billy shears pictures

AurigaBooks. The Memoirs of Billy Shears is packed with historically significant disclosure about the Beatles, and about the elite who placed that band on the world stage to launch their global agendas. According to them there is a secret phone number hidden in the stars making up the title on the sleeve of the Magical Mystery Tour album. Later, the line was interpreted as a "clue" in the "Paul is dead" urban legend that alleged McCartney died in 1966 during the recording of Sgt. The original Beatle Paul Was most certainly replaced. "Truth will prevail if its proponents are as ruthless as the enemy." ~ Adolf Hitler. He looks, talks and sounds just like the singer. Paul had apparently left upset over an argument with the other Beatles, took his Aston Martin sports car, and perished in a horrible accident that killed him. Billy has a very distinctive style that uses contrast and light to create stunning images. Make up your own mind. He was reincarnated as a hamster which I owned as a schoolboy. The opening line of the song Here come old flattop might refer to the injuries to the head Paul sustained in his fatal crash. The take away from the story :Americains are crazy. Gavazzeni noticed a common feature of Faul's early photos that is not seen in his recent photos: a dark area shadowing the external corner of the left eye. And the line One and one and one is three might mean that there are now three Beatles instead of four. Paul ordered 2 new Raleigh mopeds from Camerons, a local motorcycle shop and when ready he and girlfriend Jane Asher went over to pick them up. I'm not here to judge you at all. One of the main successes of mind control is constant repetition from a young age and "what everybody else thinks." Ringo exposed the scam a few years ago but since then has appeared in several interviews with Fail. Just as the Beatles heavily encoded many of their songs with clues about Paul's death, so too is this book, which explains those songs, also encoded throughout. Paul McCartney was Irish, so wouldnt have been singing mull of kintyre. In fact, if you listen to all Beatles songs between 1967 to 1970, Paul breaks out that particular voice a lot (not always). Not only music but informative chat between songs, explaining The . A hidden acrostical message runs through the printed versions of The Memoirs of Billy Shears, Billy's Back!, Beatles Enlightenment, and part of The Talent Contest. William Shepherd ("Billy Shears") took over The Beatles and the McCartney estate on 16 September 1966, going from "Billy Pepper" of Billy Pepper and the Pepper Pots, to The Beatles' new "Sgt. Paul's lookalike is named Billy Shears. Unless they got someone to replace Billy Spears so that Billy could replace Paul. She got a great amount of $$$$ in their divorce settlement and then not a peep anymore from Ms. Mills.We may never know the real truth or, we already do? Another distorted part of history. Billy Shepherd was also known as Neil Aspinall and he was "Billy Shears" from the Beatles song and also Billy Pepper..aka Sgt. Jake Shears pictures, articles, and news. Your entries may be submitted as early as the 50th anniversary of Pauls death, 11 September 2016. . George Harrison later revealed in an interview with an Australian news source that in 1967, Paul received a secret new contract with EMI/Capitol Records that paid him more for his hits and royalties, something that always bother the other three Beatles. Like the digital versions, this temporary print-on-demand edition does not have page numbering. Two of the dolls arms are raised, one pointing at the wax image of the younger Paul and the other pointing at Paul himself. " Paul is dead " is an urban legend and conspiracy theory alleging that English musician Paul McCartney of the Beatles died on 9 November 1966 and was secretly replaced by a look-alike. The Beatles were such a money-making machine that most of their hits singles and LP's brought in to the GB and enormous Tsunami of $$$$ that it would seem to me that they would not let the death of one of the Beatles stop the cash flow from continuing to come in. Cool Patty S. Elite 2023 Corinth, TX 55 529 8 11/29/2018 I have been going here for years. She must have been aware of Pauls death and replacement by a look-alike, and was also paid to keep quiet about the whole affair. The bottom line -- Yoko Ono destroyed the world's greatest band! This landmark announcement happened on the same day that Paul McCartney appeared on the David Letterman show where they joked about the silly rumor that Paul McCartney had died in 1966. But The Beatles folklore also has William (Billy) Shears Campbell as