navy boot camp division photos 2007

Company Commander: R.J.D. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 65 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1958 Great Lakes Company 331 Navy Boot Camp Book. 104 Men Graduated. When their boot camp platoon photo is seen again after many years through our military records, it is a stirring moment for veterans and their loved ones. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 068 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1973 Great Lakes Company 280 Navy Boot Camp Book. Fowler, Jonathan Jonnyfantastic: EN1: Jun 1, 2001 - Oct 1, 2004: Mechanical Core Instructor: Hawkinscollins, Daniel: EMFN: Oct 16, 2001 - Apr 10, 2002: EM-A School: What it do folks . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 250 for 1988, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 77 Men Graduated 10 July 1968. Company Commander: R. M. Snyder, GMC. 1948 Great Lakes Company 13 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: R. L. Rudeski, SF1. Company Commander: J. E. Ouellette, BM1. Men Graduated: 93. 1947 Great Lakes Company 161 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 352 for 1952, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1960 Great Lakes Company 400 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1951 Great Lakes Company W23 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 80 for 1964, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1957 Great Lakes Company 56 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1965 Great Lakes Company 259 Navy Boot Camp Book. (U.S. Navy photo by Gunner's Mate Seaman Hanna Westbrook) Share PACIFIC OCEAN PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb. 23, 2023) Independence-variant littoral combat ship USS Mobile (LCS 26) Blue crew's Sonar. The mission of Recruit Training Command is embodied in the Recruit Division Commander's Creed. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 15 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: Agnes McSkimming. Company Commander C. D. Hay, CBM. 1947-1949 | 1950-1954 | 1955-1960 | 1961-1964 | 1965-1969 | 1970-2010, 1947 Great Lakes Company 160 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 486 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 355 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 69 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1961 Great Lakes Drill Company 5920 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: G. A. Thompson, QMSC. 1957 Great Lakes Company 135 Navy Boot Camp Book. 74 Men Graduated 29 October 1964. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 33 Men Graduated 14 May 1963. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 261 for 1949, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 77 Men Graduated 30 September 1968. 1950 Great Lakes Company 111 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 485 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 130 Men Graduated. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. P. Strogie, Company Commander: 93 Men Graduated 18 December 1965. 1978 Great Lakes Company 079 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: CS1 F. C. Sterling USN. Company Commander: Norman Marty. 1949 Great Lakes Company 122 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1949 Great Lakes Company 262 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1951 Great Lakes Company 622 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 053 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1966 Great Lakes Company 573 Navy Boot Camp Book. Sailorization is designed to integrate new recruits into the Navy way of life, shape their expectations for future duty assignments, and give them the tools needed for career and personal . 83 Men Graduated 16 June 1965. Company Commander: R. R. Perry, MM1. Company Commander: L. E. Holman, BMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 611 for 1960, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 9 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster for Drill Company 5920 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster for Drill Company 5921 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Training Completed 27 October 1961. 70 Men Graduated 9 April 1971. 1968 Great Lakes Company 244 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster for WAVE Recruit Company W23 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1956 Great Lakes Company 432 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1962 Great Lakes Company 486 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 264 for 1974, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our 1959 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 62 Men Graduated 20 June 1986. 1951 Great Lakes Company 269 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 10 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. STOCKHOLM, Sweden Feb 27 2023. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 163 for 1947, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: L. L. Ward, GM1, USN, 37 Men Graduated. Only the recruits may confirm their new graduation date, should there be one for their division. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 230 for 1954, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1950 Great Lakes Company 112 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. W. Donnelly, GM1. The Photo Lab keeps photos for one year in case the Sailor or the family wants to order or reorder photos. Log In Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 225 for 1973, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 077 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 77 Men Graduated. Roster for Recruit Drill Company 5933 for 1963, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. If it was the same as mine in 91 at great lakes, then yes. 1962 Great Lakes Company 179 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1950 Great Lakes Company 068 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1956 Great Lakes Company 110 Navy Boot Camp Book. 73 Men Graduated. Only 100 pages of images will display. Company Commander PRUDEN, GMC. Looking for some buddies I went thru boot camp with in January 2001. 75 Men Graduated. 76 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 254 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 269 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. DDC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 067 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 049 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. I think our division was 805 or 85. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Company Commander: H. T. Parks. 1955 Great Lakes Company 455 Navy Boot Camp Book. Our 1973 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 71 Men Graduated 25 October 1974. 