors. These skeletons may have the answer, Scientists are making advancements in birth controlfor men, Blood cleaning? The snake curled up next to the hatchling and was preparing to attack when heavy rains likely sent mud surging out of a nearby channelsmothering both snake and prey, according to the new study, to be published in this week's issue of the journal PLoS Biology. What if we could clean them out? Bighorn Sheep Grasses, shrubby plants Coyotes, wolves, humans Mountain lion Elk, mule deer, small mammals . %PDF-1.4 % January 21, 2023July 10, 2021 by John The answer is no. Secretary birds can eat birds, bird eggs, rodents, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals. But why would they want to eat the meat of such a dangerous reptile when they could easily eat lamb, beef, or pork? The only snakes who would be large enough to eat a sheep would They need to eat about 0.03 pounds of food for every pound they weigh. H\j0z Secret technique revealed in California trail video, Get your head around the length of this Texas ranch for sale because its massive, A man was found dead in California river 25 years ago, cops say. RaynerAg, a consulting company for cattle and sheep ranchers, says cows are not above eating snakes if they are suffering from a mineral deficiency. Yes, wolves will eat sheep when they're hungry, but there have been many different reports stating that wolves have killed entire sheep herds but haven't eaten them. -+k^i6P)5T|* Answer: Sunflower stalks are a good source of fiber and help keep the sheep's digestive system working properly. It is worth inspecting the pasture where you will allow your sheep to browse to make sure there are no known toxic varieties in the area. With their hooves, they also break up the soil when they walk which promotes soil health and plant growth, as well as the soils ability to absorb water. My friends are from Australia they eat snakes and frogs. "It's actually one of the very few examples that we have of anything other than a dinosaur eating a dinosaur," said Wilson, whose work was funded in part by a grant from the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration. As herbivores, sheep contribute to their environment by grazing fields which controls the growth of local vegetative species. (See "Eggs Hold Skulls of Titanosaur Embryos."). Hognose snakes feed mostly on frogs and small . The problem is mulch also attracts roaches. Hay can simply be kept outdoors, but silage must be kept in silos to keep the air out that may cause molding. For starters, cockroaches can carry diseases, which could be harmful to your pets. Cq5i9 t1NzOJ3$}${tt D^z_yu$ Black snakes - and other racers - mostly eat mice, lizards, and frogs. Due to their thick skin, they do not stand the risk of being poisoned by their bite (theres no chance a snakes fangs can pierce a crocodiles skin). One stormy day 67 million years ago, the 11.5-foot (3.5 meter) snake apparently slithered into the unguarded dinosaur nest. What is the answer punchline algebra 15.1 why dose a chicken coop have only two doors? Have you ever heard of Snapping Turtles? To avoid being eaten by snakes and other predators, sauropods, in general, probably underwent growth spurts in their early years, the study says. Following are the names of all the snake eagles: Foxes are medium-sized wild animals belonging to the canine family. Search our database of over 12348 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. When they do, they always prey on smaller snakes, using their beaks to clip the spine of the snake so that it cannot bite them. However, when tigers are facing a severe shortage of animals to eat and are hungry and desperate, eating snakes would not be beyond them if they catch one. This story was originally published October 29, 2020, 9:50 AM. Research shows a huge range of herbivores, including deer, camels, giraffes, pigs, cows and sheep, are known from time-to-time to eat other animals, or animal parts they find laying around, according to the magazine.

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do sheep eat snakes