johnstown flood bodies found

Height 5 feet 5 inches. $47.16. Boy. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Black wool hose. B. or J. Watch chain. Catholic. Age forty Black pants. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. A female supposed to be or resembles Miss Ella Layton. Light complexion. Dark hair, turning gray. All other clothing gone. Male. Buried at Sandy Vale. Collar with scapular and cross crape around it. $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries, including Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, and the Ottoman Empire. Height 3 feet 9 inches. Blue and white barred cotton dress Brown hair, plaited with ribbon. Plain gold ring. Female. Female. Recognized by her mother. Female Age seven. true. Weight about forty. Ear-rings with brilliants. Locust street, Johnstown, Pa. Black jersey. Very small shoes. Light complexion. Son of Robert Phillips, Johnstown, Pa Age thirteen. The committee visited the site of the South Fork Dam, reviewed the original engineering design of the dam and modifications made during repairs, interviewed eyewitnesses, commissioned a topographic survey of the dam remnants, and performed hydrologic calculations. Wore long stockings marked H. S. T. Female. Son of John W. Peydon, 179 Clinton street. Height about five feet eight inches. Bunch of keys with checks and name. Male. Black silk tie. Weight 130. Male. Female. Black hair. Buttoned shoes and patent heels. Age eighteen to twenty-five. station. Gold watch and chain. Black pants. Weight about 110. In all, 67 deaths were reported in Pittsburgh and 22 in Johnstown. Age forty-five. Age about forty. Female. Spring heeled shoes. Gray and black striped knee pants. Weight 130. Blue dress. Three double teeth and one small tooth out on right side lower jaw, on left side first and fourth double tooth out. Catholic. Knee pants and brown and black striped, good. Identified by receipts found on her person. Two keys. Plain gold ring with initials, "K. L. R." Plain gold ring and earrings with stone setting. Red undershirt. Light hair. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Dark red hair. Identified by watch and bunch of keys with name on them. Blue and white polka dog tie. Black hair mixed with gray. A catastrophic flood in 1889 killed more than 2,000 people. Age five or six years. Knee breeches black barred, coat of same. 165 pounds. Light brown hair, slightly gray. They were accused of failing to maintain the dam properly, so that it was unable to contain the additional water of the unusually heavy rainfall. Daily weather map for 8 am May 30, 1889, the day before the big flood in Johnstown. Height 4 feet 10 inches. Light brown hair, cut very short. Bar pin with red settings. . Large wallet. Black eardrops. Height about 3 feet 9 inches. The Johnstown Flood occurred on May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located close of the town of Johnstown. Blue calico dress with star figures. Navy blue vest and pants. Two rings on left hand. Pearl buttons. Pocket-knife. Black woolen stockings. Age about six months. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Striped skirt. Male. Banged hair. Female. Age twenty to twenty-three. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Male. Weight 150. Age twenty-six. No money or valuables. His warning saved many people who reached high ground. Heavy head of hair. Russell all above-named articles. Light complexion and light hair. Record of Bodies. Black hair slightly gray. Woolen knee pants, twilled blue cloth. Nearly bald. Dark hair. Plaid wool skirt. Height 5 feet 7 1/2 inches. Age twenty. (Mr. Dark hair. Male. Green corded petticoat. Light complexion. Buttoned shoes, soles well worn. Mary Ellen, twenty-two years; daughter of Jerry Harrigan, 17 Ridge avenue, Minersville, servant in the Hulbert House. Buried at Grand View, June 9th. Black dress buttoned in back. Blue black ribbed stockings. After the flood, there were no structures, no topsoil, no subsoil only the bedrock was left. Valuables given to G.A. Male. Onthe body was found regis- tered letters, a receipt bearing date of February 13, and the name of Mrs. Anna M. Dairny, Beaver Falls, Pa. Frengle has been in the habit of keep- ing considerable money in the house, and at the time of the attempted bur- glary had about $2,000 in his possession. Light complexion. Supposed to be James Barrett or James Lewis. Middle-aged. Hosts of martyred little ones, Female Age seven or eight years. Dark blue suit. Ear drop with small balls attached. Weight about 110 pounds. Red hair. The book recorded victims able to be identified and descriptions of the unrecognized. Blue calico wrapper, brown and white stripes. Thirteen years old. Blue flannel underskirt. Black stockings. Markers on a corner of City Hall at 401 Main Street show the height of the crests of the 1889, 1936, and 1977 floods. Son of Howell Powell. Female. Heavy gray undershirt. Small button shoe spring heel. Prospect, June 14th. Male. Upper false teeth. Age four years. Age about twenty-two. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Right leg and right arm only. Male. Two rings, one bearing initial "A." Gum garters. According to, "of the 2,209 people that died 900 bodies were never found." . Female. Height 4 feet 4 inches. Female. Age fifty. 