i regret marrying a single dad

DH has always had little involvement in parenting decisions because he lived so far away, they were never married and never lived in a home together for longer than a year, and because of his awful relationship with their mom. My boyfriend ended up buying her everything she wanted!!!! My SO and I have avoided lots of drama and I believe our relationship is still doing well after all these years simply because we chose to not get married. Submitted by dragonfly5 on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 11:47am. It's just my shower stuff, shampoo, conditioner, shaving oil, body wash, body scrubs, and even my loofah. You did get the bait and switch. In that . The benefit of this arrangement is this: choice! Right now, the thought is NO. That doesn't exactly inspire a lot of hope in a girl when it comes to the prospect of settling down. She will probably be feeling just as nervous as you about the situation, so you making the effort to show her you really want to make things work will help put her at ease. No matter how "okay" with kids you are, there . The second worst part was that I gave up my job to try out her family business (completely different career path from what I was doing) in a different city, and after six months, I'm just not into working 50-55 hour weeks with no benefits, even if I'm my own boss and would get summer off. It was very tough at first (still can be) but I have found that letting her deal with all the parenting helps a lot. Just like your DH/DW will see to it their own children are a priority. In short, don't marry anybody, man, woman or [my ex-wife], who does hard drugs.". I am a grown woman and I have to hide in my bedroom and let this kid have the run of my home just to keep my sanity. Speaking as a veteran in the dating scenes (and as a, person), I totally understand why a lot of ladies have a harder time wanting a relationship with a guy who has kids to take care of, regardless of how incredible he is as a person. Then there came DH. Even after I caught his son stealing my underwear and bras out of my drawer a few yrs ago, I forgave him and still tried to be a loving presence in his life. March 19, 2019. Your love for your bf will not sustain the relationship if you don't love and want to be a parent to SD. I love my husband and can't imagine life without him. They might be relaxed and open to getting to know you, accepting your presence, but they might feel resentful or wary, or just a bit confused. He is constantly pissing his pants, he pees on my furniture, on the floors, I spend two days after he leaves stripping the coverings off my couches, washing and scrubbing the cushions, drying them out, washing bedding, spraying and scrubbing the floors, searching corners and hiding spots for pissy underwear he has flung to hide from DH. That is if he will even have more kids with you. If things start getting out of balance with life in general or with finances, you can address it with your partner and come to an agreement. She married me because she thought it would force her to develop feelings. Not PC to say, but men if you divorce, you will never EVER EVER EVER :sick: find a woman to love your children like their mother. 3. When two people experience the pregnancy together, they have 9 months, and then however long to get their parenting routine in gear to figure out how they want to parent. If that ever happens I may as well pack my bags because if I stay I will be the most unhappy person in the world. The oldest (now 15, was 12 when we started) is autistic but high functioning. I dont discipline. 2. I think he has early onset conduct disorder and is most likely going to be a sociopath myself. Don't get it twisted. Sorry but, someday if you have children with him it gets even more complicated. I'm The Ex-Wife Now), Dear Sh*tty Husbands: This Is Your Wake Up Call, 10 Everyday Things Women Do That Are Major Turn-Offs For Men, 4 Big Mistakes I Made As A Husband (Psst! When DH and I got together, SD was 8. Then you'll have to sort out the ones who can separate their home life from the career (as will you) then you'll have a prospect. I hate the fact that I can only take care of her, but not discipline her. Look, I'm 26. It doesn't matter whether you've got a fun story or are at the end of your rope; we are family. Now, while DH is a disney dad to some degree, he also did have some strong boundaries with BM. I kept telling myself that I would talk to SO about my issues with her and we would work together to figure things out. A year from now you will thank yourself for having the strength to do what's right for YOU. While divorced dads often are, as studies show, viewed as more mature, better communicators, and unafraid of commitment in addition to their other, less dadly qualities . Submitted by sbm014 on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 8:23am. How much does a typical custody battle cost? Find your super hero that isnt already a super hero to his kid. Dating a dad is a big thing, but if youre willing to put the work in, then it could be one of the best decisions you ever make. If that seems like a lot to ask, then he might not be the right guy for you. They are not worth the headache. Live it. Once you start meeting friends, and family members in particular, then you know you are on a good track. 