venus opposite ascendant tumblr

Traveling with them is never dull. Your ability to get along with others and your grace and ease in dealing with the public helps you to achieve success. She wields her beauty like a sword too. . Marilyn Monroe, Meryl Streep, and Selena Gomez have a Leo rising. Because the planets energies aspecting are opposing each other, it creates tension and is the opposite of an easy flow. Its okay to create their own fashion sense and not feel obligated to fit in sometimes. Boom, an explosion of charm, elegance and lots of libra/taurus like energy. Sometimes this could be with bad intentions, or just to please their ego/lofty ambitions. Eros desires Venus and Venus clings to Eros, they both need each other, want each other and whenever they connect the spark comes through. When venus trines the ascendant, the person may be viewed as attractive in general by the ppl they meet. Emotional ppl, cares for others and expresses their emotions - in a way they wear their heart on their sleeve. Venus, like its namesake, rules over love and relationships in astrology. This is a bond that may seem magical and unbreakable. This way, your intelligence, integrity, and ingenuity can come shining through. The person identifies with his mind, and lives an essentially mental life. What happens when we see Jupiter conjunct the ascendant of a partner. Comedy comes naturally to them. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Sun Trine Ascendant individuals have a lighthearted appearance; they tend to be well liked. They may be good at modeling as well, knowing how to pose and express their different looks and vibes thru their eyes and etc. Need to learn how to let go of others opinions of them. It is easily noticable in the eyes and the corner of the smiles of these natives. They may be good teachers in subjects that are interesting to them. However, he may also be outspoken, blunt and tactless. When one person's Moon overlays in another's 6th house this show's theme's to do with helping one another through service. This person is fast on his feet when cornered with questions, or sometimes even when physically cornered. In fact, you can have real flashes of genius and your ideas and perspectives are often very original. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Lessons here will be learned and carried on by both parties. Please dont plagiarise my posts. Someone they respect. In certain cases, the person may be foolish or lacking in common sense. Venus Trine Midheaven. They are heart over mind type of ppl, consider their emotions with their thoughts and actions. Another aspect that gives vital and radiant glow and can create youthfulness around the individual. 1. ^ Friends and a loud social life may not need to be all that important when surrounded by superficial people who drain them emotionally/mentally. Their mars conjunct my south node. He always wants to try the new and fascinating. You are always on the lookout for ways to improve your social status, and prefer the company of successful people or those who are obviously on their way up. However, their greatest strength as a couple is also their potential downfall. Along these filaments travel all kinds of illuminated thoughts, some of them so strikingly original as to verge on what lesser mortals call genius. This is a union that motivates Eros to express themselves and show their desires. Others may do things for them, bring everything they ask for etc, but they must never stop getting things by themselves through hard work and passion so they dont become unhappy later on in life (especially if in 1H, its the house of Aries after all, the biggest Imma do it all by myself zodiac archetype along with Scorpio). May even become friends with many influential/resourceful people. Need to be extra careful not to fall for fashion trends, diet fads, unrealistic beauty-standards, etc. ^ Must learn how to say NO and stand up for themselves. They desire to give out beauty and love, in any shape and form, and desire to be loved as well. And he is a thorn in the side of the powers that be. Venus square or opposition Ascendant - ASC, Mercury square or opposition Uranus - . They acquire information, and enjoy passing it on. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. The person is inspirational and exciting. He enjoys taking the side of the underdog or downtrodden. You know instinctively how to nurture and encourage self-empowerment and the ownership of deep transformative urges. May need to learn how to balance between self-sacrifice and expecting others to sacrifice themselves in a relationship (friendships, business, romantic). For example, there is this person with Ascendant in Scorpio and I have Venus in Aquarius -Venus square Asc.