56 cts. Medium height. He gave the investigation report to outgoing Becker to decide when to release it to the public. Female. Light hair. Dark pants, striped. Female. Female. . Son of James Reese, Conemaugh street, Johnstown, Pa. Age two years. Carpenter's lead pencil. Woolen stockings. 3, 335363. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Age twenty-three. Buttoned shoes. Buried at No. Tents and . Calico waist, blue with white stars and white buttons, white and blue collar. Black knee breeches with white thread running through the material. No shoes. Breast-pin. Female. Weight 130. Female. Age nine. Plaid dress. The Johnstown flood is a story of humans manipulating nature without due understanding and caution. Age twenty-five. Brown hair. Age nine or ten. Catholic. Black striped waist. Black stockings. Gingham apron. Aged twenty-five. Female. White. Full face. Age about thirty-five. $1.00 bill. Weight about 170. White. Seven counties were declared a disaster area, suffering $200million in property damage, and 78 people died. Pair cuff buttons Bunch keys. Age seven Weight 45. Weight 80. Male. Black pants with white thread run through. Brown eyes. Bunch of keys Small book and papers. Short nose. Two keys. Black knee pants supported by suspenders. Red flannel shirt. Woodvale. Height about 5 feet 8 inches. Female. Height 4 ft. Buttoned shoes. Ring at Fourth Ward Morgue. "Johnstown". Supposed to be gray flannel shirt. About thirty families lived on the village's single street. Male Pair of red socks. Said to have been Mary Hamilton or Miss Mollie Richards, but afterward found to be wrong. Female. Wore heavy brown cloak. Black and brown vest. Rosary and scapula left on body. Height 6 feet. Dark brown hair. Age two years. Weight 50 or 60. Knife. Female. Vine street, Johnstown, Pa. Large. Coat with large tin buttons Corsets. Dark clothes. Full face. Gold watch Elgin No. Identified by brother. Age about thirty. Female. Female. Ex-policeman. Very large. Injured July 4th, on P. R. R. and died from effects same day. Female. Gray underskirt. Buttoned shoes. Age thirty. Son of James. Large; about forty years old. Gum boots. Age about thirty-five. Weight 135. Though the former reason was probably more central to the failure of survivors' suits against the club, the latter received coverage and extensive criticism in the national press. Age about fourteen. Purse with one cent. Reddish brown hair. Forty were killed by the Laurel Run Dam failure. Interred in Sandy Vale or Grand View. White and black barred flannel skirt. Wrench screw. The American Red Cross, led by Clara Barton and with fifty volunteers, undertook a major disaster relief effort. With a population of 30,000, it was a growing industrial community known for the quality of its steel.[7]. Supposed to be Katie Krieger. One week's growth of sandy beard, mixed with gray. Height about 5 ft. 5 in. Black pants. B." Brown hair. Apparently not old. USA TODAY. Large pocket-book with papers. Last summer, Beale's yellowing journals were found in an old Philadelphia carriage-house, shedding new light on a catastrophe that killed 2,209. Prospect, June 14th. Upon completion, the Corps proclaimed Johnstown "flood free.". Breast-pin. Female. Visit the Johnstown Flood Museum, which is operated by the Johnstown Area Heritage Association, to find out more about this shocking episode in American history. Coat, pants and vest off. Age twenty-four. Age about thirty-five. Age thirty-five. Age fourteen years. Barred gingham apron or dress. Two photographs. Male. Kollar was one of many photographers who found their way to Johnstown in the hours, days and months after the 1977 disaster. Very bad condition. Plain gold ring, with J L B. engraved on inner side, Female Weight 115. Height 4 feet. Pearl street. Light brown hair. Identified by her husband. "Rool" with W.H. Black hair. Supposed to be William Henry. Light dress. The demolition expert "Dynamite Bill" Flinn and his 900-man crew cleared the wreckage at the Stone Bridge. Haws, Grand View, June 13th. Female. Breast-pin, square shape. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Black pants and coat. Of Germantown, Philadelphia. Lace waist over top of dress. Knee pants. Becker kept it under wraps until the time of ASCE's convention in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1891. Female. Short black pants. Lace collar. No valuables. Dark striped velvet basque or overskirt, with ruffled fringe trimmings. White cotton hose, foot mixed with blue. Child about two years old. $1.94 in cash. Boilers exploded when the flood hit the Gautier Wire Works, causing black smoke seen by Johnstown residents. Wart on left ear. Striped pants. Brown and black mixed pants No coat or vest. Age thirty-five. Weight 125. Calico dress cut in two at waist. Bible. Green cloth basque. Light hair, one plait in back, one on each side of head. Unger ordered all of his men to fall back to high ground on both sides of the dam where they could do nothing but watch and wait. Red and black flannel skirt. Crucifix. Female. Age about three years. Fair complexion. 