moon conjunct venus synastry lindaland

There was no hard aspect between venus and pluto or venus and moon, even in the composite. This can create emotional disturbances in the relationship, even though neither person really means harm. It just doesn't feel as nice when its in Virgo or Gemini. While working on this synastric type of Moon opposite Venus can be beneficial, solving the problem can end the relationship: both suddenly and definitely. Be sure to give credit where and when it is due. Here are some synastry aspects that jumped out with someone I met recently: Both our moons oppose each other's pluto (my pluto opp their moon is tighter), Aries-Libra. As a result, this Venus square Moon synastry type raises an internal struggle in both partners, causing difficulties in heart-to-heart communication. While a Venus/Venus Conjunction is wonderful to have in a romantic relationship, it is actually even more of a common aspect to find in the charts of close friends. Moon conjunct Venus synastry is a very romantic aspect. Your love languages may be different. They also indicate how the couple will feel about each others social graces, though this manifests on an emotional level. His venus is conjunct my Moon, BLISS, Saturn is in the mix as well, slapbang in top of it, his Saturn. Posts: 912From: The Planet MercuryRegistered: Oct 2010. However, the relationship can turn nasty if the Moon person tries to avoid how they feel and wants to change the Venus person. She can create situations aimed at making the man punish her. Currently I'm very into a Cap who his Sun and Venus is Conjunct my Moonand it's proving to be difficult to get him to be loving towards mehis Venus is ALSO Conjunct Saturn/Uranus/AND Neptune lol), and the other was my Venus in Taurus Conjunct his Moon in Taurus (he was a Virgo)all three I have been romantically interested inhowever only the one with the Asc Conjunction actually became something. You were attracted to each other because of the sweet words, romantic energy, and large gestures. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. With the positivity of the other synastry factors, it is very likely that a romantic relationship will arise between Moon sextile Venus partners. The Venus-Sun-guy also had his Venus widely conjunct my Moon (6) and his Jupiter conjunct my Moon (3) as well. Maybe because ours is in scorpio. Others will sense and easily respond to the positive energy surrounding you. His manly confidence rises. SUN-VENUS Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Sun conjunct Venus is characterized by a significant physical attraction as well as mutual respect and admiration. . What have you experienced with aspects between these planets? "Just another reason to want Moon or Venus in TaurusLOL. I'm a Taurus moon and he was Taurus Mars and it was steamy. The Venus person is attracted to the emotional nature of the Moon person. IP: Logged. Then he would come back with the typical Virgo response of if he didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. His mars is conjunct my moon (in my 8th house) and my mars conjuncts his moon (house is not known). Moon is super sensitive when Mars is conjunct. You enjoy being together because you have such a lovely energy between the two of you. Moon trine Venus synastry is considered one of the most favorable in the formation of romantic relationships. I've experienced Pluto conjunct Venus, Sun and Moon in 3 different relationships. If you have a Moon conjunct Jupiter synastry with your partner, the central theme of this relationship is the enhancement of expansion and a positive attitude through traveling, teaching, outdoor activities, etc. You have similar ideas of romance, and you also feel comfortable enough to share your deepest feelings with each other. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. So, with a conjunction they would blend into each other, right? Where I am the Venus or the Moon. It can be, depending on which houses the Moon and Venus rule and what planets they aspect. The man can appreciate how his mother has contributed to the development of his needs. I should post it here to see because it is really quite lovely. The man, apparently, plays a very minor role in this, and he may feel resentment. we had mars/venus square though. I live here. Moon conjunct Venus synastry is very beneficial in creating family relationships and matrimony, as well as any relationship that may arise among people living and working under the same roof. Synastry aspects are complex and need to be analyzed by a professional astrologer or advanced students of astrology.. One's emotions would react with the other's feelings, right? There is emotional love here, not just sexual attraction, there is genuine caring. There is a soul connection between you with the square, too, but there are usually many conflicts with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. this article about the astrological meaning of Venus. The purpose of this aspect is to teach you cooperation, negotiation and compromise. This variation of Moon square Venus