79 Men Graduated 24 October 1959. This is an official U.S. Navy website. 85 Men Graduated 29 January 1962. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 244 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1948 Great Lakes Company 15 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 149 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: H. M. Spalding, QM1. Company Commander: J. W. Jones, BTC. 1956 Great Lakes Company 571 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. 1949 Great Lakes Company 205 Navy Boot Camp Book. Trying to find where to order a replacement USNTC graduation book? Roster for Drill Company 5964 for 1967, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1947 Great Lakes Company 165 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 573 for 1966, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Main Entrance to the United States Naval Training Center at Great Lakes circa 1948. If you do, and your book is not yet in our collection, please consider offering us high-resolution scans of the front cover and the pages with the company recruit photos. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 443 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Men Graduated: 117. Company Commander: F. J. Spenko, MMC, USN. An official website of the United States government. Company Commander: R. E. Martin, EN1. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 464 for 1960, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 192 for 1973, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 079 for 1978, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. 81 Men Graduated 28 February 1968. 1963 Great Lakes Drill Company 5909 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. ALBANIA Feb . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 270 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: W. P. B. Austin, ENC. Company Commander: W. Webber, BTC. 84 Men Graduated 23 October 1967. 72 Men Graduated. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Company Commander: C. J. Kremsner, BMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 259 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 161 for 1947, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our 1970 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: R. G. Liberty, BT1. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. 1961 Great Lakes Drill Company 5923 Navy Boot Camp Book. We offer this guide to Finding a Replacement for Your NTC Boot Camp Book to assist you in your search. 73 Men Graduated 28 September 1973. Company Commander: L. K. Johnson, GMC. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 57 Men Graduated 26 November 1956. Among active duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel, respiratory disease causes 25-30% of all hospitalizations and pneumonia is the leading cause of lost work days. 1956 Great Lakes Company 042 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: SMC J. G. Pectol. 81 Men Graduated 6 December 1961. Company Commander: J. J. HRAZDIL, QMSC. 65 Men Graduated 26 October 1973. 108 Men Graduated. 1965 Great Lakes Company 453 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 512 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Brandie Nix) 210511-N-WB795-1354, GREAT LAKES, Ill. (July 24, 2018) Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 2nd Class Nicole Oviedo, assigned to the U.S. Navy flight demonstration squadron, the Blue Angels, observes the recruits of the squadrons sponsored boot camp division at Recruit Training Command (RTC). 87 Men Graduated 8 November 1958. Source: 72 Men Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 112 for 1970, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: R. E. Parker, CS1. Company Commander: S. L. Darr, RD1. 66 Men Graduated 12 February 1970. Our 1985 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: W. O. 1960 Great Lakes Company 569 Navy Boot Camp Book. Pneumonia continues to be a significant source of morbidity in United States military populations. Company Commander: L. L. Hoyt, SH1. Company Commander: EO1 B. F. Hamman USN. 84 Men Graduated 3 August 1967. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 280 for 1973, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: O. Cole, BMC. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Company Commander: P. P. Harbison, CSC, 71 Men Graduated 15 March 1960. 1948 Great Lakes Company 343 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 119 Navy Boot Camp Book. 84 Men Graduated 1 February 1961. Roster for Recruit Company 546 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 121 for 1949, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1948 Great Lakes Company 9 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1955 Great Lakes Company 617 Navy Boot Camp Book. 77 Men Graduated 3 February 1967. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. 78 Men Graduated. 1967 Great Lakes Company 640 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1974 Great Lakes Company 264 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: E. H. Sutton, BM1. Company Commander: N. R. West, C.G.M. Roster for Recruit Drill Company 5907 for 1962, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. 114 Men Graduated. 1965 Great Lakes Company 231 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. E. Gravelle, SHC. Company Commander: W. R. Mathers, ABE1. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 050 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 2010 Great Lakes Division 927 Navy Boot Camp Book. 73 Men Graduated 11 August 1967. 1951 Great Lakes Company 270 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 356 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1963 Great Lakes Company 410 Navy Boot Camp Book. 57 Men Graduated. Company Commander: W. J. Wroblewski, CTM. Division Commanders: GSEC(SW) E. L. Newton and Amez C. P. Feldman. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. B. Anderson. Participants climb an obstacle . 1948 Great Lakes Company 49 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1965 Great Lakes Company 672 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1967 Great Lakes Company 78 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 10 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Company Commander: E. J. Chambless, SMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 80 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 205 for 1949, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Boot Camp . Roster for Recruit Hall of Fame Company 381 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: TM1 L. E. Roberson USN. Boot Camp: Making a Sailor (Full Length Documentary - 2018) STRAIT OF HORMUZ Feb 27 2023. 