formula to calculate salinity from conductivity and temperature

Hydrothermal vents along the bottom of the ocean also contribute dissolved minerals 17. The Relationship Between Conductivity and Temperature. If a floodplain contains nutrient-rich or mineralized soil, previously dry salt ions can enter solution as it is flooded, raising the conductivity of water 44. These units also help determine specific ions contributions to salinity values 39. It has a 4-cell electrode for improved stability along with an isolated, 4-20 mA transmitter for high accuracy, durability, and almost no maintenance over 10+ years of service. The major ions in seawater (with a practical salinity of 35) are: chloride, sodium, magnesium, sulfate, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate and bromine 25. The ionic compositions of inland water sources are dependent on the surrounding environment. The salinity and conductivity values drop when the input is freshwater. Conductivity is usually measured in micro- or millisiemens per centimeter (uS/cm or mS/cm). for . 8-2. These studies were done with 32.4356 g/kg KCL solution and Copenhagen water which has a chlorinity of 19.374 ppt 25. While the error can be nearly 1% at depths of 1000 m, most measurements are taken within 200m of the surface so practical salinity would be 0.25% off at most. For a specified temperature, salinity, and pressure/depth, this set of calculators estimates the speed of sound in water. This calculator can be used to convert back and forth between the most common units for measuring salinity. Convert Conductivity to Salinity You must enter the salinity data as parts per thousand (ppt or ) on the data entry page. Stratified water can have different conductivity values at different depths. 5 s/m in seawater If, for the moment, we ignore . As long as it has not had any contact with air (particularly CO2), deionized water should have a conductivity of 0.055 uS/cm, or a resistivity of 18 megohms at 25 C 5,47. Meromictic lakes can develop when a saline inflow (natural or man-made) enters a freshwater lake, or if a saline lake receives a freshwater inflow 4. It is important to point out that just because deionized water or ultra-pure water has no extraneous ions, that does not mean that it has a conductivity of 0 uS/cm 45. More on calculating the compensation factor can be found in our article on Conductivity Electrodes. As a basic definition, salinity is the total concentration of all dissolved salts in water 4. In Australia, the standard temperature for reporting EC is 25C. These clines mark the depth at which water properties (such as salinity, temperature and density) undergo a sharp change. Seasonal variations in conductivity, while affected by average temperatures, are also affected by waterflow. Customer Service: Weekdays 9am to 5pm PST | +1 (775) 339-0565 |,, or seawater, the temperature coefficient ranges from 1.8-2.1%, with lower temperatures and salinities approaching 1.8%. Parts per thousand or grams/kilogram (1 ppt = 1 g/kg) used to be the standard 22. As the dissolved substances split in water, the concentrations of each positive and negative charge remain equal. Environmental XPRT is part of XPRT Media All Rights Reserved. Instead, some organizations and regions have set limits on total dissolved solids for bodies of water 14,37. Specific conductance is a conductivity measurement made at or corrected to 25 C 3. Because the proportions of the most important ions in seawater are nearly constant, oceanographers can use very precise formulas to estimate salinity from electrical conductivity and temperature [1]. This is due to the difference in molecular weight 40. Conductivity - The conductivity protocol requires only a conductivity measurement to be made. The conductivity and conductance are related by the formula: G = (A/l) . While fresh and brackish water vary significantly in terms of ion concentrations, seawater has a fairly stable composition, allowing for creation of a standard equation relating conductivity to salinity. Salinity tolerances depend on the osmotic processes within an organism. While the Practical Salinity Scale is acceptable in most situations, a new method of salinity measurement was adopted in 2010. Agriculture XPRT Resistivity is a measurement of waters opposition to the flow of a current over distance. Ocean salinity values can vary between 30 and 37 PSU 22. Temperature. Unusual conductivity and salinity levels are usually indicative of pollution 1. Typical formation waters in a rock's effective pore space usually contain not only ions of Sodium (Na +) and Chloride (Cl-). Clay soils will contribute to conductivity, while granite bedrock will not 1. All three standards are acceptable for conductivity calibrations. Water flow, whether it is from a spring, groundwater, rain, confluence or other sources can affect the salinity and conductivity of water. If coastal water floods, the opposite effect can occur. TEOS-10 offers pre-programmed equations to calculate absolute salinity. Enter your values: conductivity ratio: temperature: C S =. I recently became interested in calculating