why was france a threat to elizabeth in 1558

The aim was to rid France of heresy (Protestantism). [A clear summary of the arguments, once more making the link between Mary, the Pope and Catholic interference.]. [Blog], Medicine Community Feedback and Suggestions, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, Borders & Enforcement, Immigration Enforcement - Immigration Officer June 22, Official University of the Arts London 2023 Applicants Thread. Time line for foreign policy 1559- 1571. In April 1587, Drake sailed to Cadiz and began attacking the anchored ships there. This attack proved to be a major setback for Spanish preparation for the Armada. On the show, Francis has a tumultuous relationship with his wife, Mary, and their inability to conceive a child is a major source of conflict between them. After inheriting the throne from her sister Mary I, Elizabeth was 300,000 in debt. The reasons for, and significance of, Mary Queen of Scots execution in 1587. Elizabeth also felt she had no right to execute a legitimate monarch but also, executing a queen could set a dangerous precedent that could undermine her own claim to rule by Divine Right and fuel more plots against her. The aim was to rid France of heresy (Protestantism). Register for free, Home / John White led another group to Roanoke, 3 years after the attempt to colonise it. The Spanish had a greater army and Dudleys army was significantly smaller. (1583) was a threat to Queen Elizabeth. Save. Mary was spared. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. One reason Dudley failed was that he wasnt a talented general or tactician. Born: 7 September 1533. Elizabeth made England protestant, which caused tension with the rest of Europe as they were heavily catholic (such as Spain and France). English ships departed from Plymouth to meet the Armada. Continue with Recommended Cookies. From 1574, with the help of the Pope, Catholic priests were also being smuggled into England to continue the spread of the Catholic faith. Elizabeth I faced more difficulties as a monarch than any other Tudor. To her credit, when Elizabeth died in 1603, the nation was only in debt to the tune of 350,000 - 123,000 more than in 1558, but spread over the duration of her reign, this represented just under 3,000 a year. Italian bankers from Genoa had lent Philip II money to fund his campaign in the Netherlands (which was trying to put down the Dutch Revolt). . The loss of ships, weapons and supplies were proving incredibly costly for Spain as these needed to be replaced and obtaining fresh supplies put a strain on Spains finances. Mary was forced to flee following her unsuccessful attempt to win back her Scottish throne. Elizabeth would receive a share of the privateers profits and as Englands financial situation was poor at the time, this proved to be an incredibly important source of income for the Queen. 2) This war was not a success. It was the arrival of Mary which also partly contributed to the revolt of the Northern Earls in 1569, which had brief success. Moreover, to raise money Elizabeth would have to make the immediately-unpopular decision of raising taxes, the permission for which would need to be granted by parliament (which, in turn, could then make further demands on Elizabeth). In 1560, Scotland was ruled by Elizabeth's cousin called Mary Queen of Scots (MQS). This risked provoking King Phillip further and to avoid this, Elizabeth forced Dudley to resign his position immediately. Describe two features of Elizabeth's religious settlement 1559 5. Most of the fleet was then destroyed by storms. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Some Vikings fled to France to establish a colony called Normandy. Boston Spa, What were the causes of westward Marriage and the Succession She was expected to marry and produce an heir for the Tudor line but she wanted to choose the right person and not anger anyone. The war with Spain continued for 15 years, but the Armada of 1588 was the last real serious Spanish threat to Elizabeths throne. - navy to firth of Forth. Her sister, Mary, had made Roman Catholicism the official religion of the country, but many of the people were. By August 1986, Walsingham had gathered enough evidence to dismantle the plot. Crucially, when the Spanish ships docked in English ports, the gold was seized by Elizabeth. Which three countries were a threat to England and Elizabeth? Elizabeth delayed the opening of this Parliament that had originally been summoned in the autumn of 1588 in response to the defeat of the Spanish Armada for as long as she could afford to, knowing that the Commons would be eager to broach two topics, religious debates and foreign policy, that she usually reserved to her prerogative. . [This summary of factors helps re- establish conceptual focus]. Another danger was the risk Marys son, James VI of Scotland posted as he might seek revenge for his mothers death. Approximately 30 ships were destroyed and tonnes of supplies were also seized including food and weapons. Phillip II of Spain was reluctant to destroy his alliance with Elizabeth and therefore his support for the plots were heart-hearted. Why was the Catholic threat greater by the 1580s? [The importance of dates and chronology help demonstrate the long- term impact of Marys presence, which helps support the initial judgement.]. 14-16 / Francis Drake is knighted on the Golden Hind. Looking back at historical examples, it might be because they did a . By this time radical Puritan sectaries were perceived to be . Company Reg no: 04489574. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd point + evidence. Despite the failure of 1585, another attempt to colonise Virginia took place. What made the Auld Alliance stronger at this time was the fact that Mary, Queen of Scots was married to the French Prince Francis II. West Yorkshire, Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. This was because the society was very patriarchal, male dominated, meaning that she . The Spanish had planned to come alongside their opponents and attempt to board their ships to try to overcome the enemy through hand-to-hand fighting. This forced the Spanish fleet to travel into the dangerous waters off the Scottish and Irish coasts. Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland was part of the rebellion against Queen Elizabeth. English ships were went on many voyages of discovery and established valuable trade routes with India and the far east. Sue Gray quits the civil service to become Starmer's aide: is it a big deal? They had enjoyed religious freedom under Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister, and they were now being. In this sense, the colonisation of Virginia should be understood in relation to the wider conflict with Spain. . Answer:Despite initially being a threat to England, civil war in France from 1562 meant the French monarchs were too preoccupied with home affairs to pose a thr eye27 eye27 11.05.2020 Philip IIs decision to reorganise the Dutch government and church angered both the Dutch Catholics and the Protestants. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. She changed the church back to Anglican and it has been the official . This interference greatly angered the Spanish and provoked the ire of many Catholics, who now no longer saw Elizabeth as a mediator of the status quo, but as an interfering, troublesome monarch. There was broad support for the new Settlement and very few refused to take the oath of loyalty to the queen. -Threats from Catholics in the middle years were significant e.g. The plan was discovered and the Earls feared being executed for treason, so in a desperate attempt to escape punishment, they rebelled against Elizabeth and tried to overthrow her. Spanish invasion plans. The treaty also stated that Mary would give up her claim to the English throne, although this was not formally agreed by Mary. The plan was then for the combined forces would then sail across the Channel to England under the protection of the Armadas warships. Europe. From 1566 the Pope had instructed English Catholics to take part in recusancy, and by 1570 a Papal Bull had been issued excommunicating Elizabeth and stating that English Catholics had no need to have loyalty towards their Queen and instead should help overthrow her. Here is an example answer to the following 16-mark question on the problem posed to Elizabeth I upon her accession arising from the question of legitimacy. Letters sent to Mary were also intercepted which implicated her and the Duke of Norfolk in the plot. Even though a truce was decided, there was still a constant threat from the Scots and French to the English security . "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st explanation. Describe two features of the threats posed to Elizabeth in 1558 3. English sailors land at Roanoke to find it abandoned. The local inhabitants showed little mercy to the survivors of these wrecks. Good explanation and link back to the question here at the end of the paragraph.]. James also pledged to help Elizabeth if invaded. This caused panic among the Spanish sailors, who cut their anchor cables and broke their defensive formation as they headed for the open sea. Phillip was warned against this mission but believed he was on a mission from God. The war was going badly for England. However, the Privy Council had put huge pressure on Elizabeth to marry and urged her to take a husband in late 1559, which suggests that the Privy Council would have agreed on a suitor had there been someone suitable as they realised the importance of securing a Protestant English throne and the Tudor dynasty, and perhaps it was this lack of a suitable suitor that caused Elizabeth to remain . Company Reg no: 04489574. - Threats of invasion or Elizabeth's authority were made worse by her financial situation. Her aggressive stance on some issues led to further problems such as those faced in Ireland. They were not able to do this because the English used their greater manoeuvrability to stay out of range while firing broadsides (massive barrages of cannonballs) that could sink the Spanish ships. (4 marks) According to many people at the time Mary Queen of Scots had a stronger claim to the . France was to be a constant thorn in the side of Elizabeth I throughout her reign. The failure of the colonisation was due to: the resistance of the Native Americans; conflict amongst the English settlers (who collectively had the wrong mix of skills to make the settlement a real success); the loss of supplies via the damage incurred on The Tiger and the fact that the voyage set off too late for crops to be planted (causing dependence on the rightfully suspicious Native Americans). The Armada set sail in May 1588, but due to bad weather and attempts by an English fleet to intercept it, was delayed for several weeks in the Bay of Biscay. The most important reason however was a combination of Marys arrival and the Popes interference. After Anne Boleyn was executed, Henry had the marriage annulled, effectively meaning that it never happened. A number of Catholic plots to remove Elizabeth in the 1570s and 1580s had his involvement although he was reluctant and half-hearted in their execution.

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why was france a threat to elizabeth in 1558