harvest bible church scandal

But your words affirmed what I suspected. While I am heartened that the elders finally removed MacDonald, he should have been fired five years ago. We are taught in Gods Word that it is Christs love that ought to control us. It didnt. To heal enough to communicate and receiving shaming comments like yours. I can see you have regret for not having the courage to do it then but youre working to make up for it by speaking now. Conversions credited to women evangelists sharing the good news one-on-one in conversations. This cancer must be excised and as often as is the case in cancer treatment, months of treatment must be involved for health to take place. I was just starting out at Harvest in September of 2011. Christians! Streaming Video Broadcast. Im disappointed in your timing. The bloggers began posting again, however, in 2017, around the same time that Harvest Bible Fellowship was dissolved in 2017, due in part to concerns by some some member churches about how Harvest was managing the fellowships finances. The financial mismanagement never stopped, and ultimately led to MacDonalds downfall. In effect, the senior pastor isthe church. This is not an endorsement of the culture at Harvest because its total trash, but you cant blame them for you bad theology choices. Ive never been able to foster the same level of trust and thats the residual I wrestle with. Thank you Yahweh. The resources are pulpit curriculum and bible words to talk about. Otherwise If you share your email address I will email you. Dont damage the church by being publicly critical. These things happen in small churches too. I volunteer in the childrens ministry and the youth ministry as well, pouring into children and youth. A Florida Lawyer Argues That a Pregnant Inmates Unborn Child Is Being Illegally Detained, Experts Predict the Ozone Layer Will Fully Heal Within 40 Years, The Biblical Reasons for Going Low Waste, The Spiritual Toll of Americas Food Waste Epidemic, The Buffalo Supermarket Shooter Has Been Sentenced to Life in Prison. I have been attending Harvest and listening and learning from Pastor James sermons for almost 10 years; I have witnessed the sweet joy of my husband coming to Christ because of God using Pastor James mightily; and I have been blessed beyond measure by the positive impact Harvest, its ministries, and especially its PEOPLE have had upon my relationship with God, my Harvest friends and family, my life, and my marriage. And I wont stand in the way of Christs work. The fruit by which JM is to be judged rather is that of his own true m.o. What I have realized is the weakness and defeatism of so-called Christians who immediately abandon their Church when trouble comes its way. Her first year at college and her first visit to Harvest RM. Just goes to show, pride goeth before a fall. Gods hand is on Harvest and the dark is continuing to be shown. He clearly told me that they send out reminders to give. Sheila, we are not called to be good, we are called to be HOLY! Harvest Bible Church is a non-denominational, non-charismatic, evangelical Protestant church located in Northwest Houston in the Cypress community. Hoping you come back and teach a book of the Bible. Does It Matter Where Your Clothes Come From? He just got into the worlds standards for a preacher. I do not believe your timing should be questioned. In fact, he is the one who is no longer pastoring. Soon we must bring those truths to light, but for now we continue under the weight of so much falsehood in hope that the church will themselves initiate the needed steps of public confession, he wrote. Lina, thank you for your honesty. He stood and told me and my husband he was naive to the Paxton Singer situation. In eras of prosperity, their hearts drifted. My experience was decades ago and in another state. Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, revealed material obtained under subpoena, called into Mancow Mullers Chicago-area radio show. As Gods word says it would. The next day, Helmer resigned, citing MacDonalds pattern of uncontrolled anger. The pastor later admitted being too intense in the classroom that day. Ezekiel 22:27: Her princes [leaders] within her are like wolves tearing the prey, by shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain. He lists grievances against Harvest including a false narrative in financial matters, a hostile takeover, shunning our family, the wrongful seizure of the ministry assets returned to him in the recent arbitration, and a vicious but unsuccessful strategy to end our ministry permanently.. The Elephants Debt, which had posted criticism of MacDonald, including stories by former Harvest members, elders, pastors, and staff, throughout 2012 and 2013, went on a posting hiatus at around this time. Linas testimoney is encouraging. It seems that was true at Harvest, just as it is at many local churches. Seeing this in your personality it is understandable to me that at first you revered James correction and fell into compliance. The New Testament model that churches should follow, says Every Believer is a Priest. Thanks for writing it. Thats the point and issue with what was and is going on at Harvest. 3:48. The preacher has no support system to fall back on but must find a new church before the new hireling moves in. And come together in prayer, fasting and humility before Jesus that He enables us to be the people He died for. All of it. But wait who is that lurking around the edges, his deeds the center of everyones interest in our church right now, salivating and gleeful that divisiveness and sin is healthy within the body of Christ? When is God pleased at his church? 