water salinity from conductivity and temperature. Dams and river diversions affect conductivity by reducing the natural volume of water flow to an area. 02-20-2010, 12:17 PM. The conductivity of these lakes is dependent on the specific ionic composition present 4. I failed to find any theoretical model to how this is done, only empirical models derived from fitting to . This error does change depending on the temperature coefficient used by the conductivity sensor, however, so it is important to check the specifications. Calculating temperature coefficient to standardize conductivity measurements. This range can be used as a baseline to evaluate measurements as expected (and unexpected) values 1. As seen in the table below, solutions with the same conductivity value, but different ionic constitutions (KCl vs NaCl vs 442) will have different total dissolved solid concentrations. Salinity affects water density. Lets look at how temperature compensation can affect accuracy over a range of temperatures: Equation 1. 8% or >2. Interestingly, if the water contains very large amounts of solutes and ions, then the water . At present, most conductivity-measuring oceanographic instruments report data that is converted to, and calibrated using, Practical Salinity S, Choose the Right Sensor for Water Quality Monitoring. Calculation based on Fofonoff, P. and R. C. Millard Jr (1983) Algorithms for . When conductivity and salinity values extend too far from their usual range, it can be detrimental to the aquatic life residing in a body of water. between 0 and 40. Equation 1 was used to derive the temperature coefficient. Ions conduct electricity due to their positive and negative charges 1. Use spreadsheet or calculator to convert conductivity and temperature data to salinity value. The amount of ions present in the solution. If heavy rainfall or another major weather event contributes to flooding, the effect on conductivity depends on the water body and surrounding soil. Call 888.426.2151 or email, Conductivity, Salinity & Total Dissolved Solids, Turbidity, Total Suspended Solids & Water Clarity, Solar Radiation & Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Measuring Turbidity, TSS, and Water Clarity, Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen at Hydropower Facilities, Monitoring Scour at Bridges and Offshore Structures. In areas around the equator and coast where rainfall is high, surface salinity values are lower than average 28. Here, we lay out our logic and method of creating a linear equation that allows temperature-compensated conductivity sensors to estimate salinity of surface seawater (practical salinity values of 22-42 at 0-200m depth and 5-35C) within 5% of the true value. This equation is designed for dataloggers or any program that provides linear scaling for conductivity measurements with a temperature-compensated sensor. The conductivity value will be very small, and in most situations, negligible, but even deionized water has H+ and OH- ions present. How do you calculate conductivity and salinity from temperature? The HOBO RX3000 with a 4-20 mA sensor). The only weak point is the electrode, which can be damaged or expire during storage in the wrong conditions. Conductivity . The linear equation for estimating practical salinity has now been tested and confirmed to be within 5% accuracy. Most aquatic organisms can only tolerate a specific salinity range 14. Verify your . Customer Service: Weekdays 9am to 5pm PST | +1 (775) 339-0565 | Learn more about important characteristics to consider when choosing a sensor for your application. To calculate salinity levels, apply a conversion factor (usually ~0.5) to conductivity readings. Water's typical conductivity is: 5.5*10-6 S/m ultra pure water. When sea ice forms near the polar regions, it does not include the salt ions. Early Determination of Salinity: from Ancient Concepts to Challenger Results; Beginning of Electronics in Oceanography. On the other side of the scale, rain can increase water volume and level, lowering conductivity 29. In both cases, the additional dissolved solids will have a negative impact on water quality. In the absence of up to date high quality datasets of simultaneously measured temperature, conductivity, sound speed and pressure, we have used a manufactured dataset over a parameter volume from temperature (0-40C, in 0.5C steps), salinity in psu (0-40 in 0.5 psu steps) and pressure (0-6000 dbar in 100 dbar steps). Introduction of the International Standard Seawater; We tested the water's salinity. Fondriest Environmental, Inc.Conductivity, Salinity and Total Dissolved Solids. Fundamentals of Environmental Measurements. 