synastry indicates tension. Both people enhance each others social circles, though the Venus person might especially help the Moon person feel more secure around friends and crowds. You have a natural charm and a way of diffusing tensions in times of conflict. We also have his psyche conjunct my moon and my psyche sextile his moon. As far as me being the Venus its hard, although I know typically when the Moon is involved, the Moon tends to feel things more acutely. You can learn how to connect beyond the surface level, in a way that is sustainable and true. If the other factors are favorable, a strong physical attraction arises between the individuals, supported by emotional and sensory compatibility. I dated a woman whom I had venus conjunct moon 0 and man, just like you, we could not stay mad at each other for long at all. ), her Sun is conjunct my NN and both rest in my 7th house. ??? Wow, I actually kinda agree here, it deff makes me (even in a more traditionally colder sign, Cap) be VERY focused on fixing and maintaining a relationship. When the moon is upset, the Venus shows concern and is understanding towards the moon. Like Mercury quincunx Mercury is worse then Mercury quincunx Venus, because then the two mental facilities fail to make sense to each other. The Lilith human many . The Moon persons emotions and what the Venus person finds enjoyable are at odds. If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship themes are valuing emotional balance, a beautiful and harmonious home environment and graciousness and fairness in all your dealings with others. This person had his sun conjunct my pisces moon. Synastry: Moon Venus Aspects Between Two Charts. This relationship feels naturally deep, at least on the emotional level, very quickly. With this aspect comes a strong feeling of support and understanding. Moon conjunct Venus synastry makes it possible to share true intimacy on every levelmind, body, and spirit. Venus Trine Mars Synastry. There is a genuine liking of each other, a very natural affection and sweetness in your relationship. If you want to learn more about the Moon in astrology, read this article. It was INSANE. Though these aspects aren't indicative of a past-life or soulmate . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Sun and the Moon have been worshiped all over the world in ancient cultures. Certain aspects will cause certain other aspects to occur in synastry, depending on what your own natal chart looks like. Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy astrology! However, the woman must be accountable if she wants this partnership to work. The square would have a similar feeling in the beginning, but the more you get to know each other, the more you see that the feeling is just on the surface and that you're really very different, so the Moon/Venus sq in synastry is disorienting. makes my heart feel very warm )) and i feel so lovey towards themdefintely a good aspect to have so dreammmyyyy!!!!!!!!! my saturn conjuncts her DSC also, and her saturn trines my Sun! A wonderfully fortunate aspect, it generates mutual support and genuine enjoyment. He will instinctly nourish them. The Venus person loves the nurturing of the Moon person. With the Moon opposite Venus synastry aspect, conflicts are likely to happen, and you need to make compromises in order for the relationship to work well. Both Venus and the Moon are very powerful planets that symbolize many aspects of our romantic and social life, as well as how we express our female energy (which both men and women have). Venus Conjunct Venus in Friendship. It can also be a beneficial aspect socially. I am the venus and I do think there is a sexual attraction maybe because his moon falls in my 5th house. Its that feeling where its like seeing the endless ocean- it has so much beauty and mystery, and its so perfect- there is no words to describe it. Moon in good aspect to Venus targets the romantic attraction between the couple. 'why didn't she lose weight for the wedding?') And Moon admires any artwork of Venus too, the way they decorate, etc. more than one aspect. ------------------Virgo Asc 6& Mars 0Gemini Sun 24Libra Moon 14(conjunct Pluto 0 in 2nd house)Gemini Mercury 25Cancer Venus 29And yes, i'm a guy! Both planets have optimistic energy and are open to trying new things. The Venus person soothes the Moon person when they feel upset with tact. So I deff would love to be the type to stay busy a good chunk of the time. Ultimately, the Venus conjunct Mars synastry aspect means that the intensity in this relationship is off the charts. And when Sagittarius Moon conjuncts my Sagittarius Venus it creates a Moon/Moon quincunx Making shared intimacy and emotional expression awkward Venus/Moon conjunctions dont work as well in my chart. If this is the most exact aspect between your charts, your main relationship themes are valuing emotional balance, a beautiful and harmonious home environment and graciousness and fairness in all your dealings with others. But all in all my favorite synastry aspects are Merc trine Merc, Venus conjunct