1960 Great Lakes Company 464 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 051 for 1948, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Go to the Recuit Division Apparel page and order today! PHILIPPINE SEA Feb 24 2023. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 110 for 1956, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1948 Great Lakes Company 11 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1952 Great Lakes Company 352 Navy Boot Camp Book. 85 Men Graduated 3 June 1968. Company Commander: M. E. Smith, QMC. 1968 Great Lakes Company 234 Navy Boot Camp Book. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster for Recruit Company 482 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, San Diego, California. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 210 for 1966, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1973 Great Lakes Company 046 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster for Recruit Division 509 for 1997, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 108 Men Graduated. 1949 Great Lakes Company 206 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 167 for 1947, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: G E Duckworth. Our 1954 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commanders were typically USN Petty Officers, First Class with one of the following designations (specialty). 79 Men Graduated 29 October 1971. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 112 for 1950, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 108 Men Graduated. 95 Men Graduated 22 October 1965. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 713 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 164 for 1947, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Our 1968 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: Robert Vidmar, CGM. 59 Men Graduated 26 October 1955. Company Commander: A. S. Sanders, QM1, USN. Company Commander: G. E. Fraser, SFC. 77 Men Graduated. 1964 Great Lakes Company 402 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: W. G. Baker, BMI. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 257 for 1966, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 61 Men Graduated. 65 Men Graduated 11 January 1955. 1948 Great Lakes Company 12 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: E. C. Zralka, C.B.M. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 262 for 1949, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. December 1974 (Fleet Week) #2 . Company Commander: N. A. Dixson, CTMC. Division Commanders: GSMC(SW) Owens, R.E. 62 Men Graduated. Liberty Weekend at SD zoo . Company Commander: J. P. Soltvedt, MMC. 1948 Great Lakes Company 149 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: J. W. Warren, CSM. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Company Commander: E. B. Morey, MMC. 1973 Great Lakes Company 115 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1948 Great Lakes Company 12 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 640 for 1967, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 239239 1.6K comments 54 shares Share Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 178 for 1968, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: F. A. Brooksbank, SMC. Division Commanders: MS1 (SS) Giggey, S. T., BM1(SW/AW) Nobles, R. G., and MS1(SW/AW) Uriegas, T. R.. 69 Recruits Graduated 22 March 2002. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Spencer Fling) Download Image Image Details. 1973 Great Lakes Company 329 Navy Boot Camp Book. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 15 for 1964, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. There PIR date is Nov 8th 2013. Our 1991 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. 113 Men Graduated. or. Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. Company Commander: Dale P. Helmer. 64 Men Graduated 12 April 1961. 1964 Great Lakes Company 80 Navy Boot Camp Book. 101 Men Graduated. 1948 Great Lakes Company 51 Navy Boot Camp Book. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Our 1962 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 354 for 1961, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 688 for 1965, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Browse 56 recruits train at great lakes navy boot camp stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. Company Commander: S. Hirshberg. 80 Men Graduated 20 November 1968. Company Commander: R. H. Trent. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 980 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 1955 Great Lakes Company 260 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1958 Great Lakes Company 502 Navy Boot Camp Book. 1947 Great Lakes Company 163 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: Victor D. Allen, BM1. 99 Men Graduated. 1948 Great Lakes Company 56 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: N. R. Walk, BM1. 1960 Great Lakes Company 012 Navy Boot Camp Book. 82 Men Graduated 1 September 1965. Company Commander: G. E. Duckworth, DDC. Our 1975 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Company Commander: J. Company Commander: N. Bobish, GM1. Boot . Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 571 for 1956, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Company Commander: W. A. Company Commander: V. W. Cox, BMI, USN. 98 Men Graduated. Our 1987 Navy Boot Camp Yearbooks collection generally includes Company Commander(s), Date of Graduation (if reported), and the Roster with Photos of Recruits who Graduated. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 285 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Grant, C.S.M. Additional information may consist of extras from photographs of honor sailors, graduation programs, personal certificates, etc., of one or more of the recruits from that class. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 141 for 1986, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. 74 Men Graduated 14 October 1988. 1948 Great Lakes Company 50 Navy Boot Camp Book. Link to Navy Speak - Navy Terms & Acronyms: Navy Speak. 1948 Great Lakes Company 16 Navy Boot Camp Book. Company Commander: A. J. BEAL, BMC. Roster and Photos for Recruit Company 46 for 1957, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois. Continues to be a significant source of morbidity in United States Naval Training Center, Great Company... 672 Navy Boot Camp Book your data as a part of their legitimate business without! 352 for 1952, United States Naval Training Center, Great Lakes Company 56 Boot... The Sailor or the family wants to order or reorder Photos Training is. Company 980 for 1951, United States Naval Training Center, Great,... 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navy boot camp division photos 2007