the supposed replacement for the supposedly 'dead' Paul McCartney. Segn la teora "Paul Is Dead", Billy Shears es el impostor que encarn a Paul McCartney de 1967 en adelante. In 1974 McCartney told Rolling Stone: "Someone from the office rang me up and said, 'Look, Paul, you're dead.' And I said, 'Oh, I don't agree with that.'" . Billy Shears was born on January 18, 1950, in Liverpool, England. Looking for Billy Shears? It's a very, very short article. Most people only had radio back then. he suddenly paid her off when she threatened to reveal the truth. Carry That Weight could be interpreted as a pallbearers task as well as the heavy burden on the remaining Beatles after Pauls death. Ok there has been fraud committed but Billy is actually a much more talented writer than Paul ever was. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. . Some of the Memoirs' chapters that were excluded from compilations contain material that many readers would find disturbing--such as some Biblical humor (about the 666 beat with four heads), the Beatles involvement in Satanism, and, of course, their Paulism. Billy has a very distinctive style that uses contrast and light to create stunning images. Billy Shears: Performances of Yesterday RipPaul1966 480 subscribers Subscribe 645 29K views 9 months ago #PaulMcCartney #Thebeatles I'm sorry I haven't been uploading in a while, i have had. Once Bettina became an adult, she asked a German court to have McCartney recognize her as his natural daughter. Those hands are said to mean that Paul had been marked for death and after his demise the surviving Beatles added this photo to the poster to alert their fans to the fact that Paul was indeed dead. Dual misdirection at its finest. In the film, he is played by actor Peter Frampton. Shears and Paul's ends of their noses are different and the cheekbones on Paul are somewhat larger. Its not so easy to explain the references to Billy Shears in more than one Beatles song, William Campbell Fake Paul and the disappeArance of the winner of the Paul McCartney look alike contest. Search for more Not Specified Oils. Listing by RE/MAX Plus, (585) 279-8200. Watch later interviews with Fail and other Beatles members. 3 Beds. Faul is protected by powerful people and money or he would have been exposed years ago. The Beatles were and still are, the greatest Rock n Roll band ever assembled. Maybe the trip to India and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi made him a believer. Contains: air pre-filter HV667 (512 65 41-01), air filter HV668 (512 65 20-01), fuel filter HV669 (506 74 26-01), spark plug HV670 (521 23 34-01) Carriage usually free for mainland UK. Beatles fans were introduced to Paul's replacement in 1967, on the album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. He was played by Peter Frampton. The Michigan Daily published it on 14 October, under the title McCartney Dead; New Evidence Brought To Light. What about that looney Heather Mills? The truth of the matter is, nobody really gives a damn. The arrival of an impostor in late 1966 would explain why the Beatles all started growing mustaches and stopped touring that same year as it would have been too easy to spot a fake Paul McCartney performing on stage. It shows Paul McCartney clapping and dancing but if you look right behind Paul, there appears to be a pair of skeletal hands reaching out for him. I was wondering if anyone on here would be interested in talking on camera about it. So is laziness-and apathy. If J. Paul McCartney did indeed actually die in a car crash, what happened to his remains? The only problem was that Lennon knew far more than most agents would ever be allowed to imagine knowing. Embarrassed by his fat lip Paul began to grow a moustache. It would have been easy to replace Paul in the 1960s. View Comments 2. Most are from military families that take oaths and sign disclosure agreements where everything can be taken away. I think most of us know if you have any idea about history at all! Billy Shears Salon - Salon / Barbershop in Denton Planning a trip to Dallas? The Beatles sing about Billy Shears because he was the drummer for their band, and they thought he was a great guy. . Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band its obvious that the Beatles are pretending to be other people. Those dreamy eyes I fell in love with in 1963. No winners were ever announced for this competition. The list could go on. Whether you experience the Memoirs of Billy Shears as the hardcover box set, or as the paperback, or as the audiobook narrated by Gregory Paul Martin, you will never again see Paul McCartney, the Beatles, Wings, or even the whole world in quite the same way. See Billy Shears's age, phone number, house address, email address, social media accounts, public records, and check for criminal records on Spokeo. Pepper's album cover. Someone, knows the truth.Eh, Beatle Bill? How could they find a musician that looks,sounds just like him & be accepted by the other 3,his family & girlfriend Jane Asher? Where is his remains located? A few months later, when the Beatles were looking for a new drummer after Ringo Starr left temporarily, Lennon suggested that they audition Billy Shears. Look at live concert videos in 1966 and you can see Paul was already changing from his pudgy round face to a more mature slender version. They are two different people. Did he die in a moped accident? I know for a fact that Paul died. I am sad. Whoever really believes that crazy crap is a moronic fool. McCartney claimed he'd only just bashed his tooth in, which is not true unless 6 months counts as only just. These memoirs of Paul McCartney are far less conservative than the traditional story. Bid Live at Clarke and Simpson Auctions's Timed Online Collective Sale of Tractors, Plant, Vehicles, Trailers, Machinery, Tools & Spares auction Several songs have references to a tragic accident. Have you found your perfect routine yet? Also, check out IAMAPHONEY. Those who were alive during the Beatles days recognized that an older replacement(s) was present with SGT Pepper. John is very much alive and living in Brookville Long Island. In order to be able to offer you the best Picture Of Billy Shears available on the market today, we have compiled a comprehensive Picture Of Billy Shears list. With all the evidence you've presented I'd be a fool to keep the charade going. In Eleanor Rigby Paul sings, Father McKenzie/ wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave/No one was saved. Father McKenzie is obviously a metaphorical reference to Paul McCartney, after all, what are the odds that Paul would by mere coincidence come up with a character whose last name begins with 'Mc' just like his own?! A clever attempt to distract Americans from the publication of the Italian article, encouraging them to laugh at the Paul is dead conspiracy theories instead of looking at the science. The title song introduces Billy Shears, who then tells the audience in With a Little Help from My Friends to, Lend me your ears and Ill sing you a song and Ill try not to sing out of key Pauls replacement, Billy Shears was still working on perfecting his singing voice. Colorado Springs, CO 80905-2724 Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3540 Fountain, CO 80817-1122 Because he is not Paul McCartney and the real Paul would never ever have gone and done something like that behind the other Beatles backs..yeah-yeah-yeah, right! Billy Shears is just a ficticious name. Peel was a former Prime Minister who served as British Home Secretary from 1822 to 1830. $265,000 Last Sold Price. Early Pauls have short square chins. Also, when you play that one part in "I Am the Walrus"backwards where it sounds like complete rubbish, you hear the demonic chanting of "PAUL IS DEAD! Somewhat hidden amongst larger pictures is a small one said to depict Paul McCartney wearing a disguise, which he did to avoid being mobbed by fans when he went out in public. Listen carefully. Of course William Campbell Shears was as equally talented, charming and witty as the original Paul and although he was an American he quickly assumed Pauls distinctive Liverpool accent!. No matter what the truth is, it doesn't really matter if they're wrong, they're right, where they belong. Also, check out this picture of Paul compared to Faul: i If you need more proof, Ringo has already admitted that Paul died and was replaced by Faul during an interview in his home in California. Remember, the Beatles never played live again and Paul (Faul) was clearly protected by powerful people (CIA/MI6) with tons of money at stake or he would have been exposed years ago. They can now admit Stephenson was a master spy and the inspiration for James Bond, but Pepper is still in the shadows. After you have a good handle on the entire narrative, read it again with the word-stacking and the acrostic. Billy had been filling in for Paul periodically at least since 1965. It takes a special kind of person: a person who seeks and WANTS truth, even when it embarrasses, hurts or is painful. And last, IF you were any of the other Beatles members would you have possibly nosedived your career by going public with the truth?? The question is who or what was behind it? The anger of the public if he were exposed today is another reason they keep the