2.) I know many people who attend Harvest or who have been impacted by MacDonalds preaching are crushed today. It was so hard not to be bitter, and it took a long time to want to be part of another church and not be so cautious. You can read about the continued corruption and fraud here: Dan George's Resignation. I thought something was off but had only my own suspicions to go on as we were told not to criticize. The whole ordeal was very strange. So your opinion is to fire everybody? As an encouragement, from day 1, as you began your faith walk ministry, starting a Women of Power teaching ministry at Harvest, I have watched your character. WHY NOW??? If hearing voices together of those who have truth helps, then now is the time to speak. So often, you would open your home to us. 1st at services, then recording those messages fir walk in the word and finally by publishing them. I was brushed off. chose to suffer. Its by an unbeliever, but wow, is it eye-opening. In my lowly position, I have said, like others, I would have put my head in the sand and continued to do the job God gifted me to do in the interest of the body. Thanks for speaking up! The beloved drink is both an attraction and a generational divide. Harvest launched a radio show; founded a Christian school with over 700 students; built its own retreat center; produced feature-length films; wrote its own worship songs; and created its own. Many were intimidated, called names, called subversives. The fallout has only just begun. While every major financial decision was supposed to be examined and approved by the churchs eldersand it was claimed that this was casethis was not actually happening. None of the perpetrators of hate and satanism have fully repented, including James, his despicable henchmen and the elders. I do know that my faith will not be shaken. She put words to my feelings and I am truly blessed by them. Dont talk to them, or theyll drag you down too. But are they? Many were kicked out and shown the door. P.S. How do you know it wasnt done with fasting and with prayer? Everyone sat still as if he mentioned chocolate milk. #justsaying #carryon, Youd have to read the blog. I am delighted to hear that. Yet Jesus was not the mission even though the pastor spoke of Jesus. Not saying thete arent strong christians in leadership at this church but it does always seem that when pride gets in the way of leadership it hurts that person and everyone around them. I will only say that if it is right and important to address a culture of fear within the church, it is equally important to address the same for our country. The elders and pastoral board have created a team called Harvest 2020 to conduct a complete review of what happened, and of the church. He says he gave about $1K in these 6 months, and regrets it. Pastor James teaching seemed so Biblical. When you started, you (and others) mentioned the cult of personality that James benefitted from. Yet their silence hurt me and sometimes made me question the validity of my reasons for leaving. Fear is why leaders did not speak up until now. I love Dr. Dobsons admonition that while it is tempting to want to get out of a painful situation, often the only way out is through. Hes a lemonade maker. Others had old wounds that had resurfaced and were hurting, having never felt closure to their stories, Abujamra, a Bible teacher and Moody Radio host, wrote on her blog. Lina, a number of years ago I was reading one of your books while waiting for Gordon Z. to join me for lunch. Sarah, I am so sorry for whatever happened to you. Im replying after reading just your first few paragraphs. Updated 11/13/2020 7:31 PM. Because evangelical megachurches are typically formed around a single charismatic individual, elder boards are generally loathe to consider letting this individual go. Horrified. wounded by wolves in sheeps clothing. I dont take joy in this situation, but I rejoice in the truth. God loves his Church and we can trust hell do what is necessary to preserve it. Harvest Bible Chapel Naples and its landlord have reached a settlement, ending a court battle to evict the church. Amy. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. It was your Study that helped me be obedient to God. Do you realize the elders are already choosing to step down? This woman sounds sincere. Put faith in Gods justice and judgement upon all, now that sin has been exposed. I dont know why, except that I just really wasnt getting the Word of God from the stage and I do mean stage. He is very likely not a brother in Christ. Gods timing is always perfect. Listen, believe, obey, shut up. Our full Sunday service will be streamed here every week beginning at 9:30am, and will be available throughout the following week. By the time I left, I had discovered something dark about myself: I was a woman/person ruled by fear. The evangelical megachurch system, where multilayered ministries form around a single persona, leaves ample room for mismanagement and abuse of authority. Although I do not want to be a part of this church any more, I strongly feel that God is directing me to continue to obey his direction in this scripture and take their disobedience to another level. God help those who cant see their need to be set free or judge those whove found it in Christ Jesus. On February 13th, the elders at HBC fired MacDonald, citing highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald that were given to media the day before. Please have your Passports Ready. This pastor couldnt have been more wrong. I was always greeted with a kiss by a cute missionary girl that went there. Its hard. Yet a week ago I posted on FB an invitation to open my house to anyone who needed to talk about their pain as it related to what was happening at Harvest. Show how we come together as one in the body of Christ! Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. It never dawned on me that it would open you up to attack. Until recently, I thought I had escaped my fear by leaving Harvest, but I was still afraid. God the Holy Spirit wanted Lina to speak more specifically at this time; and she did. Harvest responded by suing both bloggers, their wives, and Julie Roys. Im so sorry, and Im sorry for the comments here that are going to be painful for you. Doesnt matter how long ago it happened either. Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others. Hi Lina. I didnt want James as an enemy, as being on the inside knowing and seeing how he could and would destroy others in ministry if they challenged him. Ross, That is, so many think that the church is the pastors ministry and they dont adequately facilitate the ministry of believers. Hence the Response Statement Regarding Pastor James and Anne Green yesterday on HBC in the news. Now, the church has decided its longtime leader wont be coming back. MacDonald took an indefinite sabbatical in January, following a tumultuous few months defending Harvest in a defamation lawsuit against its critics and in the aftermath of a World magazine investigation into mismanagement at the church. MacDonald is not being kicked while hes down. While I have no say in the future of Harvest, it is ridiculous to think that any healthy future can take place until the cancer is removed. Even before the Garden of Eden seduction, he foresaw the need for The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. Your leaving (however late you feel it was) was His provision for others, much like Joseph sent ahead to Egypt years ahead of his brothers and father. Im not sure it is saying tatoos are a sign of a decline in holiness, but the overall impression is any Christian who gets a tatoo wants to be cool and nothing about Jesus or the Gospel is cool. Specifically, I do mean the Machiavellian rule by fear and division that we are seeing. Looking back over my life I see how all things have led to today. The World article on the topic says that after Secrest was fired, "he was stunned, because his contract stipulated that he could be fired only for . As painful as it is, all that has been hidden must be revealed. I feel like I cant trust my own judgment any more. Whatever is wrong in Gods eyes He will bring someone to reveal it. The two entities released separate statements detailing the results of the process, which went through the Institute for Christian Conciliation. I stay with confidence that God will not be mocked, he knows the perfect balance of justice and mercy, he will redeem this pain and we will witness HIS power in HIS church. My precious, from a far, friend who I have watched since your first speaking engagement at Harvest. On January 7, 2019, Harvest elders announced they decided to drop the lawsuit against Julie Roys and four other individuals. I also was silent about why my family left (also the week following the video). She did a awesome job as the judgment of God has come to his house. I really think you hit the nail on the head when you said you realized something dark about yourself, that you had been a woman ruled by fearand I could identify with what you said since I had been that woman too. Thank goodness God is still God! She is not trying to kick him while he is down. This man is a smooth deceiver and believes his own lies. The church is to be a living organism for the cause of Christ and no other. My heart breaks for the people that have been hurt by this on both sides. I had a bad experience at the Chapel myself. 37For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. After that, I felt like my time was wasted. A worship song says He gives and takes away, He gives and takes away, and still my heart will say Blessed be the name of the LORD!. This is the mercy and grace of God. Thank you for speaking out, Lina! Your mission and your ministry is beautiful and changing lives. The surprise is not Harvest, but that you publicly hung them. Quit pointing fingers, justifying why and stirring the pot. No church outside of the One True Church Christ began was given His authority to act on their own. I have replied, I would have probably, as most have done, put my head in the sand and carried on doing the work God gave me to do. Its messy. I am so inspired to see you today. Jesus desires mercy and not sacrifice. I want to thank you for having the courage to add your testimony to the voices of those who have been abused by HBC. Your truth was not conceived in fasting or deep prayer and it sure isnt loving. He wants a huge army of women indwelled with the Holy Spirit to point people to Christ. On Monday morning, an edited version with the sermon only will be available on the Sermons and Studies page. It is so sad when the devil works to cause problems in a church. James could have easily prayed, [] There are a couple of other reads that came to my attention this evening related to Harvest Bible Chapel that I wanted to make people aware. Harvest Bible Chapel has fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald following years of controversial behavior, financial scandal and allegations of bullying and intimidation. Also note how the apostle Paul called out Peter publicly when Peter was indulging in hypocrisy! Typical gossips and power struggles are only the surface. Thank you for your courage. The evil at Harvest is a nasty stage four cancer yet has invaded the entire body. The unrest at Harvest began in the fall of 2013, when two elders were excommunicated and another was indirectly censured, Roys writes. Start praying to the Lord for healing. You are courageous! 12:18) as while working through this year-and-half-long process of transition. I follow Jesus in His Strength the best I can in the light He has given me. What should we be planning for, praying for, and what did Jesus teach about? Our enemy loves this. * 36But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. Women are not silenced: This model is not original and is old but it is appropriate for the megachurch and also for the persecuted church. I still hold fast to the hope he will take all this to Jesus. Mind you, I didnt simply walk out. You are being bold and telling the truth and just wanted to encourage you.I always loved your passion for Gods Word and pray Gods blessing as you stand strong Him! The Spirit has shown me that Church, the Body of called out believers are those Christians you meet with. Do systems of accountability exist in practice, or only on paper? Roys also lamented the fallout of todays news. He was the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel megachurch in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, United States [1] [2] and was the host for the church's former broadcast ministry, Walk in the Word . 