texas republican party platform 2022

Could they do it? The platform also wishes to repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act, a monumental federal policy that granted minorities, more specifically Black people, the right to vote without the burden of literacy tests, poll taxes, and intimidation at voting centers. Now Shes Auctioning Off Her Archive. In the, Ep. The denunciation of Cornyn represented a remarkable rebuke to a Republican who has served in the Senate since 2002. WASHINGTON, June 19 (Reuters) - Republicans in Texas formally rejected President Joe Biden's election in 2020 as illegitimate and voted in a state-wide convention that wrapped up this weekend on a . The voters are overwhelmingly in favor of it (. Those delegates said Saturday they prefer such conversations happen at home. (Photo: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images) The platform is not a specific programme of legislation, and just because the party has passed it does not mean all or even most of its provisions will be passed into state law, regardless of the fact that Texas currently has a Republican governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and state legislature. June 20 (UPI) -- Republicans in Texas adopted a party platform over the weekend that rejects the results of the 2020 presidential election, calls homosexuality "an abnormal lifestyle choice". The platform is largely symbolic but important as a measure of ideological drift, said Brandon Rottinghaus, a political scientist at the University of Houston. Our Republican-led state legislature has done nothing but tear Texas to shreds in the last two years and the federal government has done little to help. For many right-wingers, this is the highlight of their year. Take for example, LGBTQ issues. Yes, the 2022 Texas GOP Platform Is Extreme. And Texas Republicans wont stop there. 91.3K Followers. And its full of great reads, yall. Fleeing for Your Life? From Steve Bannon to Newt Gingrich to Matt Gaetz to Marjorie . The Texas Republican platform was once considered the musings of the most fringe elements of the party, mocked or ignored by elected leaders and most others. Our Republican-led state legislature has done nothing but tear Texas to shreds in the last two years and the federal government has done little to help. Texas Republicans, who hold a majority of both chambers, want to do the exact opposite. What this weekend's festivities in Texas make clear is that there is an active and ongoing effort to purge the Republican Party of anyone and everyone who a) criticizes Donald Trump or his. Think thats being dramatic? U.S. Rep. Tony . Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Elected officials are not bound to adhere to their parties platforms. Nevertheless, the Texas GOP platform also supports repealing the 16th amendment or the Federal Income Tax, which gives Congress the power to collect taxes from states. Find a complete list of them here. It is not a Trumpian idea in Texas, however. Kennedy is a recent graduate of the University of St.Thomas in Houston where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Celt Independent. And earlier this month, a Texas lawmaker announced that he would introduce novel legislation to ban minors from attending drag shows in the state. Republicans also want to prohibit the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever. The party also asks legislators to restrict reproductive healthcare services, including counseling, referrals, and distribution of condoms and contraception through public schools., Despite the spike in COVID-19 cases and Texas ranking 42nd in access to healthcare, the party also rejects any Medicare/Medicaid expansion. Despite losing 19 children and two teachers in the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas just weeks ago, the Texas GOP wants to expand gun access. After labeling homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice, they also call for the nullification of Obergefell v. Hodges (the landmark case making marriage equality the law of the land) with the goal of outlawing LGBTQ+ marriage regardless of state of origin.. The State Board of Education recently wrapped up its review of health curriculum standards, which include requirements to teach about fertilization in fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Somewhere between four thousand and five thousand showed up, which is not unimpressive. However, the hardline nature of the platform is nonetheless indicative of where the states Republican base stands. They also voted on a platform that declares homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle choice and calls for Texas schoolchildren to learn about the humanity of the preborn child.. The Republican-dominated Legislature last year passed new voting restrictions that prompted Democratic lawmakers to flee to Washington to break quorum in an ultimately futile protest. Eight mass shootings in 13 years has only led them to call for more guns blazing in every nook and cranny that Texas has to offer. Capo said the platform plank banning the teaching of sexual matters appears to violate Title IX, which protects against sex-based discrimination, including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The Republican Party in Texas made a series of far-right declarations as part of its official party platform over the weekend, claiming that President Biden was not legitimately elected,. This year, state senator Brandon Creighton from Conroe, north of Houston, rather limply described the event as one of the largest gatherings of conservative patriots in the country.Its not clear why attendance dropped, and Republicans I interviewed offered a range of explanations. In a section titled "Homosexuality and gender issues," the party suggested that LGBTQ people should not be legally protected from discrimination and that being gay or trans is a choice. The platform