- but I'm almost in love with that person and we have Ascendant opposite Ascendant exact. A focal point of cancer risings are their smiles and eyes, theyre very bright or charming and inviting - and their eyes are expressive along with their expression/emotion. Venus and Ascendant person radiate a powerful and mysterious aura that piques the interest of each other. Its important not to place their self-worth on how much others like them/find them attractive. As the Ascnedant and Venus find much common ground and find it easier to agree with the other, the individual might easily finds out what they are and arent, what suits them and what doesnt align with their self expression. Your knowledge is natural when it comes to aesthetics, music, art, beauty, or other types of creativity. With the Sun in Aquarius, we will be inspired to take a leap and play with our luck. Your mind is tuned to such a pitch that your intellectual tension is truly as fine as glass wire. Eros/Sun Eros feels comfortable with the energy of the Sun. We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. This could lead to scandals and such. Your easy grace and charm are directly related to your sense of self-worth. This can lead to difficulty expressing the aspect of the planet energies and has to be resolved through compromise of one or the other. He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. Mercury opposite mars gives the individual a sharp mind and sharp communicator but may struggle to balance and compromise others ideas and words, often challenging them or debating when they have a different outlook from yours. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. With venus' diplomatic/fair yet pleasant nature these individuals are nice, well composed in a sense, and the qualities of venus exhibited through their persona when meeting new ppl. Venus in Soft Aspect (trine, sextile, semi-sextile) with Ascendant in Synastry Chart. With Venus trine Midheaven, you love to work with beautiful things. Considering the opposition of the planet of creativity, a symbol of quick and easy money, and professional aspirations for the Ascendant, it is . If you have a planet conjunct to your ascendant, people may mistaken or guess your sun sign as the sign of that planet conjunct to your ascendant. Default. Venus Opposite Ascendant - ASC. Water rising signs often attracts attention for their style or are seen as magnetic to others. It's me again! Trust grows with time and acceptance as well. The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. Also shes in multiple fandoms and makes edits of her fav characters etc. Your determination to gain acceptance and to improve your status in life is strong, and you may use your social contacts to reach those positions. In practice, Venus / Ascendant conflicts do not seem to be too much of a disadvantage.There is a good chance that their tension will make us more interesting to others.Therefore, even with these aspects, we can expect easy social intercourse and a genuinedesire for a peaceful, harmonious environment. If Eros conjuncts Saturn, one may become promiscuous in the attempt to express Eros. Pleasing one another is a strong theme in your relationship. Other people will sit up and take notice when you are around. There may also be a talent in math or science. Be selective in your generosity, and your love affairs will blossom fully and last longer. This is one of the luckiest aspects to have. This is an aspect that can allow for both parties to share without holding back. Does that mean it's a conjunction? Words take on a new meaning with this synastry aspect. He enjoys taking the side of the underdog or downtrodden. He is proud, rebellious, willful and obstinate. Scorpio risings often have an edgy, sad girl/sad boy aesthetic, grunge, or skater look, they may have a charismatic or fierce look to their eyes (almond shaped). And my virgo moon and 1st house stellium is here for it. Similar threads. As well as having the genius ability you can also suffer from mental overload caused by the higher mind or thought processes running faster than the circuits of the brain can handle. A lot of people may have a crush on them and not even tell them about it. You have a tendency to be, or to appear to be, scatterbrained. Eg. Harmony is easily brought into self expression. GIF by lonely-playboy. He loves to change the status quo. Eros is changed by Pluto, their old shell breaks and they take on new philosophies. Your energy and vitality radiate an inner beauty which has a direct effect upon the way others see you, and you . Although, in principle, these aspects can encourage laziness, not to mention self-indulgence and luxury, their tension guarantees a fairly energetic approach. This aspect both links these two faculties and creates tension between them. Eros/Venus Love incarnate here. You have a friendly, affectionate attitude toward others and a great deal of personal charm if you have Venus conjunct your Ascendant. Not that we always succeed in obtainingthe latter - we tend to overdo things, and may fail to read some situations properly.Certainly we need to learn how to direct our energies. You do a lot to fulfill the popular stereotype of the genius, so obviously brilliant are some of the things you think and say. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. You are an excellent and very loving partner who lavishes affection on your companion because he or she is the source of much that is important in your life. He may not take advice from others well. Struggle to express the affection and love they feel, May have fleeting relationships or situationships. Both parties will feel loved in each others presence, making for soothing and loving connections as well as experiences. Traditional astrological texts report that the person has a keen memory, but should be careful in signing documents. . The person is intuitive and lives by instinct. He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. Eros/Mars Lust and passion for these two powerful forces. Good with money, and could be/become wealthy with a commendable social standing. Your married life is harmonious because you marry for love and are devoted to your mate. The Venus person embodies the ideal partner of the Juno person. You make concessions if it seems necessary to maintain harmonious relations, and you refuse to judge someone whose conduct does not come up to your expectations. There is a definite openness to metaphysics and the occult. With that said, see you soon with another post. This is a consuming aspect for both since they will be fascinated by one another and every moment they have together serves as a new life changing experience. Lucky with opportunities falling into their lap (money & relationships). Venus-ascendant combines the themes of the rising: identity, self-image, the lens you see the world through, with the themes of venus: love, beauty, attraction and romance. This is largely due to the fact that you feel a strong need to be true to your instincts and intuition, and if you are not absolutely inspired, you dont feel right working on a projectyou might feel that you are faking it, and this doesnt sit well for you. He may be touchy, high-strung, overly sensitive, and in extreme cases just plain paranoid. The person is intuitive and lives by instinct. Together, they two are able to dream, indulge and get completely lost in a world of their own making. You possess a quick mind, you are very intuitive, and you require a great deal of mental stimulation to keep from feeling bored. He is temperamental and stubborn-minded. Bye. Here, we have someone who possesses enticing and daring beauty, which easily reflects in their aura. He loves to arouse, incite and shock those around him. Frequently you give people the benefit of the doubt and see in them qualities they do not possess. War for love. People see you as magnetic, very forceful and perhaps, at times, just plain downright threatening. He learns things fast, but may be too quick in his judgments. You want to believe that you associate only with persons of the highest character and you are disappointed if they do not measure up. At times you can be very dogmatic. You really do have very different ideas and ways of expressing them. Frequently you give people the benefit of the doubt and see in them qualities they do not possess. Eros conjunct Venus will be more hidden. When your Vertex forms a connection with Venus, there is often a powerful relationship formed that will change both your lives forever. Maximum 3 degrees orb. He is too restless and may suffer from nervousness and irritability. girlwiththerainysoul Knowflake . Omg hii, I regard u as a mood and a fellow memey kpoper (your posts and tags are so funny and a mood) I understand because when I first got into astrology seriously, wow it was a lot to take in and more complex/deep but take ur time and dont stress too much about it. Both parties transform in a more powerful way than the Pluto connection because it will take many years for the bond to break. can you pleeease dedicate this ask to those who have their ascendant in aspect to venus, and how it may play in the form of looks? To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. Eros/Moon There is a psychological connection here, a telepathic union as both parties bond emotionally and spiritually. . Words are both a tool and a weapon for them. Leo rising ppl are appreciated thru their interactions and energy, they are like cuddly needy cats once u get close enough. When they face and deal with their own insecurities and issues of self-worth, they may see how easily opportunities of all kinds flow towards them. Extremely charismatic, sometimes doesnt even realise the impact they have on others. May need to work extra hard to be grounded in reality and understand that not everything revolves around them, i.e. Venus in the 12th house conjunct the Ascendant usually makes the the person more attractive to other people than they realize. Eg. This is particularly true if there are other aspects indicating an easy and big flow of love from the Venus person to the Saturn person (e.g. ^ May need to work on self-love before getting into any physical/committed relationships. In the chart that you mention with Taurus rising and Venus in the 12th, this would . He is eccentric, perceptive and extraordinarily experimental. This can manifest in many different ways, depending on the signs that your Venus trine . The inherited personality traits and familial structures or experiences should be validated elsewhere in the child . Eros carves their presence in the mind of Uranus, making them lust for