1036 kg/m 3. In streams and rivers, normal conductivity levels come from the surrounding geology 1. Emi Pack Logistic. The accurate monitoring of soil salinization plays a key role in the ecological security and sustainable agricultural development of semiarid regions. Ions commonly found in water include calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium cations and bicarbonate, carbonate, chloride, nitrate, and sulfate anions. In water with a very high TDS concentration, cells will shrink. Ocean state variables, their typical ranges and mean values in the ocean, and the accuracy to which they are measured (or estimated) in . Most of the salt in the ocean comes from runoff, sediment and tectonic activity 17. This means that even though the conductivity of water increases with added ions, it remains electrically neutral 2. However, the ionic composition should be considered if calculating total dissolved solids. Pack your value Absolute salinity is both more accurate and more precise than practical salinity and can be used to estimate salinity not only across the ocean, but at greater depths and temperature ranges 24. When total dissolved solids ranged above 2200-3600 mg/L, salmonids, perch and pike all showed reduced hatching and egg survival rates 37. Conductivity, in particular specific conductance, is one of the most useful and commonly measured water quality parameters 3. Collect conductivity (uS/cm) and water temperature (C) data. The objective of this study was to achieve the best estimation of electrical conductivity variables from salt-affected soils in a south Mediterranean region using Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery. However, when measuring mixed water or saline water (with a conductivity value greater than 5000 uS/cm), the TDS constant should be higher: around 0.735 and 0.8 respectively 20. Instead, they have lower strata known as a monimolimnion. Salinity measurements based on conductivity values are unitless, but are often followed by the notation of practical salinity units (psu) 25. ppt. As the trendline has an R2 value of 0.9988, it is a relatively close match. Measurements will vary between the Equator and the poles as well as with depth due to conductivitys dependence on temperature 38. PSS-78 uses conductivity (S/cm), temperature (C), and pressure (dBar) measurements to calculate salinity from 2-42 (practical salinity has no units but is very close to ppt) within the temperature range of -2C to 35C and pressure 0-10,000 dBar. Vertical haloclines often occur when tides are strong enough to mix the water column vertically for a uniform salinity, but levels differ between the freshwater and oceanic sides of the estuary 8. This is the standardized method of reporting conductivity. This brine eventually drains out of the ice, leaving behind an air pocket and increasing the salinity of the water surrounding the ice. Basics of Electrical Conductivity. Collect conductivity (uS/cm) and water temperature (C) data. Too bad if there is a human body in the way. In water with little to no inflow, seasonal averages are more dependent on temperature and evaporation. When water contains these ions it will conduct electricity, such as from a lightning bolt or a wire from the wall socket, as the electricity from the source will seek out oppositely-charged ions in the water. Calculator. As of 2010, an Absolute Salinity calculation was developed, but is not used for database archives 24. Nonlinear Temperature Compensation of EC. 6,331,117, 6,612,848, 6,824,394, 6,834,560, 6,993,998, and 7,293,746. Likewise, groundwater inflows will contribute to the conductivity of the stream or river depending on the geology that the groundwater flows through. The advection-diffusion equation considers the environmental variables temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and electrical conductivity as influencing parameters on the change in the concentration . with salinity between 2 and 42 ppt. In fact SP will continue to be the primary salinity value stored in archives.. a value for salinity and press the calculate button. PSS-78 uses conductivity (S/cm), temperature (C), and pressure (dBar) measurements to calculate salinity from 2-42 (practical salinity has no units but is very close to ppt) within the temperature range of -2C to 35C and pressure 0-10,000 dBar. Salinity is important in particular as it affects dissolved oxygen solubility 3. Water level changes, such as tidal stages and evaporation will cause salinity and conductivity levels to fluctuate as well. Here b is the bulk conductivity which is measured by the probe, s is the bulk surface conductivity, w is the conductivity of the pore water, is the volumetric water content, s is the saturation water content of the soil and n is an empirical parameter with a suggested value around 0.5. Instead of increasing conductivity by 2-3% per degree Celsius, it may increase by approximately 5% per degree Celsius 3. If the surrounding geology is different enough, or if one source has a separate inflow, conductivity values of neighboring water bodies will not be the same. Water flow and water level changes can also contribute to conductivity through their impact on salinity. Conductivity is a good measure of salinity in water. An oil spill or addition of other organic compounds would decrease conductivity as these elements do not break down into ions 34. It has since been modified by TEOS-10 for practical, but not archival, use. These values were graphed and a trendline was calculated in Excel, giving a linear equation for the relation between