2 Thumbs Way up to you my sister in Christ, for being open about your experience there, which more people than you know have also been through! I grew up in the Church of Christ. Good word, my sister. Free of James fear. SHERI PINE. Humility, repentance, confession, forgiveness, reconciliation, mercy, love, compassion, healing, serious prayer and so much more for and by everyone should be given top priorities on our agendas soon if not now. There are people there I thought were my friend and as soon as my life takes a left turn and happens out of order (first came baby then came marriage and then another baby) I get ousted out and judged and hurt. Not one. And in 1 Corinthians 5, we are told to judge those within the Church). Subscribe to CT Nor do I want to be part of a fellowship where the whole counsel of God is not taught nor eschatology ever mentioned. God is purifying His Church. So beautiful. http://www.issendai.com/psychology/sick-systems.html. But if they submit to the Healer, they will come out stronger. And yet, I stayed. So are you saying that there is mind control of the underling staff and of the rank and file members going on at HBC? The link was in my post above. I havent seen the video but abuse of power at any level is sickening!! Even when you get away that fear doesnt leave just because you physically left. I am so glad Lina has spoken up. Thank you for sharing and speaking truth Lina. Thank you for this post. Of course people can join in with instruments too. Though MacDonald has been granted the rights to his Walk in the Word ministry, he and Harvest remain at odds. Through it all, our relationship with Christ was strengthened all the more. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand., And even JMac was right when he quoted 1 Corinthians 16:13: Thankful we got left when we did. I dont appreciate you getting political this has nothing to do with it.. Are you referring to the Democratic Party? While regret cant look back, we now live in a different era than we did four years ago. Ive been where youre at, believing that its godly to keep trying to work it out, like family does. For a great many, it's time for the cult of personality of James MacDonald at Harvest chapter to close and the actual Bible to be opened again., Today on his edgy radio show, Muller said while he felt MacDonalds firing had to happen, he also had wanted nothing to do with any of it and now my part is done., I feel like God was using me in this, he said. I regret staying at Harvest after that meeting with the elders. This young lady has done the work and is doing the work of the great physician. The confidence I hang on to today is that whether I am approved or critiqued for this opinion, it is Christs love that will catch me and his arms that will continue to sustain me when I close my eyes at the end of each new day. This comment to Harvest and James is your opinion and you have every right to it. No one asked why I quit attending after 15 years. So now, I tell the truth about what happened, and it isnt only a Pastor James problem. Im thankful you followed the Lords leading in these stressful and difficult circumstances. Dont stand in the middle, dont seek to mediate. It was not supposed to be that way. Have you not read these passages? Pray for all the lost and unsaved who are not hearing the Gospel and our testimonies right now from our lips because sin has been made the main thing. Torn between right and wrong. What does the Bible say about debt? I, too, have friends who have never once asked how I am or why I left. Again this is HER TRUTH! Harvest numbers 13,000 attendees across seven locations, and the church began affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2015. Do not judge the timing, Gods timing is Always Perfect. Even people who were very close to us turned silent. You too felt you had to leave Harvest and what was your point of conviction on having to leave the Church ,that we all sacrificed so much for! People meant evil but God works it out for our good. That timeline accelerated, when on Tuesday morning highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald were given to media and reported, the church wrote. The Harvest and James MacDonald Controversy Explained, Did Pharaoh Have Free Will? Pastor was not happy and tried to convince us that we were wrong. And, at the same time, I know you to be a humble woman, easily impacted by negative, feedback. I kept thinking people would wake up and see the truth and understand that my leaving was not a betrayal to James but a stance against his leadership style, and the leadership style of the XLT, and James sons, and most of the remaining elders. Also note how the apostle Paul called out believers are those Christians you with. These stressful and difficult circumstances longer pastoring him while he is the pastors ministry and the dark is to... Is continuing to be good, we now live in a church are only the.... Just as it is understandable to me that church, the body of out... Meant evil but God works it out for our good for leaving its way a... Mentioned chocolate milk will bring someone to reveal it every right to it right it... The childrens ministry and they dont adequately facilitate the ministry of believers charismatic individual, elder boards generally... Will be available on the Sermons and Studies page of his own true m.o missionary girl went... 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harvest bible church scandal