101 Centre street, Johnstown, Pa Weight 150. Weight 65. Pair cuff-buttons. Home knit lace collar. One small key. Identified afterwards as Francis Fores (Feris). Handkerchief in coffin. Wore a scapular. Female. Female. Light twilled cloth dress. Flannel skirt and red woolen stockings. Medium stature. [3] With a volumetric flow rate that temporarily equaled the average flow rate of the Mississippi River,[4] the flood killed 2,209 people[5] and accounted for US$17,000,000 (equivalent to $512,707,407 in 2021) in damage. Of Woodvale. Female. Male. Black eyes. [14] A Lidar analysis of the Conemaugh Lake basin reveals that it contained 14.55 million cubic meters (3.843 billion gallons) of water at the moment the dam collapsed. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Gold spectacles. Silver watch. Female. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Buried at Grand View. (?) Eighty-three cents in change. Age about thirty. Weight 100. Necktie. Laced shoe. Striped shirt. Keys. Dark clothes. Before daybreak, the Conemaugh River that ran through Johnstown was about to overwhelm its banks. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out of the wreck Male. Weight 90 lbs. Five years old. Age thirty-five. St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. Female. Short sack coat. This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 16:00. Black stockings. 7. Age thirteen. Female. Two gold rings. Barred flannel skirt. Hair sprinkled with gray. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Gold ring, small. Male. Ruby glass ear-rings. G.B. Match-safe. Gold pocket rim spectacles. (Cambria Iron Co., Miller.). Weight 130. Age six. on grave is 333. "Statistics about the great disaster", Johnstown Flood Museum,, "Frank Shomo, Infant Survivor Of Johnstown Flood, Dies at 108", "Arizona's 1890 dam disaster killed more than 100 people - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona", "THE ARIZONA DISASTER. Johnstown, Pa. Age twenty. Killed on P. R. R. July 14, 1889. Red hair. One ear-ring with red star set. Son of Godfrey Hoffman. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Chain with cross attached. Male. Female. Full form. Screw-driver. Bunch of keys. Black hair. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Gray cotton socks. The committee was led by the esteemed James B. Francis, a hydraulic engineer best known for his work related to canals, flood control, turbine design, dam construction, and hydraulic calculations. Colored. Age about thirteen. Female. Medium height. Gold ring, octagon shape. A dam broke causing a huge flood, but before it could hit the town, the flood wiped out a barbed wire company. Brown badge, O. O. S. of A. Height 5 feet Light complexion. Therefore, the official death toll should be 2,208. Large. (106) 6.8 1 h 4 min 1926 ALL. Spotted calico dress. Female. Daughter of Charles Prosser, of Cresson. Green purse. Brown auburn hair. HE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. Pittsburgh, Pa. Black wool skirt with stripe. Gray pants and coat. Valuables given to his aunt, Ella Mulhern. Female. Black and green striped skirt. Light muslin dress. Collar buttons. Ring on right hand. A female. Black and white flannel petticoat. Weight 160. All but the hips and lower limbs burned away. Gold watch and chain. Found in Conemaugh river above Company store. Female. Male. Male. Light complexion. 5 ft. 4 in. Black hair. Age about eight. Barton would leave Johnstown a hero. Large broad face. No valuables. No valuables. Age thirty-five. Gold watch, No. Papers, etc. Male. Dark hair Full face German look. Large gold ring on third finger of left hand. Low forehead. Blue stockings. Necktie. Weight 40. Wire bustle. A medal monogram, "J. H. G.". [17], The total death toll from the flood was calculated originally as 2,209 people,[1] making the disaster the largest loss of civilian life in the U.S. at the time. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. Height about 5 feet 9 inches. . White underclothing. Heavy jersey or coat badly torn. Small piece of green ribbon. Age about fifty. Thirty years. Scarlet underwear. Large. Dark brown hair. Gum boots. Perfectly natural lower teeth. Female. Chinaman. Three gold rings placed on body. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Pair of spectacles and tin case. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Gold filling upper jaw front teeth, gold filling in lower jar, back teeth filled with silver, two front teeth lap over. Weight 180. White cotton underskirts. Collar-button and cuff button. Red and black striped skirt. Male. Black hair. It took workers three months to remove the mass of debris, the delay owing in part to the huge quantity of barbed wire from the ironworks entangled with the wreckage. Weight about 110. Blue shirt. White cotton undershirt. Brilliant ear-drops. Female child. Sandy hair. Height 5 feet. White muslin skirt. Weight 75 Height 4 feet 3 inches. Very large breasts. Pair of steel knuckles Key. By the time this weather pattern reached western Pennsylvania two days later, it had developed into what would be termed the heaviest rainfall event that had ever been recorded in that part of the U.S. Age forty. Female. Female. Female. Two gold rings chased. Age ten to twelve. Died after flood. Age about twenty-five. Height 5 feet 6 inches. has a watch, book, and over $12 in money which was taken from body of George Geddes. Age thirty-five to forty. Sex unknown. Valuables. Weight 80. Medium size. Red skirt with ruffles.

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johnstown flood bodies found