conductivity and salinity, as shown below. Fish and other aquatic life that live in fresh water (low-conductivity) are hyperosmotic 15. Some saline lakes exist due to a restricted outflow 4. The effect of salinity on the solubility of dissolved gases is due to Henrys Law; the constant used will changes based on salt ion concentrations 39. If a measurement is made at a different temperature and corrected to 25 C, then the . Privacy, Our sites: Salinity data used to trace water movement or compute density are normally derived from measurements of chlorinity or electrical conductivity, temperature, and pressure. Depending on the ionic properties, excessive total dissolved solids can produce toxic effects on fish and fish eggs. The coefficients in the underlying equations are experimentally determined for a particular set of conditions, so check the Range of validity table to determine the correct calculator to use. For both freshwater and mineralized water, the higher the flow volume, the more it will affect salinity and conductivity 29. However, heavy rainfall can decrease the conductivity of a body of water as it dilutes the current salinity concentration 29. The Linear Equation for Converting Conductivity to Practical Salinity. Siedler and H. Peters highlighted where PSS-78 and EOS-80 formulas deviate from real salinity and density (e.g., . Absolute salinity provides an accurate and consistent representation of the thermodynamic state of the system 24. In its current form temperature and hydrostatic pressure are assumed to be 25 deg C and 0 dBar respectively. . When water temperature increases, so will conductivity 3. The return value of the function is the converted result. The following gives the necessary computation to calculate a salinity (S) given a conductivity ratio determined by the calinometer: S = a 0 + a 1 R T 1/2 + a 2 R T + a 3 R T 3/2 + a 4 R T 2 + a 5 R T 5/2 Measuring water salinity. The results are used to calculate TDS. While TDS determination by evaporation is more time-consuming, it is useful when the composition of a water source is not known. It has since been modified by TEOS-10 for practical, but not archival, use. Use spreadsheet or calculator to convert conductivity and temperature data to salinity value. Just as a decrease in temperature increases water density, an increase in salinity will produce the same result. I recently became interested in calculating water salinity from conductivity and temperature. This gives you salinity in grams (of salt) per liter (of solution). Estuaries are unique in that they can have horizontal or vertical haloclines. The linear equation for estimating practical salinity has now been tested and confirmed to be within 5% accuracy. This calculation used the following equation: This method is only acceptable for seawater, as it is limited in estuaries, brackish and freshwater sources 28. . While fresh and brackish water vary significantly in terms of ion concentrations, seawater has a fairly stable composition, allowing for creation of a standard equation relating conductivity to salinity. As shown, the percent error increases the further away the temperature is from 25C, but does not reach more than 5% even at 5C. The physiological adaption of each species is determined by the salinity of its surrounding environment. The problem of cross sensitivity between temperature and salinity is . DATA & CALCULATIONS Method 1: Chloride Concentration and Salinity (ISE) It is the ratio of the current density to the electrical field strength. For this reason, salinity can be most accurately calculated from aqueous solutions with known conductivity ratios. For seawater, the temperature coefficient ranges from 1.8-2.1%, with lower temperatures and salinities approaching 1.8%. The specific conductance temperature coefficient can range depending on the measured temperature and ionic composition of the water 32. Submarine volcanoes can spew dissolved minerals and carbon dioxide into the ocean 17. Calculate the EC value of this extract at 25C - the standard temperature for EC e values . The next factor is temperature. Here, we lay out our logic and method of creating a linear equation that allowstemperature-compensated conductivity sensors to estimate salinity of surface seawater (practical salinity values of 22-42 at 0-200m depth and 5-35C) within 5% of the true value. The equation effectively estimates seawater salinity between the practical salinity ranges of 22 and 42, temperatures 5-35C, and pressure less than 200 dBar, using a temperature-compensated conductivity sensor. 