cons of the national popular vote plan

Similarly, because a national campaign mandates a national message, there would also be a smaller incentive for coalition-building or taking into account the characteristics, needs and desires of citizens in differing states and regions. Instead, each state and Washington D.C. is assigned a certain number of electoral votes based on its population. On a close popular vote, often defined as a difference of 0.5% or less in the tabulated results, an automatic recount would likely be triggered. The Constitution specifically leaves details like how the electoral votes are cast up to the states. It has been enacted into law in 11 states with 165 electoral votes, and will take effect when enacted by states with 105 more. Voters in spectator states, including five of the nations 10 most populous states (California, Texas, New York, Illinois, and New Jersey), and 12 of the 13 least populous states (all but New Hampshire) have no real incentive to go to the polls as their votes do not affect the outcome of the election. (LogOut/ Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost. Not only it already happened five times, but in theory, a candidate could win the presidency with only 22% of the popular vote in a two-candidates race. Under the electoral college system, the candidates which receive the most votes in each state (or district) receive its assigned electoral votes. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states and the District of Columbia to award all their electoral votes to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. . Samploon is a database of free essay samples. It would limit the influence of local issues in the election. Unexpected emergencies would be difficult to handle. However, in the popular vote, Trump only received 62,984,825 votes against Hillary Clinton's 65,853,516 popular votes. 2. Second, some believe itll intensify election problems, such as illegally extended voting hours or irregularly high voter turnout (Richards). Candidates get one vote for every congressional district they win, and then two votes for winning the state-wide vote. Using the NPV system means that every vote counts the same. According to the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, some proponents of the Electoral College argue that it isolates election problems, such as illegally extended voting hours or irregularly high voter turnout. Although faithless electors have not affected the results or outcome of an election yet, in 2016, there were 7 faithless electors. Bush and Al Gore (Black). In 2016, Gary Johnson received 4.48 million votes and 0 electoral votes, but the potential is always there for this to happen. mike matarazzo last photo. This was the intent of the Founding Fathers. NPV is more than a third of the way to its goal. Thats how politics works in America. 4. Cons: Smaller states don't get as much of a say and people would demand a national recount National Bonus Plan Winner of popular vote gets extra 102 electoral votes Pros: No winner of popular vote losing overall Cons: Basically exactly like the Direct plan District Plan Win popular vote in each district, you get one electoral vote. Inicio; Nota Biografica; Obra; Blogs. Though the original, some would say highly undemocratic, purpose. cons of the national popular vote plansuper lemon haze greenhouse. Under the electoral college system (and other voting systems not based on popular voting), it only takes one extra vote more than the other candidate to create the needed results for the election. If a popular vote were allowed to declare a winner instead, it wouldnt be through a state-by-state counting of electoral votes. That view of democracy recognizes the existence and desirability of organized interests and enshrines that principle under the concept of pluralism. Longley, Robert. Even the minority party wouldnt be encouraged to negotiate because they could simply stall until the next election. Longley, Robert. NPV supporters claim, accurately, that a direct election for president would reduce or eliminate the possibility that a fringe candidate (like a Ralph Nader or Ron Paul) winning five percent or less of the vote in a single state could serve to defeat a major party candidate from the same side of the political spectrum. That means some voters, like Republicans in California or Democrats in Mississippi, are voting without power and without attention from their preferred candidates each year. Privacy Policy. A Critique of the National Popular Vote October 13, 2008 Policy Analysis No. That would give the Compact states only 3 days( and two of those days were weekend days) to certify their state votes. The National Popular Vote Bill is not a Democrat or Republican bill. The electoral requires that an election which does not receive a majority of electoral votes be taken into the U.S. House of Representatives. Is this a solution to first past the post or is it merely reinforcing our current two party system? In the 2020 general election, a ballot proposition attempted to overturn Colorado's membership to the pact, but the measure failed, 52.3% to 47.7% in the referendum. They have only won the popular vote once. After the process, the President of the Senate reveals who has officially been voted in as President and Vice President of the United States. Moving to the popular vote structure would eliminate this potential issue. And thats not how it should be in a democracy. This type of system would give the individual voter a much more significant influence. A direct popular election would make it more possible for third-party candidates to succeed and would also encourage political parties to become more radical and extreme. Either would provide a reason for both parties to compete in most states because there would be electors to win. The National Popular Vote initiative transpired in 2006. In Maine, both houses of the legislature passed the bill in 2019, but it failed at the final enactment step. Here are the essential pros and cons of popular vote elections to examine. Definition and Examples, How Political Party Convention Delegates are Chosen, What Is a Caucus? When the Constitution was set in place in 1789, the U.S. elected its first president. A close election would trigger the need for a full recount. That means a candidate who receives a majority of their votes in a high-delegate state, such as California, could make a dramatic impact on the rest of the election. 