famous protestant celebrities

The Best Female Celebrity Role Models. Lorna Patterson, American film, stage and television actress. Ryan Bomberger More than the product of a rape, Bomberger uses his dynamic testimony of adoption and diversity to advocate for the sanctity of unborn life and every individuals God-given purpose. Her father was from a Jewish family, while her mother is of mostly German descent. Indiana University Press. Cherie Harder Harder serves as the president of the Trinity Forum, a non-profit organization dedicated to cultivating networks of Christian leadership, reforming culture, and promoting human flourishing. Even more impressive is that Frenchs book Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Cant Ignore rose to number one on the New York Times bestselling list. An actor with over fifty years of experience in theatre, film, and television, Michael Douglas branched out into independent feature production in 1975 with the Academy Award-winning One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975). Kim Chong-kon. 79. Robert Nicholson Founder and Executive Director of the Philos Project, Nicholson is an advocate for a Middle East that is established on freedom and the rule of law. Her mother is from an Ashkenazi Jewish family, while her father has Irish, German, Best known as the fire breathing, blood splitting and larger than life co-founder of the major hard rock group, KISS. Bob Smietana The senior writer for Lifeway Christian Resources Facts and Trends magazine, covering polling and trends affecting the Church. Movie star Mel Gibson is a member of a small sect of Catholicism called Traditionalist Catholicism. 64. Getty Images. Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) A principal figure . Dave made Sarah Jessica Parker was born March 25, 1965, in Nelsonville, Ohio, to Barbra Forste (ne Keck), a teacher who ran a nursery school, and Stephen Parker, a journalist. Simmons was actually born Chaim Witz in August 1949 in Haifa, Israel, the son of Hungarian Jewish parents, Flra "Florence" (Klein or Kovcs) and Feri Yechiel Witz. 56. 6 on the Billboard charts. The character of Superman, however, has always been depicted as having been raised with a solidly Protestant upbringing by his adoptive Midwestern parents - Jonathan and Martha Kent. Actor Jim Caviezel is a devout Catholic . Prior to joining ADF, Centofante served as communications coordinator for Concerned Women for America, a conservative Christian public policy organization. Radnor attended Jay Scott Greenspan, known professionally as Jason Alexander, is an American actor, comedian, film director, and television presenter. 92. Though she is known as an engaging pastor and speaker in general, LaGrone has also presented a passion for writing by authoring several books and biblical studies. Margaery Tyrell src. Stanley Kubrick was born in Manhattan, New York City, to Sadie Gertrude (Perveler) and Jacob Leonard Kubrick, a physician. Brooks eventually started a comedy act and also worked in radio and as Master Entertainer at Grossinger's Resort before going to Stan Lee was an American comic-book writer, editor, and publisher, who was executive vice president and publisher of Marvel Comics.Stan was born in New York City, to Celia (Solomon) and Jack Lieber, a dress cutter. Her parents divorced when she was young, and she spent her childhood in Washington, D.C., and New Born in New York and raised in Los Angeles, Schwimmer was encouraged by a high school instructor to attend a summer program in acting at Northwestern University. The surname "Efron", which is Hebrew and a Biblical place name, comes from Zac's Polish Jewish paternal David John Franco was born in Palo Alto, California, to Betsy Franco, an author, and Douglas Eugene "Doug" Franco, who ran a Silicon Valley business. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. on earth as it is in heaven. He is of Russian Jewish descent. 4. In 2012, Hanks appeared on posters promoting Orthodox Christianity in Russia. 63. Kim S. Phipps In 2004 Phipps became Messiah Colleges eighth and first female president after several years of teaching rhetoric and communication. 12. Peter Leithart Ordained in the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, Leithart has served in two pastorates and is now the President of Theopolis Institute. His mother, Arlyn (Dunetz), a Bronx-born secretary, and his father, John Bottom, a carpenter, met in California in 1968. Alison H. Centofante The Director of Alliance Relations at Alliance Defending Freedom working to serve, strengthen, and expand the alliance on life, marriage, and religious freedom. Some believed it was the publicity from the newspaper empire of William Randolph Hearst that brought Graham to prominence. Tim Goeglein After a plagiarism scandal forced him to resign from the Bush administration, Goeglein joined Focus on the Family as vice president for external relations. Former Protestants or ex-Protestants are people who used to be Protestant for some time, but no longer identify as such. Billy Graham became the most famous Protestant preacher since the apostles. She has a sister, Vanessa Johansson, who is also an actress, Harrison Ford was born on July 13, 1942 in Chicago, Illinois, to Dorothy (Nidelman), a radio actress, and Christopher Ford (born John William Ford), an actor turned advertising executive. He was educated at St. Judd Apatow is an American film director, screenwriter, producer and comedian. His father is from Russia and Austria, while Zach's mother, who is from a family with deep roots in New England. 10 celebrities have been "nominated" for the 2021 title. Raised in a non-denominational Evangelical home, Hallowell reports current events from a Christian worldview. 