35 g dissolved salt / kg sea water = 35 ppt = 35 o/oo = 3.5% = 35000 ppm = 35000 mg/l. However, there are some distinctions that must be made. In clean water, TDS is approximately equal to salinity 12. Salinity is defined as a measure of dissolved salts in a concentration of water while conductivity is defined as the ability of an aqueous solution to transfer an electrical current. If you are measuring the salinity of soil, use a conductivity meter. For this reason, salinity can be most accurately calculated from aqueous solutions with known conductivity ratios. Estuarine life can tolerate rapidly changing salinity levels better than both their freshwater and marine counterparts 4. The higher the dissolved salt concentration, the higher the density of water 4. OR. The surface salinity of the ocean is dependent on rainfall. Higher accuracy is confirmed by the higher R2 value (0.9998) compared to the previous value (0.9988). pHionics Inc. 1996-2023. In order to realize this goal, a test was . Convert Specific Gravity to Salinity LUMCON 2017-08-28T19:23:18+00:00 Convert Specific Gravity to Salinity If you wish to obtain the salinity of a water sample by using specific gravity, use this calculator. Aqueous solutions transfer electrical currents better with higher concentrations of ions, which are directly related to the amount of dissolved salts in the water. surface water salinity is described by units of "electrical conductivity" (EC) groundwater salinity is described by units of "parts per million" (PPM) scientific reports use "decisiemens per metre" (dS/m) as the main unit of measure. It's common to express salinity as parts per thousand (ppt) or g/L. As tides rise, saltwater from the ocean is pushed into an estuary, raising salinity and conductivity values 29. Enter the obtained values into the scaling program and now the conductivity sensor is a practical salinometer. The Practical Salinity Scale 1978 is based on specific conductance, temperature, and pressure measurements of seawater and freshwater mixtures (Lewis . This will not change. It effectively accounts for the compositional changes of seawater based on latitude and longitude, along with temperature and density. But even these brackish-water species can suffer if the salinity changes become too extreme. Conductivity and salinity have a strong correlation 3. Here is an example of one of the most straight-forward resources explaining PSS-78, but even that can be difficult to understand. temperature and salinity and also to calculate the speed of sound in the seawater. The water salinity of a solution is the equivalent concentration of pure Sodium Chloride (NaCl, or common salt) poured in distilled water that would yield the same electrical resistivity response (and conductivity) as the original sample.. No comments were found for Linear Conversion of Conductivity To Salinity. Use this formula to calculate the salinity, based on the chloride concentration, Cl- salinity (ppt) = 0.0018066 5 Cl- (mg/L) Record this value in the Data & Calculations table (round to the nearest 0.1 mg/L Cl-). Most aquatic species have adapted to specific salinity levels 4. 15-35C range for sensors with1. . Now salinity values are reported based on the unitless Practical Salinity Scale (sometimes denoted in practical salinity units as psu) 22. pHionics Inc. Disclaimer: This article covers an equation for linear scaling of conductivity sensors to estimate salinity based on the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78). Medical XPRT 8. Again, the obtained practical salinity values should not be substituted instead of PSS-78 or TEOS-10 standards in scientific literature, but properly understanding and programming these standards require a specialized skillset or extensive time to develop the skillset, which is not available to everyone. As this saline water is denser than the surrounding water, it sinks, creating a convection pattern that can influence ocean circulation for hundreds of kilometers 22. Electrical conductivity is also an indirect way to measure salinity. If the deionized water has equilibrated with air, the conductivity will be closer to 1 uS/cm (1 megohm) at 25 C (and it will have a pH of 5.56). It is expressed in units of concentration as parts per million . Conductivity to salinity calculators based on PSS-78 are available online, but very few of them have batch processing capabilities and none can be used when monitoring conductivity in real-time with instruments that require linear scaling (e.g. Note: The conductivity ratio for this calculator is defined as Rt(S,t)=C(S,t,0)/(C,35,t,0) where S is salinity, t is temperature and C is conductivity. 0%/C temperature coefficient. Some additional resources on practical salinity scale, giving the defining equations. Inserting 6 into 5 yields: (7) E C E C 25 = ( 25 20) ( 20 ) = ( 25 20) 10 A / B. The HOBO RX3000 with a 4-20 mA sensor). Personally, I tried to verify the . To implement this, simply calibrate the conductivity sensors as normal (View our Sensor Calibration article for more information on proper techniques) then input the conductivity values of the standards into this linear equation. . The minerals in clay will ionize as they dissolve, while granite remains inert. While euryhaline species can comfortably travel across these zones, stenohaline organisms cannot and will only be found at one end of the estuary or the other. Current resources online are useful for single data point entry or batch entry, but they can only be done once data is exported, so the derived linear equation presented in this article provides a means of real-time salinity estimation accessible to anyone and usable with most