ruse going. This is to support the theory that Paul did die in an automobile accident in November, 1966-more precisely, that he was decapitated. It was really John Lennon that died in Nov 1965. Then, from the Preface, running on through the book for 612 pages (pages 5 to 617), is the worlds longest acrostic . It doesn't matter if it was fraudulent or not when you have some of the most powerful people behind the scenes pulling the strings. You will find a link to a website mentioned in the text, a Q&A section, and a link to CONTACT MACCA CORP and its subsidiary, Peppers Press. He now goes by the name of Mr Whippy. The archives are being made available for a time. It's some people's day job, gagged with NDAs and the OSA. But that hasn't happened, has it? This page proof that people like to lie lie lie there is NO evidence to suggest that Pau McCartney died - The conspiracists change their story every time someone sees through it!!! When the album is turned 90 degrees to the right, it appears that Paul is on a morgue slab or looking up from a coffin. 10 Best Picture Of Billy Shears: Editor Recommended # A significant part of my life revolved around the Beatles. Not much was said about Johns comment after that. The Beatles were replaced on the eve of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1967). Download The Memoirs of Billy Shears Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle. I'm a Beatle Now; and to think that to this day his nuts are still in a vice. Billy Shears is only mentioned in the title song and, implicitly, as the singer of the segued-into "With a Little Help from My Friends", and even more implicitly, in the title song reprise. It was the day after Christmas, and Paul McCartney was visiting his family in the town of Heswall, a suburb of Liverpool. Billy Shears is the fictional lead singer of the Beatles in the movie Sgt. The differences in the parting of the hair, the eye color, the shoe size, the height and Dr Truby's vocal pattern analysis all make sense. Faul has admitted that Paul died before during concert. Well, here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul" The song's "the Walrus was Paul" lyric is both a reference to "I Am the Walrus" and Lennon saying "something nice to Paul" in response to changes in their relationship at that time. The autograph, for instance, was signed by somebody right-handed! Explore. Legally speaking Was he on a "moped", or a SCOOTER? Wells and double agent master occultist Aleister Crowley. Pepper and onward is not the same Paul McCartney pre-Winter of 1966 should watch the videos of them playing and you will see that Paul knew the Bass very well and rarely ever looked at the fretboard in contrast to Faul, who looks like he just learned to play left-handed. DNA and fingerprints do not lie. You know, if investigators find the real Billy Shears working in some factory in Shreveport, LA (his apparent birth place), then you know this whole thing was a hoax. Billy Shears is a fictional character created by Paul McCartney as the lead singer of the Beatles-inspired band, The Rutles. the curve going from one ear to the other and passing through the chin, which you see when looking directly into a face, as in the photos on the right) and the jaw arc was also different (i.e. Billy's Back! Billys name is there at the end of the very first song, I dont really want to stop the show Why would he agree to do this? You're clearly a disinfo agent. No one's looks stay the same. They all seem to be put off or angry when he refers to himself as McCarthy or speaks of the old times when it was the actual Paul. Also, toward the end of Sgt. The spookiest clue is near the bottom right of the poster. The Billy Shears Band photos. His parents were John and Mary Shears. In Paul's mouth, his upper right canine tooth is pushed out of its normal position because there is not enough room in his jaw for all of his teeth to fit properly. Band Member group photos. Prior to this album, the Beatles had written and sung primarily about love, but then all of a sudden their music began to take a darker turn; music historians and the band themselves blame this on smoking marijuana and the changing of the times the perfect answer for an intelligence Gestapo hellbent on dumping every drug imaginable upon the youth. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and was replaced by a look-alike and sound-alike. Trying to prove or disprove anything from these albums is a waste of time. It is much too much to take in all at once. Something else began to grow around this time, the idea of Paul being dead and possibly replaced. Find Billy Shearsby stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. He did for 5 years and did his last stint and left for good. This imposter would need to be somebody who looked like Paul and could play the bass left-handed. I am Billy Shears. Then Paul McCartney introduces the singer coming up on the next song So let me introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears and Ringo starts to sing. The rest is history! The Memoirs has a built-in sequel. It sucks being lied to since.. forever. album back in sixty-six backmasked backward band band's bandmates bass beast Beatles songs became better Billy Shears Billy Shepherd BILLY'S BACK Bonzo Brian Epstein called Carried That. If he never plays "Yesterday" publicly again, let us all have that moment live in our hope, anyway. At the end of the title track (side 1, . British Invasion Songs covered by the Band. No-one can die secretly in England. Right from the beginning of Sgt. Because he is not the real Paul McCartney the real Paul is someone who would never have gone behind the backs of his friends. The conspirators went to enormous lengths trying to prove their point. So begins a new novel, Whatever Happened to Billy Shears? In Alexander Dumas, The Man in the Iron Mask, its Louis XIVs twin brother who, through an elaborate plot, comes to replace the Sun King. I believe that had no choice in keeping up the charade, like it or not. You can see Paul's chipped tooth on an early video of RAIN, only available on Russian websitesDot RU. The front for the BSC was the British Passport Control Office. I have to add that as John said, and I quote when he was asked if Ringo was the best drummer in the world, he replied with " He's not the best drummer in the Beatles". It was thr real Paul's eyes. Certain features of our skull, teeth, and ears are extremely effective for identifying us; some of them cannot currently be modified by surgery. I for one, am very grateful to have had the pleasure of reading this most informative book. In another song of the album, A Day in the Life, John sings He blew his mind out in a car, and in another, Good Morning, Good Morning, he starts by singing: Nothing to do to save his life (and was the title a play on the words morning and mourning?) How could they both go to their own graves keeping this secret with them. Let me out!". FACT The badge that Paul is wearing on his fancy blue uniform on the album sleeve of Sgt Pepper actually reads O.P.P, one of four given to the Beatles by the Toronto Ontario Provincial Police on 28th September 1964, On and on the falsehoods go. It has received 4 reviews with an average rating of 3.3 stars. "In case they were exposedthey could be open to those charges" they put clues everywhere? Billy wasn't the only impostor, but he seems to have been used the most frequently, especially on stage (as opposed to interviews, etc.). The 50s were boring but it was more than a change for cool. The lyrics themselves seem to be revealing information about Pauls death and replacement by a lookalike. The story goes, basically the real Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a very talented musician called William Shepherd (Billy Shears) (son of a very high up freemason - alistair crowley?) Sgt Pepper 55 Episdio 2 Billy Shears & Os Tomates. Faking deaths is done on an industrial scale, not least in phoney terror attacks but also with all those celebs and musicians dropping off their perches - Bowie, G. Michael etc etc. With a little plastic surgery he also assumed Pauls baby faced good looks. Pepper as the beginning of Pauls death, but even though it first introduced Billy Shears as Paul, it is actually on the Revolver album where the imaginary of death is everywhere. If anyone's done research proving that the "biography" of William "Shears" Campbell of the "Ontario Police Department" with a girlfriend conveniently named "Rita" is a phantasm cobbled together from snippets of Beatles song's and album photographs, a reference to that research would also be good. The only morons I can see are the ones that need to be told by the mainstream media what to think and when to think it. Until too many messages make it impossible to keep up, if you have a question not already answered in the Q&A, you might even reach the encoder, Thomas E. Uharriet. Beatles Enlightenment builds on Billy's Back!, but takes you deeper psychologically, not only exposing the "Paul is Dead" meanings in "Let It Be," "Within You and Without You," Across the Universe, and The Long and Winding Road, but also revealing the emotional anguish and ultimate spiritual breakthroughs behind these and other songs.

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