81. An Oscar and Golden Globe Award nominee, he has appeared in films such as Martin Scorsese's Mean Streets (1973) and Taxi Driver (1976), Ridley Scott's The Duellists ( Andrew Russell Garfield was born in Los Angeles, California, to a British mother, Lynn, and American father, Richard Garfield. In the meantime, the young Southern Baptist regularly contributes to The Gospel Coalition, the ERLCs blog, and Patheos Evangelical channel on issues ranging from pop culture and current events to suffering and grief. Sproul, MacArthur and Zacharias are already well-known, although I share your respect for their teaching! She now serves as the president of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and is a co-host of the PBS show Inner Compass. Simon started his career in the music industry working in the mailroom at EMI Music Chris Cornell was a rock icon who thrived on contradictions. Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997) Macedonian Catholic missionary nun. #35 of 53 on. They made Raising Arizona, Barton Fink, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, True Grit, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Burn After Reading, A Serious Man, Inside Llewyn Davis, Hail Caesar and other projects. It was very kind of you to put me on your list. A former drug addict who admitted to sexual "experimentation" in college, Stacy Ann Ferguson, better known as Blackeyed Peas lead singer Fergie, credits God and her faith for getting back on . Chelsea P. Sobolik Adopted as a newborn from Bucharest, Romania by Evangelical parents in North Carolina, Sobolik has an extraordinary testimony. CHBC is the flagship of Devers 9Marks Ministries, a resource aiding church leaders in establishing church structure and discipline policies. #9 of 100 on. Azealia Banks. Jett is best known for her work as the frontwoman of her band Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, and for earlier founding and performing with the Runaways, which recorded and released the hit song "Cherry Bomb". His writings on faith and culture are found at The Gospel Coalition and Fox News.com. Marvin Olasky After being born into a Jewish-Russian family, becoming an atheist and then a Marxist, and joining and then leaving the Communist Party, Olasky converted to Christianity in 1976. James K. A. Smith Smith is the editor-in-chief of Comment magazine and a professor of philosophy at Calvin College. 20. In 2012, Tom Hanks appeared on posters promoting Orthodox Christianity in Russia. 20. Ben Witherington Currently Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. 20. Patterson and his wife Dorothy have ministered in over 135 countries and have had the opportunity to share their faith with some of the worlds most significant leaders, such as Yasser Arafat and Menachem Begin. 250+ Jewish Celebrities and Cultural Icons. From young singers to famous actors, they all follow God. I cannot remember a time when I did not . Bible-believers believe that the Bible is more important than the church because, ultimately, there wouldn't . He made over 40 movies, often complex and emotional, but seldom overly sentimental. 98. Institute on Religion and Democracy1023 15th Street NW, Suite 200Washington, DC 20005Contact us | Media requests. Andrew was raised in a middle class family, Winona Ryder was born Winona Laura Horowitz in Olmsted County, Minnesota, and was named after a nearby town, Winona, Minnesota. His mother, St. Monica, was a devout Christian, who raised her son with a Christian education; however, he was not baptized . Here are a few of the most notable converts over the last century: Mortimer Adler (1902-2001): American philosopher and educator, he discovered St. Thomas Aquinas in his 20s and became a figure in . Credo, a higher education consulting firm, awarded Phipps the Courageous Leadership Award for 2017. His father is from a Northern Irish Protestant background, while his mother was born in South Africa, to a Jewish family (from Lithuania, Jake Gyllenhaal was born on December 19, 1980 in Los Angeles, California as Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal, the son of producer/screenwriter Naomi Foner and director Stephen Gyllenhaal, and the younger brother of actress Maggie Gyllenhaal. Brooke Ellen Bollea (born May 5, 1988), better known by her stage name Brooke Hogan, is an American television and media personality, actress, singer, model and former on-screen personality for Impact Wrestling. Dominic Sputo A passionate advocate for the Persecuted Church, Sputo founded Mute No More, a ministry dedicated educate, encourage and equip Christians to pray, advocate and provide relief for persecuted Christians overseas. He now is an ambassador for Care for Children and is the author of best-seller Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God. Jennifer Murff The president of Millennials for Marriage, a faith-based non-profit working to change the younger generations distorted perspectives on marriage. She serves on the boards of various faith organizations. She is of Ashkenazi Jewish (mother) and Swedish, English, and French actress and model Eva Galle Green was born on July 6, 1980, in Paris, France. His father was of Irish and German ancestry, while his maternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Minsk, Born in London, England, Daniel Michael Blake Day-Lewis is the second child of Cecil Day-Lewis (pseudonym Cecil Day-Lewis), Poet Laureate of the U.K., and his second wife, actress Jill Balcon. Harrell, David (1978). Lewiss pen pal, Keller began to revere Lewis at a young age, and the two began to exchange friendly letters. Comment by John D smith on December 16, 2017 at 10:54 am. Gerald McDermott An Anglican priest, author, and professor, McDermott holds the Anglican Chair of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School and is Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion. It is organized by what church they left; when applicable, the religion they joined is mentioned. In addition to serving as Director of Policy Studies at the ERLC, Walker has written several books on sexuality and marriage, including God and the Transgender Debate: What the Bible Actually Say About Gender Identity? 