Moon, Sun trine Sun, and Moon in good aspect to Neptune. My Moon on the other hand has the sole aspect of a quincunx to Venus. Posts: 2399From: The MoonRegistered: Aug 2013, Posts: 49080From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2015 Hence, when Moon conjuncts Venus in synastry, there will be a mutual feeling of the other party fulfilling the 'image of the 'ideal' mate in their lives. The negativity of Moon conjunct Venus synastry will be the cause of weakness and licentiousness of the partners, as well as a mediocre lazy pastime and the search for carnal pleasures. This energy combination adds to the desire for partnership and naturally gravitates to finding mutual ground for agreement. Sapphira805 said: Yes!! This aspect is particularly potent when it is the woman's Moon in aspect to the man . It depends. For entertainment purposes only Are you the Venus or Moon person? When Moon-Venus contacts are experienced between two people, there's a GRAND OPPORTUNITY to create a "safe space . They have the same taste in clothing and enjoy . Their striving for harmony, comfort, and coziness with a common home strengthens their relationship. The moon person gives what the Venus person, desires. . Still, it is wonderful to have this aspect in synastry. We all want to be loved and appreciated. In the case of Venus, she also trines Saturn and Chiron, opposes Jupiter, semi-squares Uranus, and quintiles Pluto Venus has plenty of outlets for her energy. These one-of-a-lifetime encounters can mean a turning point . Both partners find great pleasure in communicating with each other, having a lot of common interests in the intellectual sphere and that of fashion and beauty. In this scenario, both people have vastly different natures, yet theyre able to learn from each other and evolve. Using myself as an example again, when Cancer Venus conjuncts my Cancer Moon it also creates a Venus/Venus quincunx with my Sag Venus So expressing affection and relating becomes awkward overall. A prominent Venus in the birth chart suggests charm, grace, artistic talent, good social skills and a desire to be loved by others. In the early stages of the relationship, you are very attracted to each other and will probably ignore any irritation that you feel. Venus in the 5th house synastry is one of the best aspects to find in a synastry overlay. Moon trine Venus synastry suggests a tender relationship. It is exalted in Taurus, and in accidental dignity in the fourth house of home and family. "In synastry the conjunction of Venus-Moon makes both people feel like they want to be married - yes - married, marriage, matrimony, bride-groom, both for the man and the woman, the whole shabang. Moon-Sun Synastry: Opposite, Square, Conjunct, Trine, Sextile. You perceive each other as charming and you feel that you are safe with each other. Because both the Moon and Venus move quickly through the Zodiac, you can allow a bigger orb for the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect. All our nodes conjunct each others Sun, Moon and plutos. i will be back with more questions! Learn to be honest with each other in a way that is sincere and empathetic. Theoretically, they can interact well only in large social groups when their personal contacts are minimized or carried out through intermediaries. Personally I find more important than the composite itself to check the aspects of the composite to the natals to see how each person is affected and feel in this relationship (which is not the same as to say what they feel for the other person). Posts: 795From: TexasRegistered: May 2009. The Moon has a wide range of significations. The luminaries are of extraordinary importance in astrology. and Gemini Moons are so flippant about certain things that its a complete turn-off. Self-indulgence can also make life a bit difficult. When one party's Moon conjuncts the others Venus, this is an even stronger aspect than the Venus-Mars conjunction, because of the involvement of the Moon energies. The sign where the Moon conjunct Venus synastry takes place is familiar to both of you. The man seeks to satisfy his needs, and the woman complements the pattern of love he learned from his mother. The opposite point is the anti Vertex, which will always fall into the exact opposite house and sign. You may be the couple who has a beautiful home, dresses wonderfully, cooks for your friends, etc. When Venus links hands with her lunar counterpart, relationships tend to get real because the Venusian lover shares a dreamy worldview that beckons from beyond reality (for better or worse). You naturally like each other, especially at first. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. His Moon conjunct my venus and my sun and my moon trine his venus. NO ONE wants to initiate ANYTHING. The Moon is soul but not passion. I had this with a female co-worker and there was just a natural affection between us. Personal Planets Conjunct Moon. The trine and sextile are also powerful. This Moon conjunct Venus synastry relationship will be filled with sweetness and affection. With the Moon trine Venus synastry aspect, your tastes are similar, and there is a lot of common ground in the relationship. Your reactions, emotional response, gut feelings are all ruled by this luminary. White as a knuckle and terribly upset. Both personalities are not at all isolated within the confines of their happy nest they are socially active and have many common friends and associates. Moon-Venus connections are generally considered favorable in synastry, especially the harmonious aspects, the conjunction, trine, and sextile. Aquarius mars don't get me hot and . Topic: Moon/Venus synastry: Aeline Knowflake . Sylvia Plath The Moon and the Yew Tree. gotta run. Are you looking for aspect that is so sexy that two people are drawn to each other as magnets? Because the relationship is dominated by the woman, the man often feels that he is being thwarted in his attempts to successfully achieve the male role he wants to play. I agree with WS, that it does feel very comfortable when you're with that person, and I just love being with him. This version of Moon trine Venus synastry results in excellent compatibility. I feel smothered by mars Venus conjunction. I guess its that constant conflict between my Moon and Venus. This is a soft, gentle relationship that fulfills your heart with warmness. Venus is all about enjoying life, and Venusian things capture the beauty of the moment. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. This aspect may also enhance your business endeavors or finances, mainly because of the social enrichment. Anyway, evaluate the aspects Venus makes in one chart and the aspects Moon makes in the other to see how comfy they are with that side of their nature. This is a difficult psychological complex that can destroy the relationship. 'Sun/Moon' synastry aspects are the most common aspects of marriage in synastry because . The moon would feel soothed and loved . What is my experience so far with this? It is a nice aspect to have. Through his power, she can learn to distinguish her own feelings from those that were projected onto her in childhood. This can manifest in the positive or negative manners, or can be a combination of both. I like Taurean placements alot (especially Venus).must be the trine to my Moon? This union can make feelings of intense passion stronger than ever before in both partners lives: their energies are closely matched, and what excites one partner will also excite the other. Moon conjunct Venus in the Synastry chart means that there is emotional love.The relationship is cozy and both feel comfortable with each other. We are very close, understanding with no words, and as somebody already mentioned, very forgiving, sex is not that high on the agenda, but loving is. Moon is the trust that we can have in another, you need to trust a woman to be able to really commit to her, but Venus is what is going to keep his eyes turned to you and not another (not guaranteed, it just tends to be that way). I haven't checked back in a while. issora. Venus is the planet of pleasure. I love the way she explains things. sometimes when its just the two of us are in a room together, we'd all be like chatting, laughing and try to keep the conversation going but some other times it'll be like just plain awwaaaard because when we're with our other friends, we'll become suddenly quiet around each other as if we never spoke to one another before! You will seduce his emotions endear yourself to his need to attach and bond. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. the marriage-long term desire is STRONG. The Venus human will want to show off her romantic side. Moon in Conjunction with Jupiter in Synastry Chart. And we too have our Moon and Venus cojunction at less than one degree (and I'm the Venus btw). House Overlays play a role, too. Keep reading to learn about the Moon-Venus aspects in synastry! When one person wants to go out, the other person wants to stay at home, and vice versa. If you found this article about the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect helpful, maybe you want to save it for later. Posts: 1From: little elm, tx, usaRegistered: Dec 2010. In friendship synastry, Venus conjunct Venus means that two people have a great deal in common. If your Moon is conjunct the other persons Venus or vice versa, there is a lot of common ground in this relationship (unless it is an out of sign conjunction, what makes the situation more complicated). In synastry, Venus is extremely important. The other person may put his Venus on the NN of the other. However, you must remember to go beyond the more shallow parts of Venus and the knee-jerk emotional wants of the Moon to discover deeper parts of the self in your relationship, too. The Moon trine Venus synastry aspect gives you a natural sense of aesthetic appreciation. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Also the sun moon conjunction. Ideally, the Venus person is open to communicating and getting to the root of issues. With the Moon trine Venus synastry aspect, there is a natural sense of affection in your relationship. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. You find pleasure in each others company and may share similar tastes in entertainment/art/culture. Or possibly your values are in conflict. The Sun and the Moon synastry is the most important indicator of the partners' psychological and emotional compatibility. Moon conjunct Venus synastry love matches are blessed with strong physical attraction and deep relational accord. Venus/Moon oppositions, trines, sextiles, and squares usually work fine. Moon in contact with Venus is relatively frequent in synastry. The Venusian has a significant social and aesthetic positive influence on the Lunar who boosts the formers confidence by covering their back at home, thus contributing to a more effective and powerful creative self-expression of the Venusian. However, the Moon person can project all of their negative emotions onto the Venus parter if they arent careful or if they grow to dislike their partner. This conjunction suggests that you like each other and find each other affectionate. At first, both people feel a strong sense of emotional security in this relationship. With Venus conjunct Neptune, Venusian energy feels . Powered by Infopop 2000 The presence of the other person makes you feel safe and appreciated. In this variation of Venus conjunct Moon synastry, there is almost always the issue of trust and sexuality. I am a Cancer so being the Moon is easiest for me, plus I think that my Cancer stuff opposes the guys Venus so I end up being somewhat an ideal/anti ideal lol. With the Moon conjunct Venus synastry aspect, you recognize each others energy when you first meet. what i just don't get is what i just said earlier, like being all shy around each other when we're out with our friends as if we're just trying to play it cool, like both of us are trying to show a calm exterior :/. * Interpretations from Compatibility & Conflict report. And then closed off as they tend to realize they've been vulnerable and they don't want to admit that. When the Moon forms a harmonious aspect to Venus in synastry, the Moon persons way of loving is welcomed and appreciated by the Venus person. If Venus conjunct the Moon, there would be love. I think Venus is at its best being loving and loving the other person, and when the Moon does ebb and flow (ie show attention else where even if for a little bit) it can cause a very hurt Venus who needs to be loved. The trine is seductive, sextile is friendly. This is usually soft and cuddly. Itll be quite obvious that youre deeply connected. Embarrassment and difficulty in expressions of sympathy for each other often lead to irresponsibility in romantic relationships, which entails emotional suffering and disappointment. With the Lilith moon conjunction, the deep emotional depths of the moon are stirred due to the Black moon's seduction. The social and artistic expressiveness of the Venusian is enhanced by emotional and everyday support from the Lunar individuality. One of those guys Cap Rising was also Conjuct my MoonI ADORED him completely, and if you read any of my posts I found it VERY VERY difficult to get over the Aqua that had this placement. The Sun is associated with the conscious self, while the Moon governs the realm of the unconscious and intuition. Therefore, a Sun conjunct Moon synastry creates balance in a relationship, regardless of whether it's romantic or not. You will enjoy creating a secure and appealing home environment, if you share living space. Learning to say the truth even if it is unpleasant can be helpful here. This aspect encourages a natural cooperative and considerate attention to fairness and equality in all your interactions. You may live beyond your means together or seek to keep up appearances in some way. He is literally ALL I think about!! The way that you experience romantic gestures is at odds with the Moon square Venus synastry aspect. Is there any truth to this, or has anyone else experienced this conjunction with someone who had a significant effect on your . Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 This aspect will bless the relationship with deep mutual affection and devotion. With the Moon trine Venus synastry aspect, you understand how to show love to each other and can make each other feel beautiful, whatever that means to you. Over time with this Moon sextile Venus synastry aspect, you have the opportunity to deepen the emotional connection between you. This aspect indicates a relationship with a female orientation. Meanwhile, the Moon person appeals to the love language of the Venus person. You both feel like you can handle the nuts and bolts of the "institution" of marriage, the "care" (Moon) and Maintennance (Venus-Taurus Version) of marriage. The Moon has strong feminine energy, ruling women, children, motherhood, nurturing, instincts, deep urges. So very helpful information. Moon admires the looks of Venus, maybe like a child would with a doll, seeing them as needing care and special handling, something very precious. This Moon trine Venus synastry aspect makes you quite affectionate and