1. Proportional Plan 3. 41 States (with 80% of U.S. population) will be Ignored in the 2024 Presidential Election. State Question 820 lays out a statutory framework for a recreational industry that would begin about 90 days after election results are certified. It is also true that no president since 1824 has received the votes of a majority of the eligible voters and 18 presidents, including Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Harry S. Truman, John. How the US Electoral College System Works, Biography of Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States, What Is Statutory Law? Or states might explore what was recently proposed in Colorado -- that electors be allocated in proportion to each candidate's share of the popular vote above a certain threshold. It would reduce diversity in the election structures. Hillary Clinton, but won the electoral vote to become the 45thPresident of the United States. It gives each vote an equal amount of power. On April 15, 2014 Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State quietly signed into law the National Popular Vote, making New York the 10th state -- along with the District of Columbia -- to support this effort, while also boosting the total numbers to 165 of the 270 electoral votes needed to make a true national popular vote a reality. Although this may limit the amount of diversity that occurs in office, and may generate extra financial costs, the argument could be made that these risks outweigh the results of an election where a majority of states, not a majority of people, put someone into office. If the election is based off a popular vote, each of these areas would need to be closely examined in real-time, which would enhance the security of each vote that is cast. On average, studies show that falls in line with historical averages showing around 60 percent of eligible voters casting a vote in presidential election years. If some of the 50 states and DC cannot certify their popular votes by the December deadline that could create a constitutional crisis where we would not have all of the state Electoral College votes certified by the time the Electoral College is required to vote according to the Constitution. Change). First it would be relatively easy to implement. Opines that the national popular vote plan is the wrong way to abolith the electoral college. The states' approval of the compact is a victory for democracy and the principle of "one person, one vote." I am confident that when we enter the next phase where the popular vote leans Republican that Republicans will change and be adamant that we should elect the president by direct popular vote and Democrats will be arguing why we should keep the Electoral College/Winner-Take-All system. Just 12 Closely Divided Battleground States Got 96% of 2020 Campaign Events. In the 2000 presidential election, Al Gore won the popular vote by more than 500,000 ballots, but George Bush became president by winning the Electoral College 271 to 266. The National Popular Vote plan does not do away with the Electoral College system, an action that would require a constitutional amendment. For the 7 presidential elections between 1992-2016, the Republican candidate has won the Electoral college 3 times. Retrieved from, Should the Electoral College Be Abolished, Pros for The Electoral College in the United States, Electoral College is Undemocratic but We Have no Better System, The Electoral College Should Be Terminated, The Electoral College Annotated Bibliography. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among states and the District of Columbia to award their respective electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote of the presidential election. The National Bonus Plan was proposed by historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. The selection of presidential electors is specifically entrusted to the states by the Constitution. Actually the NPV Compact doesnt change one word in he Constitution and in fact only changes state laws. It would reduce the influence of third parties on the U.S. presidential election. A switch to the popular vote would eliminate the concept of a battleground state because the issue would be more on issues than states. National Popular Vote is a constitutional and practical way to implement nationwide popular election of the President a goal traditionally supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans. Today, the fact that Nebraska and Maine do not use the winner-take-all system serves as proof that modifying the Electoral College system, as proposed by the National Popular Vote plan is constitutional and does not require a constitutional amendment. It would reduce the threshold necessary to win the office.

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cons of the national popular vote plan