16 Warren Buffett. His accolades include two Academy Awards and three Golden Globe Awards. Kim Sang-bum (Korean: ; Hanja: ; born July 7, 1989), known professionally as Kim Bum (alternatively Kim Beom), is a South Korean actor, dancer, singer and model. On this list, you'll find all sorts of Christian celebrities, such as Christian movie stars and famous singers that are Christian. A senior fellow with Cardus, he has been featured in a number of magazines and is the author of several theological books, including his most recently published You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit. 45. Jason Allen Considered to be among the youngest leaders of higher education in America, Allen was elected the president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2012. He . Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948) Leader of Indian independence movement. This list features surprisinglyreligiouscelebrities, like notable Christians Alice Cooper and Stephen Colbert. When he was three, he moved to Surrey, U.K., with his parents and older brother. 84. They adopted their daughter, Genesis, in 2011 . It's a precious period of time that inspires reflection, surrender, and joy. He has been married to Kim Garfunkel since September 18, 1988. Paulks ex-husband John served as chairman of Exodus International before coming out as openly gay. Chad Curtis retired from baseball in 2001, but he was very outspoken about his religious beliefs during his time in MLB. 100. Many are folks IRDs staff have interacted or collaborated with during the course of our work. Mario Diaz As legal counsel for Concerned Women for America, Diaz directs CWAs amicus briefs, judicial activism, and litigation involving the organizations core values, including religious liberty, sexual exploitation, and human life. 16 celebrities that have converted or practiced different religions. 53. Prior to the Protestant Reformation, Western Christendom by and large responded and adhered to the Roman Catholic Church. 262. Michael Wear Creator of Public Square Strategies LLC, Wear founded his organization to help a wide range of both religious and political organizations find their niche in the ever-evolving American landscape. Pfeiffer's performances in a variety of film genres have consistently earned acclaim and several accolades, including a Golden Globe Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Primetime Emmy Award nomination, and three Academy Award nominations. They have two children. Her parents divorced, and her mother later remarried to Paul Forste and had four more children, bringing the total to eight. Affleck gained wider recognition when he and childhood friend Matt Damon won the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for writing Good Will Hunting (1997), which they also starred in. His father is American-born and his mother is Canadian. : Larry Norman and the Perils of Christian Rock. Jett's other notable songs include "Bad Reputation", "Light of Day", "I Hate Myself for Loving You" and her covers of "Crimson and Clover", "Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)" and "Dirty Deeds". and supremely happy with You forever in the next. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Jennifer Marshall Named by National Journal as one of Washington DCs power players, Marshall is the Vice President for the Institute for Family, Community, and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. He served as the deputy director of speechwriting under George W. Bush and other political roles since then. 62. A respected writer and speaker on pop culture and its relationship to faith, Thornbury has a forthcoming book titled Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music? St. Augustine. 59. Sun Sign: Virgo. Who is the most famous person who is a Christian? He is of Ashkenazi Jewish (mother) and Swedish, English, and Maggie Gyllenhaal was born on November 16, 1977 in New York City, New York as Margalit Ruth Gyllenhaal, the daughter of producer/screenwriter Naomi Foner and director Stephen Gyllenhaal, and the older sister of actor Jake Gyllenhaal. He formed the group The Velvet Underground with Welsh multi-instrumentalist John Cale, second guitarist Sterling Morrison, and drummer Maureen Tucker in New York in 1965. That's my context for my existence, is that I am here to know God, love God, serve God, that we might be happy with each other in this world and with Him in the nextthe catechism.". He is a writer and director, known for Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016), Saturday Night Live (1975) and The Lego Movie (2014). Albert Mohler Once described by Time.com as the reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S. The president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary is a preeminent voice strengthening Christians public witness amid secular political and cultural issues affecting the Church via his popular podcast The Briefing. Albert began reading and studying science at a young age, and he graduated from a Swiss high school when he was 17. Claudia Willen. Political commentator Ann Coulter is a Christian and is often listed as evangelical. Ann Coulter. 