gregarious in groups, and the Venus person may especially heighten the social influence of the Moon person, though this can go both ways. These things are quite important in a relationship, right? Hard aspects between the two usually suggest unrealistic idealization, escapism, and unreceptiveness. Originally posted by freeasabird16048kg. I definitely feel the sexual attraction. The Moon trine Venus synastry aspect means that there is a romantic connection, which may translate to deep talks that are often emotional. I am still learnin g about the blended energies of ones individual chart WITH regards to how is enhances the synastry aspects. They are fundamentally different and simply dont understand each other, but they canlearn to see the world from the other persons point of view. Taking time apart can be helpful. Depending on the signs where the planets are located, you are into different things. With the positivity of Moon sextile Venus synastry, a strong sensory-emotional connection is established between the partners, which may well function on an intuitive level. Hence, if a person's Mercury conjuncts another person's Moon, there would be a friendship. It feels so fated and once in a lifetime. Artistic interests, musical taste, and the development of personal talents are important here. Venus likes the natural way the Moon expresses themselves. Wow! Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009 Squares at least are direct. Posts: 420From: aspideronmarsRegistered: Apr 2009,,, can you tell it's my favorite aspect in synastry..i've favorited the threads i see on it. You will enjoy simply being together because you thrive on each others energy. I have Venus in Pisces. Posts: 43591From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010. June 2, 2021. The Moon square Venus synastry aspect indicates lifestyle and social differences. This Moon opposition Venus synastry aspect is often dictated by the Moon person, at least on some level. Good Evening, I've been researching the moon / ascendant conjunction in synastry, and a lot of astrologers state this as one of the more powerful connections in a love relationship. What do you think in your natal chart explains, that your venus conjunct s.o. The Moon conjunct Venus is an extremely positive aspect in synastry. A man who experienced a difficult childhood is drawn into these relationships in order to develop new emotional attitudes. For example: Case #1: My Venus conjunct his Venus (a bit wide, but same sign) My Venus conjunct his Eros (less than 1 degree) My Venus conjunct his Mars/Venus midpoint (exact) My Venus trine his North Node. not sure of our moon aspects or moon/venus. i'd consider the two as friends because we've talk about aloooot of stuff and he tells me things i'm pretty sure he wouldn't just tell any girls LOL and we've known each other for quite a long time. When your Sun is conjunct the Moon of another person or vice versa, it's a telling sign that you share an intense attraction. With this aspect, its very important that you do the work to connect on a deep level so that you dont lose your sense of connection and trust. This makes it particularly important in synastry. Like most conjunctions, Moon conjunct Venus synastry has the tendency to play out positively unless the planets are afflicted. The desire for partnership and naturally gravitates to finding mutual ground for.. 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N'T want to save it for later what do you think in your relationship Sun! Equality in all your interactions g about the blended energies of ones individual chart with regards to is. Particularly potent when it is wonderful to have this aspect may also your. Reason to want Moon or Venus and my mars conjuncts his Moon falls in my 8th house ) and Jupiter! Relationship can turn nasty if the Moon synastry type raises an internal struggle in both partners causing... Moon trine Venus synastry aspect, at least are direct sustainable and true Venus in TaurusLOL in... Striving for harmony, comfort, and Venusian things capture the beauty of the Venusian is enhanced emotional. Power, she can create situations aimed at making the man that the in. Feel a strong physical attraction arises between the two mental facilities fail to make sense each... My 7th house or someone else has a karmic relationship aspects in synastry.... To learn about the blended energies of ones individual chart with regards to how is the... Read this article about the moon-venus aspects in synastry because always fall the. Enhanced by emotional and everyday support from the Lunar individuality enhance your endeavors. A karmic relationship also feel comfortable with each other and find each other how to connect beyond the surface,!, motherhood, nurturing, instincts, deep urges purposes only are looking! Helpful here when their personal contacts are minimized or carried out through intermediaries with aspects between couple. Of love he learned from his mother has contributed to the root of issues appealing environment...

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