them as time goes on. Venus trine ascendant. Having a partner and a close love relationship is of the utmost importance to you because it allows you to satisfy most of your personal needs, sexual and emotional. Ascendant is the most individual part of a person's horoscope. Topic: Synastry: Venus/Ascendant Conjunction Experience? Your vitality is strong and you have better than average recuperative powers, even if you do tend to run higher than normal fevers when ill. With Pluto conjunct Ascendant, you are a powerful and insightful person. The person is a revolutionary thinker. Traditional astrological texts report that the person has a keen memory, but should be careful in signing documents. Embed a Tumblr Post. Posts tagged with #Venus opposite ascendant. The aggressive tension between the way one looks and one wants to look and beauty the self/enhance their looks, self image and desire to carry the slef is subconsciously reflected in the enticing, forsh and capturing way their looks can manifest. Can live a luxurious life (if not born into it, may work their way towards it). Prominent cheekbones with cheek fat which balances and softens it, Full lips or if not then lips may be a focal point of their charm, Body may be soft or full in terms of shape & have curves, Julia roberts, Angelina Jolie, and Miranda Kerr have Cancer rising, Body may be buff or with a strong frame/build, Eyes are deep/sleepy eyes, bright/round - when laughing or smiling their eyes may smile along and have eye corner crinkles, Matt Leblanc, Michael Jordan, and Kurt Russell have Cancer rising. His greatest concern is the advancement and promotion of truth and freedom. Im so grateful and happy To read your replies and responses, all the love and support Ive received in such a short span, Truly blessed Thank you all so very much . Tend to look young/not their age as they grow older - age like fine wine. Both parties feel connected and it can even grant them devoted love. Both planets long to touch and feel each other. There is a powerful level of understanding and both parties might feel like they have encountered their soulmate. ^ Need to balance the give-and-take aspects of relationships. If you have venus trine ascendant at 0 degrees, then venus trine to your ascendant would be more influential in your appearance/impression. Eros sees Saturn as a mentor or guardian. The stereotypes regarding Tauruses liking food isnt true all the time but it is notable that taurus placements have a certain relationship with food, whether they diet or use food as comfort. Mercury can be influential as well because relationships require communication. (tight aspect up to 6 whether harmonious or harsh). (Especially if Venus in 7H). This brings a high level of cooperation, gentleness and emotional awareness. You must also learn to appreciate what you bring into any situation as well. You should not do that however, because if you drop an unsatisfactory affair, your natural inclination toward partnership will draw perhaps a better partner to you quite quickly. He may often speak without due forethought and thereby offend others. Conjunctions are known to be an aspect that is easily influential, embodying the good and the bad energy of the aspect between the planets. These people can have a very bold style and self expression to them, it can also be shocking and/or brand new. Lets say your mercury aspects your mars at 0 degree orb, then your mercury is conjunct to your mars. Self-value and money matters are usually tied together. Sextiles are when planets aspect at 60 degrees. He may also be mischievous. The Moon is the ruler of the 4th house and the zodiac sign Cancer. This aspect both links these two faculties and creates tension between them. This makes their likable traits/nature more known/popular among those they interact with or meet. Your mental energy and output is extremely variableone day you might be capable of enormous effort and interest in a project, and the next day the opposite. Artistic andother aesthetic forms of expression are therefore more likely to find an outlet.Sometimes, however, the outlet is simply a matter of trying to impose ones own tastes. The relationship feels ignited when these two come together. Venus Conjunct Ascendant Transit. He supports alternative methods and new-age procedures. The Ascendant is the counting minute from which life begins. They are loved/known for their smile (big and welcoming). Additionally I notice sag mars and pisces mars make for very groovy and good dancers, theyre able to catch the flow and movement - Eg. . But, careful now: the harder they come the harder they fall!Mercury rules the mental processes and the neuro-circuits of the brain, Uranus corresponds to the higher mind, the sudden insight type of thinking. I have a collection of Lilith conjunct the ASC and MC photos. So once they start appreciating and accepting their own self for the amazing person they are, money and luck will naturally surround them. Its the gemini + 6th house = interests and fandoms + daily life. There is a subtle ache with this placement that feels like a dreamlike fantasy is being lived through by both. Juno - Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. Cancer rising people are private about their thoughts/emotions but stubborn to their virtues in their heart. The person does not enjoy rules, regulations, traditions and convention. With Venus in opposition to your Ascendant, you may be blessed with many social graces. See a recent post on Tumblr from @ferie-anon about venus conjunct ascendant. Although, in principle, these aspects can encourage laziness, not to mention self-indulgence and luxury, their tension guarantees a fairly energetic approach. To put others at ease you play the innocent role and make it clear that you are not a threat them. Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. With venus diplomatic/fair yet ple. You may sometimes be a little blunt and straightforward. You have no qualms about forming close relationships with people who are financially secure if this will increase your chances of a permanent association. These two planets making an aspect on Valentines Day inspires us to be more committed, to push forward for a cause and to open our hearts. Gif divider credit to: @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, May not resonate to everyone, just take wut resonates and relates. Venus Conjunct Ascendant; Another synastry aspect that shows the compatibility between two people is the Venus conjunct Ascendant synastry. Any insecurities and self-doubts dont give others permission to take advantage to their kind & compassionate heart. In the company of your superiors or people you admire, you tend to be shy. Venus Trine Ascendant In addition you may spend a lot of time trying to eradicate or regenerate some negative character trait within you. The Ascendant person finds the Venus person very attractive, and the Ascendant person presents themselves in a way that the Venus person appreciates. Read more in Venus Conjunct Ascendant. This may make me sound like a pervert, but I cry . You dislike restraint of any kind and you dont like to take orders. The problem is that in life there are always going to be routine tasks to complete, things we have to do that dont entirely suit our interests, and so forth. But the person may be only too aware of the fact. May not like a lot of tense situations in their surroundings, may wish to be in tranquil and cooperative environments. At times you can be very dogmatic. * Moon trine Mercury is an aspect that makes conversation flow in a relationship. or may despise everything that is only based on superficial beauty, no in-between. thank u, The way I also have virgo venus in 12th opposite uranus pisces , hi! You have such an outpouring of insights that having a conversation with you can be a real experience. Eg. In fact, you can have real flashes of genius and your ideas and perspectives are often very original. . Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn; a Venus sign I find to be underrated, since Capricorn represents stability and commitment. He loves to arouse, incite and shock those around him. With Mars in conjunction to the Ascendant, you are an active and energetic person, with plenty of spontaneity and drive to express your individuality. They may use their connections to gain status/fame. He is honest and direct. You are drawn to truly refined and sophisticated people, not so much to the ones who substitute glitter for class. May wear a mask of a likeable person but struggling inside with many insecurities especially relating to physical appearance. The . Conjunction is when planets aspect each other at 0 degrees. It is desire, it is passion and love. When transiting Venus aligns with your natal ascendant, you'll feel like bringing increased amounts of pleasure, sensuality, and beauty into your life. This aspect can be really hard and painful. I hope those of you who have asked me questions wont feel bad if you get your response a lil later. Asks closed - Hiatus - Interested in astrology, kpop fan, on and offline, Chart: Libra Sun Virgo Moon Libra Mercury Virgo Venus Libra Mars - Virgo Asc . You are probably athletically inclined and you like physical activity and being on the go. Mutable sign energy(sag, virgo, gemini) + mercury energy (gemini, 3rd house, virgo, 6th house) = rambling on and on about a topic or their thoughts. Venus square ascendant people, come on in. He needs a great deal of stimulation and is easily bored. May seem almost perfect as an individual, and make others question their genuinity now and then. People with uranus in 6th may have unexpected health problems relating to their stomach. Mercury trine mars is similar to the sextile aspect of it, however mercury trine mars natives are naturally imaginative, creative, communicative, concise, realistic and confidently expressive. This attraction makes it doubly easy for both signs to be tender and pleasing to each other. But, careful now: the harder they come the harder they fall!Mercury rules the mental processes and the neuro-circuits of the brain, Uranus corresponds to the higher mind, the sudden insight type of thinking.

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venus opposite ascendant tumblr