plank does not specify which grades should get these lessons, except to say that high school students should read the Womans Right to Know booklet. June 20, 2022 at 6:36 p.m. EDT A Donald Trump cutout stands at Patriot Mobile display at the Republican Party of Texas convention at George R. Brown Convention Center on Thursday, June 16,. Why it matters: The revised platform is likely to preview some of the GOP's . The Texas GOP is out of step with the majority of Americans who believe in equality, said Zeph Capo, president of the Texas chapter of American Federation of Teachers. The Texas Republican Party on Saturday voted on two new party platform planks aimed at barring the teaching of sex and sexuality in schools while simultaneously calling on Texas schools to teach the dignity of the preborn human and that life begins at fertilization. The newly approved Texas GOP party platform broadly places the culture wars at its core, as the party adopted a slew of new platforms that shift the party further to the right on Saturday. Austin, TX, Release: July 6, 2022 For Immediate Release. A more aggressive party platform sends a clear message to politicians about where the base is going, Rottinghaus said. Kennedy is a passionate reporter, avid reader, coffee enthusiast, and loves to travel. "The federal government has impaired our right . ", The Texas Republican Party blocked the Log Cabin Republicans, a longstanding group of gay conservatives which also supports many of the partys anti-LGBTQ policies from having a booth at Saturday's convention. Tags: Texas . Republican talking points on guns, yet it seems no matter how many Texans lose their lives, young or old, the GOPs guns will remain more important than life itself. Now, whats left of our reproductive rights are slowly trickling away. A document from the party's Platforms and Resolutions committee developed during its recent state conference in Houston, revealed the party's intention to hold [] But their platform calls for the Texas Legislature to put secession up for vote in 2023. The group included self-identified Proud Boys and Alex Stein, a social media activist from North Texas. It's a backward-looking agenda of prim moralizing, anti . THE FIGHT FOR TRANSGENDER RIGHTS AT THE TEXAS CAPITOL, The Organization Making It Easier To Access Abortion Pills. Not for the first time in its history, some in Texas want to secede from the United States and form an independent nation.. Texas Republicans, at a state party convention this weekend, called for a referendum to determine whether the state "should reassert its status as an independent nation". Our country is on a trajectory to self-destruct, unless we change the direction.. They approved measures declaring that President Joe Biden was not legitimately elected and rebuking Sen. John Cornyn for taking part in bipartisan gun talks. June 18, 2022 Considering hate crime rates are higher than they have been in over a decade, we think otherwise. He was simply booed louder and longer this time, and for a specific reason rather than a general sense among the grassroots that he is a wishy-washy Republican In Name Only. In June 2022 the state Republican Party adopted a platform espousing anti-LGBTQ views, claiming President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election, and calling for an end to abortion care. (When Cornyn spoke of the pain the families in Uvalde must feel after the school shooting, shouts of No gun control filled the room. REJECT CERTIFIED ELECTION RESULTS OF 2020. 90 - Texas Rep. Salman Bhojani and Nicole Golden of Texas Gun Sense. Video posted online showed far-right activists physically accosting U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, calling the conservative Republican eye-patch McCain over his criticism of Russia. Likes. Considering the Jan. 6th attack and the harmful rhetoric theyve been spreading, making access to guns easier for QAnon, far-right Trump cronies is the last thing this country needs. People stood up and booed U.S. Sen. John Cornyn as he spoke about potential gun legislation during the Republican Party of Texas 2022 convention in Houston on Friday. The new platform follows a series of headline-generating anti-LGBTQ policies proposed by Texas lawmakers. Perhaps it goes without saying but producing quality journalism isn't cheap. President Biden has ceded control of our borders to paramilitary, narco-terrorist cartels, Arrington told delegates. . Oher platform priorities include limiting how much a citizen can donate to their favorite politicians. We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. Want to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, repeal the Endangered Species Act, and oppose the America the Beautiful Initiative. The 53-page document covers a range of topics familiar with the national GOP platform, but shows the state party's new strategy to gain political power. Texas Lt. Gov. 169. in 13 years has only led them to call for more guns blazing in every nook and cranny that Texas has to offer. Now theres little to contest. But it would be tough for even the most ideological legislators to adopt the planks wholesale: they are always a jumble of often-contradictory messages. by Sewell Chan and Eric Neugeboren f. Support a constitutional amendment making English the official language of the United States, and one of no more than two official languages of all US territories and other possessions. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. The misery, the crime, the drug abuse, the high gas prices are all by design, so that the Democratic Party can permanently transform society. Republicans have controlled every statewide elected office in Texas since 1999 and both houses of the Legislature since 2003, so the wishes of the partys populist, pro-Trump base inevitably affect actions taken in Austin.

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texas republican party platform 2022