devices. In some cases, such as excessive rainfall or drought, they can be connected to extreme natural causes. These conditions vary depending on the type of electrode, which is why we have different storage instructions for each sensor. Rain contains carbonic acid, which can contribute to rock erosion. PSS-78 was derived from the research of Edward Lewis, replacing the less accurate chlorinity scale. There are many different dissolved salts that contribute to the salinity of water. Salinity is defined as a measure of dissolved salts in a concentration of water while conductivity is defined as the ability of an aqueous solution to transfer an electrical current. Practical salinity units are dimensionless and are based on conductivity studies of potassium chloride solutions and seawater 13. Salinity. In addition to its direct effect on conductivity, temperature also influences water density, which leads to stratification. Likewise, the fewer ions that are in the water, the less conductive it is. These euryhaline organisms can be anadromous, catadromous or true euryhaline. I failed to find any theoretical model to how . These lakes are called meromictic lakes and do not mix completely from top to bottom 4. This is called the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78). It can be viewed here but is not easily comprehensible and is not linear. Horizontal stratification also exists in the open ocean due to salinity and temperature gradients. Groundwater that is heavily ionized from dissolved minerals will increase the conductivity of the water into which it flows. For seawater, the temperature coefficient ranges from 1.8-2.1%, with lower temperatures and salinities approaching 1.8%. Pure water has a resistance of 18.2 Mohm*cm 5. Practical salinity is dependent on three factors: conductivity, temperature, and depth. True euryhaline species can be found in saltwater or freshwater at any point in their life cycle 43. 0%).List of Calculators: Conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct electrical current. PSS-78 was derived from the research of Edward Lewis, replacing the less accurate chlorinity scale. The following chart offers approximate salinity values in ppt (parts per thousand) 27: Once a history of conductivity measurements has been conducted, it is easy to see an established range for a particular body of water 1., for batch processing butfound to have issueswhen the temperature is not 25C),,, TDS can also affect water taste, and often indicates a high alkalinity or hardness 12. As the trendline has an R2 value of 0.9988, it is a relatively close match. While salinity can be measured by a complete chemical analysis, this method is difficult and time consuming 13. Note: 10 kPa = 1 dbar is close to the pressure increase that corresponds to a depth increase of 1 m. 15-35C range for sensors with <1.8% or >2.0%). The goal of this article is to provide a reasonably accurate estimate for surface seawater salinity, which has a standard range between 32 and 37 practical salinity. Be the first to comment! between 0 and 40C. This is called the Practical Salinity Scale of 1978 (PSS-78). This salt water density calculator determines the density of salt water with salinities between 0 and 43 ppt, temperatures between 2 and 40 and pressures between 0 and 1000 bar, the last number being the pressure at a depth of 10 km or 6.21 miles. The practical salinity value of 35 at 15C and 25C was entered into a calculator that gave conductivity measurements based on the PSS-78 equation. And time consuming 13 pushed into an estuary, raising salinity and press the calculate button useful when the is. These studies were done with 32.4356 g/kg KCL solution and Copenhagen water which has chlorinity... Inflow, seasonal averages are more dependent on temperature 38 6,993,998, pressure/depth. Minerals 17 taste, and depth and depth: equation 1 was to! Remains inert species can be most accurately calculated from aqueous solutions with known conductivity ratios and ionic composition 4... 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Solutions with known conductivity ratios salt ions and ionic composition of the most useful and commonly water. Of each positive and negative charges 1 there is a relatively close match measured in micro- millisiemens... Salinity is dependent on rainfall lowering conductivity 29 and ionic composition of the International standard seawater ; we the... Measurements based on conductivity studies of potassium chloride solutions and seawater 13 granite remains inert from Ancient Concepts to Results... Usually ~0.5 ) to conductivity, while granite bedrock will not 1 may increase by approximately 5 % accuracy this. From fitting to value ( 0.9988 ) a 4-20 mA sensor ) and 25C was entered into calculator! Be made water increases with added ions, it is a measurement is made at or corrected to C! Conductivity ratios body and surrounding soil straight-forward resources explaining PSS-78, but even these brackish-water species can suffer the. 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formula to calculate salinity from conductivity and temperature