7. If you are in it and want it I think that you will have to get him to see your side before too much resentment builds. 100% true. I struggled with visitation which was loosey goosey in the beginning. SD is now 14 and she sees her Daaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyy 2x a month. This leads me to my next point . You have an extra person to take care of your kid. my boyfriend/fiance is very laid back and his mentality is that if nobody is killing him or herself, things are not too bad. I just can't see mine works out in the end. I really appreciate the suggestions and advice I received. Submitted by Mercury on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 9:22am, "[selfishly] if I could have DH without his baggage, life would be perfect". 8. 8. Short version, don't be an asshole. Just a lot of adjustments. Just as youll have to work on your relationship with their mother, youll have to be ready to put the time and effort in to build a relationship with his kids, with plenty of patience and acceptance. Hr r the fv problems in marrying a divorcee which are especially applicable to a divorced woman. Do not criticize the gender of the other parent as well. So be very sure, and if you're not sure, don't do it. Best of luck to you! You don't deserve to put up with a brat child, a Disney dadnone of us do but some of us have better partners than others. But what did I do to get all the disrespect? Then, within 18 months of tying the knot, we moved to the US, which meant another nation wanted all up in our happily wedded life. Welcome to r/stepparents! Youve never dated a single dad before, and you probably dont have any kids of your own. You are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. (ETA this one) Anything that's going to impact you or your home or any kids you have needs to first roll by you before coming to fruition. Mary Mimi Schultz, a licensed professional counselor from Houston, explains this is often . I Dated And Married A Single Dad, And I'm Not Ashamed To Say His Son Still Calls Me 'Tita'. Is all that really worth it? Any good father will be very wary of introducing a new partner to his kids too soon. WTH???!!!! RELATED:When Your Marriage Fails, You Have 3 Choices. Daddio will not handle you not kissing the skids ass like he does. Leaving is okay. Same. His daughter is NOT a good kid, she kicks, screams, yells and she is just down right annoying. Wanting to raise a kind person with someone you trust. 7. While we dated, BM tried to manipulate his time and he wouldn't allow it. And your resentment towards her and your bf will fester until you finally call it quits. Her hobbies. Bf and I have been living together for 3.5 years, BF has 50/50 custody of his son. It might take him longer to get to a place where hes ready to commit, but on the other hand, hes more likely to be okay with having big, serious talks about the future and his feelings without getting scared. About 29% of all marriages in the United States involve at least one person who has been married at least one time before. The love was never mutual. If you have any doubts stop think, reconsider and most likely run. Hes good with kids, clearly wants a woman ready to settle down, and he also happens to be in a good enough state to be open to a new relationship. I loved that woman too. This is so my lifebut it is what it is . I don't go around people unless I have to and I do not allow SS to be in my home if my DH is not here. Copyright A Conscious Rethink. Marriage is all about compromise. Honest opinions please. My SD was 6 at the time. He was divorced with a 9 year old daughter. they want to play xbox or watch cartoons? Kids have basketball practice? I am not a clingy woman who has to be with him 24/7. ", RELATED:Dear Sh*tty Husbands: This Is Your Wake Up Call, "I regret that I married the wrong woman, that I was immature and naive and too eager to find a woman vs. waiting to find the right woman. I did all these motherly stuffs at the beginning but hasn't received even a small token of gratitude. Run. Sure we have some good moments, but the majority of the time he is at work, asleep, or trying to recuperate from being tormented by a little brat that he created, and taking out all his frustrations on me. He does not get to dictate who you love. I met the love of my life three years ago and I thought everything was perfect. We rely on the community to alert us to comments and posts not made in good faith. I know you love your boyfriend and can't imagine life without him, but you have to think..would you rather have a year or so of misery while you are getting over him, or a lifetime of misery dealing with this child that isn't yours? Another great sign of a man's genuine interest and readiness is when he starts introducing you to the people who matter most in his life. 5. Yeah right, Submitted by stormabruin on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 1:31pm. Theres a long story, but basically we separated because I acted like an idiot. When his daughter misbehave, he apologize to me (Which is completely unnecessarily if you ask me). Dear Amy: I married a single mom. The problem that single dads are facing, though, is the fact that they are themselves. It hurts you that sk didn't say hi? I'm 36 and like kids. I remember hiring a babysitter on his every other weekend visits just to get away from him, and we could go out to the show. But this is all I get. You are at the perfect age for your generation to find the guy who didn't make the mistake of marrying and fathering young. Run. You don't have to break up, but if you're not ready, you're not doing either yourself or your new spouse any favors. Commiserate with others in similar situations, celebrate your wins, and hang out with people who just get it. I just fell for all the lies. I try so hard to make conversation and get nothing. Parenting is a tough gig, and there will be times when he needs to cry on your shoulder or has to make sacrifices. My sd is a little demon spawn. I value my life and quality of life is more than anything to me, maybe even more important than love. Just reality. But it doesnt define him. I cannot picture myself living in this kind of condition for another 13 something years. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been outspoken since they stepped down from their royal roles in 2020 about how they feel toward the royal family and the British media. . He was always very active on social media, and often . I have been with him for a little over three years and I am already pretty sick and tired about it. She will win over you every time. And I brought with me a BD7. For . If you wish to start a family, then there might be emotional and physical barriers. ", "The very, very short version is because it ended in divorce. He finally stood up to them for being really ugly to me and they refused to apologize and said they would do it again and he realized I was not just making it up. Him already being a parent might influence how he feels about having more kids with a new partner i.e. He absolutely tries to see my side, and is my defender in situations. 15. That can often be an issue in relationships, as they struggle to express their emotions or understand the emotions of others. I still love my boyfriend and we've been through a lot together. We were fortunate because we didn't see him that much, and when he got older it became less and less because he had stuff and friends where he lived so that worked itself out. I close their door and awww peace. for example, I don't say "sd7 needs to go to bed, it is way pass her bedtime" I bite my tongue, if I did indeed say something, I would be accused of "Why are you having such a bad day" well, asshole, I have bad day everyday. Submitted by stepmom29 on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 4:53pm. Oops, her deadbeat boyfriend already lived there. In fact, what are YOU doing right now, not serving her?? It is going to be tough, but I have thought about it over and I don't think I really miss everything I am experiencing right now. I dont know if depression of suicide or poisoning, but something happened. He may be ready to try fatherhood again. By the time you've met a single dad, he's already not only implemented that, but also readjusted for the break from the kids' mother (albeit more independence, guilty daddy syndrome etc). When neighbors have never seen your husband in the light of day and friends joke that he is make-believe, then you might be married to a well, you know the joke. "You know what you got yourself into before getting married." Submitted by 3Libras06 on Mon, 02/10/2014 - 3:37pm. I have 2 kids from my first marriage ages 16 and 12. So now after all that, we kinda just ignore each other in the house. Submitted by Kerrywho on Fri, 03/26/2021 - 12:06am. Dont take the fact that hes not ready to introduce you to them as an insult, but as a sign that hes a good, considerate father. Feeling change, and you cannot take back words that are spoken. I feel like that response is normal and justified, not selfish. Stop trying to pretend that you are her parent. The answer may be both. I have a teenage boy of my own and he has never been that messy, he's never been neat and tidy either lol but when I ask him to clean after himself he does it. Their rooms look like a tornado went through. If I don't love my boyfriend, leaving would be so much easier. and if I cannot perform, he says, "How come you changed after we got married" No, asshole, I did not change, you just need to lighten up. People do it though. He probably knows how to do his laundry, cook up a storm, do his taxes, and handle any kind of social situation, and does his job well, without letting it take over his life. As for what to do now - first of all stop faking it. My friends an family members have told me to disengaging. You don't have to worry about your earnings going into a blended pot, which winds up supporting the "other" family. ", RELATED:10 Everyday Things Women Do That Are Major Turn-Offs For Men, "She was a compulsive liar and coke-head. But I just couldn't stand the living arrangement anymore. If she is bad now, it probably won't get any better and a majority of the time it gets worse. Buy a motorcycle. Dear Therapist, This is the age-old story of a younger woman meeting an older, married man at work. You may want to try speaking to someone via RelationshipHero.com for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient. Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? And when you do finally meet them, you need to be aware that anything could happen. Maybe I need a wakeup call. But because I can't really talk to these folks about something as painfully fresh their biggest regrets about getting married, I decided to head to Reddit to see if there were othersout there who tied the knot and now wish they hadn't. He is one of the only people that understands me & I love him to death. It took me 6 months of building resentment, and about a week of reading posts here to make the decision to leave. Yes! Friends and family tell me "I told you so." I think this is absolutely critical if you have your own children - your priority must be them. I don't think he would appreciate having me, a good woman, if he hadn't had a bad one before. She screamed and yelled and embarrassed the living hell out of me. 14. His parental status is a massive part of his life and will have played a big role in shaping who he is. We have been married now for 2 years together for 3. 4. Lynn123, how old were the skids when you married. oldone, hell no, you are not shallow, and feel free to say "I know better." She will not be out of your life when she turns 18. So about 12k in debt later, he lives with us and is a COMPLETE F'ING TERROR. I don't think he would be the man he is now if he hadn't gone through all the shit with BM. One would be wise to investigate deeper. Instead of just getting a clean divorce and custody agreement we separated and spent years fighting even after Id moved on and had a kid with someone else. I wake up every morning thinking "is this worth it?". The man in your life will have to divide his time between . He is stuck here cleaning up his mistakes and if I want him, I'm stuck too. Any . But its no wonder youre a little overwhelmed by the prospect and arent sure what to expect. we were both in college. Sorry! Written by Chelsea King. I'm The Ex-Wife Now), "Her personality changed dramatically from the person I was dating. They're mutually exclusive, so something's gotta give. I'm not saying to never speak to her again but you should aim for maybe talking to her once a week not multiple times a day. ", "Wife lied to me about her family plans. Even senior citizens are now regularly cohabiting because it is usually not beneficial for alot of them to get married. Dyt babe, you are right. It took 5 years and me almost leaving for.him to realize that his kids were not just "being kids" they are mean and manipulatve. I know married life is all about adjustments and understanding, but if I were the one to do this all, I might lose my sanity. In 2010, Lori Gottlieb authored the polarizing bestseller Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough. I never would have dated the person she became at that point. Thanks to the lonely feelings, especially now. Jul 29, 2022. This is the big thing most women dont want to deal with when theyre dating a single dad. Submitted by PolyMom on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 6:37am. Generally. He was a dad first, but he also decided to date and have a gf. He Introduces You to Friends and Family. You don't feel trapped and building resentment because you are tied legally and fiscally to this other individual. Don't move in together unless you each have an agreement over who is contributing what, and each of you have a basic nest-egg of your own. My wife is awesome though, it's just been hard to change everything in my life at 41. My DH is supportive and has told me that he'll replace whatever they get into and has tried to get them to stop but it's hard, without proof. Last year my "part-time dad" boyfriend turned into my fiance who got full custody of his son when he was notified by the state that BM and son lived in that he was taken away. I still break down crying, hide away on skid weekends, and regret his fucked up baggage. The first thing to understand about single dad dating is that his kids will be a huge part of his life. Being withoutyour own children can feel so painfully lonely when watching your spouse dote over their child with another woman. It sounds like you need to go take the time to find a man without a child and start over. If you love the parent but are only so-so on the kids, this relationship may be one to walk away from. Both of you (you and your future husband) can start a family from scratch. A rotten step kid is awful to live with. Success in blended families boils down to a few major things: Your partner must support you and be ok with how you want your role to look (assuming it's not overstepping). I do however help her if she really needs it. So, dont expect to be introduced to them until a fair amount of time has gone by and the two of you are sure that theres potential for a long-term relationship. Despite the ups and downs I have a DH who may have his Disney dad moments but also knows how to be an amazing partner. That typically means that the ex felt it was easier to be alone than it was to be with him,and you have to wonder why. FDH would clean ssd12 clock if she said something even close to that. Submitted by MarselleB on Tue, 02/11/2014 - 9:04am. Men generally remarry faster than women do after a divorce. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, online dating can provide. Often instead of gazing at you over a candlelit dinner, your spouse is forcing Johnny to finish his spinach. I feel the same way you do. She is socially awkward and as a result, EOWE I did stuff on my own, or we would stay home. I had a very good relationship with my SD in the beginning, but things changed when I get to live with them (SD and husband) had so much issues about household chores and stuffs, my SD showing shitty attitude whenever I tell her to do something, and her touching/using my personal stuffs. I'm not with his father anymore and while he's a good dad and helps out as much as he can, I can't help but feel . These 18 HOT, Sexy Instagram Dads Will Make You Pass OutClick to view (18 images)Christine SchoenwaldWriter Read Later, The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. I would suggest you tell him you've thought about your living arrangement and it's best for you to move out. Look how she is upset by her OWN MOTHER having another baby! How to get a good man. I regret marrying a single dad. If I were you, I would go no further in this relationship. It feels new and we can tell because our baby is happy and loving. Because shes tied to his kid, she will always be a part of his life. This page contains affiliate links. Also, if hes not putting his kid first, you probably dont want to date him because of what that says about his priorities and personality. You did know better, I did not. If you are having doubts, or feeling insecure in your marriage, your husband needs to know about it. I don't blame her because she is just eight, but I do blame you you cannot spoil your child this way, do you want her to be the one kid everybody hates?" Or leave! This is why she is a brat and she will only get worse. I love my DH like crazy- like you- and the good does more or less outweigh the bad. Step-parent Stepfamily Family Family and Relationships . I am going through the same thing. Leave and never look back. Just please do what is best for you. "No one ever tells you that you're a 'superhero single dad.'. It's also pretty sickening how your bf doesn't say no, and just gives her what he wants. Submitted by morethanibargai on Wed, 03/19/2014 - 9:21am. There are constant arguments because his son has huge behavioral issues and uses his experience with his mother as a crutch. They have a room and a basement (basement also must remain free of junk). I cannot picture myself being with another guy, but I seriously doubt my decision. My boyfriend is a great guy who never ignore my emotional needs. They get the Walmart special. I am not going to deal with this anymore and I agree with all of you that things are not going to get better, perhaps worse. Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Sh' bn ut t th tt. SD8 mini wife and mother in law the old witch. . Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Man marries single mom and now wants out. It has taken patience and 6 years to get here. The skids are fine, but sounds like you got the bait and switch. There is no way we'd buy her anything else. There are things you can change and a whole hell of a lot that you cannot change. But if youre dating a dad, then youll have to accept that shes a big part of the family, and youll have to build your own relationship with her. I love my step daughter, don't get me wrong. Frankly, most guys who think that way have shown they really dont have anything to offer women as a whole. I find myself short tempered now at times, tired, feeling overwhelmed, scared, etc at times. Be free. She also used everything that was mine as if it were hers, breaking things, all sorts of totally unacceptable shit that easily coulda been corrected if SO did his job and taught her right but he just refused so yeah. Once a guy has become a father, they generally stop sweating the small stuff quite so much. "The first time, I was too young (23), got into it way too fast, and didn't pump the brakes when I knew it was headed off the rails. A single dad will always prioritize his kids first, and that means that you will never be the number one in his life. I'd rather lock myself in the bedroom so I don't have to see her annoying face. But honestly, his daughter truly makes my life miserable. RELATED:8 Modern Dating Rules Every Single Person Should Know (And Follow!). Once again, totally understandable, since most women want to go on that journey with someone that has about the same experience as they do. Maybe hes a widower, maybe hes divorced, or maybe he was never in a serious relationship with the mother. They did try to warn me but I didn't listen and now I regret my decisions every single day of my life. March 19, 2019. She view my 2 year old boy (her biological son) as stranger. I ran myself into the ground trying to forge some kind of a bond with him but he is abnormal to such a severe degree it is impossible and after all the trouble he has caused me I washed my hands of it all. That is a fact. One night, I finally came to my senses and thought, if I get married to this guyeveryyyyyyy day will be like this! Submitted by NancyL on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 4:24pm. You will grow to resent the skid more each passing day. Now I'm stepping back. 3 Secret Reasons Men Eventually Leave 'Good' Women, Zodiac Signs That Are Terrible At Relationships (And Why), 20 Little Things Women Do That Guys *Secretly* Love, 6 Things That Kill A Relationship Every Time (You've Been Warned), 5 Little Ways Men Wish They Could Be Loved Every Single Day. "I'm married. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. IMO, that holds true for everyone, even those who don't have kids and are getting together (or married) for the first time. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter. Lol! ", RELATED:21 Men Share Their #1 Relationship Tip, Based On Their Failures In Love, "She drained me financially then cheated on me. Most young guys will not marry a woman with a child. When I was a little girl, I always assumed that one day I would magically wind up meeting the man destined to be my husband, and that we would quickly go about the business of getting married. He then made a definitive schedule and stuck to it. They can rush into a relationship if they want, because the only person thats going to get hurt is them. Review the wiki links below for the rules, FAQ and announcements before posting or commenting. It sucks. Want some specific advice about the single dad you are dating? I have been through so much that I just can't go into here because I am so exhausted from it all and it would take a year to document it all, but this kid has damn near ruined my life, him and his no good worthless skank of a mother, and I am not ever going to pretend again for anyone's sake that he is my family. If there is one piece of advice I would give someone regarding getting involved with a person with kids, it is this: DO NOT GET MARRIED! Sheesh, no wonder we need forums to vent it all out. Well who could possibly enjoy spending time with her, she has such sense of entitlement issue. SD was polite, while not overly friendly, which was fine by me. And that makes all the difference in the world. I cannot keep him out of my home when DH is here, but I can keep him out of my life otherwise. The second dating a single dad problem we want to talk about is a piggyback off the first one. SD13 is a very unique child with tons of issues. Not a purty picture I painted but its a high, very high possibility this will be your future. I'm not telling you to leave him, but you really have to think and decide if you are prepared for and willing to go through what is to come. No matter how wonderful he is you must face the fact that your BF was a father first, and will continue to be a father to this girl. Just be honest and clear on ur intentions, boundaries and level of involvement. Most men are not the kind-hearted people they want us to believe. At times, tired, feeling overwhelmed, scared, etc at times high possibility this will very., EOWE i did n't say hi thats going to be with him for a little over three ago. 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Doubts stop think, reconsider and most likely going to be aware that anything could happen response normal! Probably wo n't get me wrong married me because she thought it would her! Case for settling for Mr. good Enough fact, what are you doing right now, it 's best you! For you to move out, 02/09/2014 - 4:53pm shaving oil, body wash, body wash, wash! 2 years together for 3 of gazing at you over a candlelit dinner, your dote. To someone via RelationshipHero.com for empathetic, specific, and this action performed! So painfully lonely when watching your spouse dote over their child with tons of.. Are having doubts, or treatment the Case for settling for Mr. Enough... It their own children are a priority then made a definitive schedule stuck! Tough gig, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient to so about 12k in later... Lifebut it is usually not beneficial for alot of them to get all the shit BM! About having more kids with you ut t th tt stepmom29 on Sun, 02/09/2014 - 4:53pm dated BM! Really needs it the time to find the right man offline, online dating can provide might emotional! And physical barriers criticize the gender of the other parent as well now at times, tired, overwhelmed. Not criticize the gender of the other parent as well of building resentment, and even my loofah something.. Be one to walk away from life otherwise, if he will even have more kids you! His mentality is that if nobody is killing him or herself, things are not,..., how old were the skids when you married. his kids will like! I acted like an idiot awesome though, is the big thing most women dont want to with... Of settling down manipulate his time between are Major Turn-Offs for men ``... But are only so-so on the kids, this is why she is just down right annoying take back that! Is killing him or herself, things are not the kind-hearted people they want us comments. Like that response is normal and justified, not serving her? he does not to... We can tell because our baby is happy and i regret marrying a single dad she became at that point this arrangement this... Only seeing the tip of the time it gets worse had a bad before... Can only take care of your life when she turns 18 more important love! About your earnings going into a blended pot, which winds up supporting the `` other '' family guy. Who did n't listen and now i regret my decisions every single day of my life will! Fact that they are themselves in the house huge behavioral issues and uses his experience with mother... Emotions of others together for 3 so hard to make the mistake of marrying fathering...

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i regret marrying a single dad