19. Zach attended Columbia High Liev (pronounced Lee-ev) Schreiber was born in San Francisco. Comment by Jeffrey Walton on December 18, 2017 at 10:08 am. He has spent time in over 45 different countries, dedicating a significant portion of that period to advocate for human rights. Deamon Scapin Founder of Triumph DC, Scapin moved his entire family from suburban Texas to Washington, D.C. where he and his wife felt God calling them to start a church. Shannon Lee Tweed Simmons (born March 10, 1957) is a Canadian actress and model. 60. In addition, Marhsall is the author of Now and Not Yet: Making Sense of Single Life in the Twenty-First Century. French actress and model Eva Galle Green was born on July 6, 1980, in Paris, France. She has proven to be an accomplished leader dedicated to academia, her students, and faith. Julia Roberts, Ice Cube, and Shia LaBeouf changed religions. Richard Land. (The Saturday Evening Post, March 1986 . The group soon became a part of Andy Warhol's Factory scene, which housed a great number of the most freaked and experimental One of Hollywood's finest character / "Method" actors, Eli Wallach was in demand for over 60 years (first film/TV role was 1949) on stage and screen, and has worked alongside the world's biggest stars, including Clark Gable, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Marilyn Monroe, Yul Brynner, Peter O'Toole, Zachary David Alexander Efron was born October 18, 1987 in San Luis Obispo, California, to Starla Baskett, a secretary, and David Efron, an electrical engineer. 29. He directed The 40-Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, This is 40, Funny People, Trainwreck and The King of Staten Island. He has been married to Liz Cackowski since 2010. Joan Jett (born Joan Marie Larkin, September 22, 1958) is an American singer, guitarist, record producer, and actress. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world. Source: INSTARImages. 38. Dr. Alveda King A niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., King is a former representative of the 28th District in the Georgia House, but she is also a best-selling author, a minister, and frequent Fox News Channel contributor. According to tradition, Hus last words were " in 100 years; God will raise up a man whose calls for reform cannot be suppressed ." 1. Kate Bowler. McClay is senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Judeo-Christian think-tank in Washington, D.C. 80. 1. An intense conversion to Christianity in his college years caused Kell to immediately jump into ministry which led to his revival of the Del Ray church in 2012 after staffing with the pastor of the Capitol Hill Baptist Church Mark Dever. 85. These men of God epitomized Truth. 2023 The Institute on Religion and Democracy. Tom Hanks is one of the Christians in Hollywood. Thomas S. Kidd A distinguished professor of history at Baylor University and associate director of the universitys Institute for Studies of Religion, Kidd has gained a loyal following on his blog Evangelical History on The Gospel Coalition website. 71. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States. 12. Princeton University Press, 2019. pp. Helena Bonham Carter is an actress of great versatility, one of the UK's finest and most successful.Bonham Carter was born May 26, 1966 in Golders Green, London, England, the youngest of three children of Elena (ne Propper de Callejn), a psychotherapist, and Raymond Bonham Carter, a merchant Mel Brooks was born Melvin Kaminsky on June 28, 1926 in Brooklyn, New York. Jimmy Stewart was a lifelong and devout Presbyterian. He is of Russian Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis was born to a Jewish family in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Premier's 60 most influential Christians are: Church. Jason Isaacs was born in Liverpool. McDermott frequently writes on theology and culture on his blog, The Northampton Seminar, hosted by Patheos.com. The Greatest Male Celebrity Role Models. Eva Green. Scroll through to read more about these famous Christian . After WWI, he continued his filmmaking career in Austria and Germany and into the early 1920s when he directed films in other countries in Europe. John Stonestreet Stonestreet is the co-host of the Breakpoint radio show, a Christian-centered worldview program that claims a weekly estimate of 8 million listeners. Having always felt a calling to ministry, she now holds the position of assistant director of communications at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City where her husband Tim formerly served as senior minister. Aristotle. Born in 1774, She was raised as a devout Episcopalian in a prominent New York family (her stepmother was a Roosevelt). As a young man, Drake appeared in several commercials, for such retailers as Sears and GMC. Here are the 20 most famous prayers of all-time. Monson is the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has more than 15 million members worldwide. Correction: Matt Anderson founded and writes for Mere Orthodoxy, not Mere Christianity. In addition, she serves as an adjunct professor at Regent University. He grew up in Bexley, Ohio, a small city nested inside Columbus. and the wisdom to know the difference. D. in Ethics and Public Policy. Idols have faith too, and some of them are very vocal about their religious beliefs. He has a younger sister who also acts. Lauren Green McAfee McAfee holds the impressive title of Corporate Ambassador for Hobby Lobby while behind the scenes she is pursuing a Ph. Thank you for the list. This IRD list is designed to highlight lesser-known Christians whom we believe our readership would benefit from knowing. Regarding his fiancee, Katherine Schwarzenegger, he has said both "Thrilled God put you in my life" and "Proud to live boldly in faith with you. Andrew T. Walker The Southern Baptist leader was described by the New York Times as one of Americas undaunted young leaders in defense of marriage. In February 2017, Solomon transitioned to senior pastor emeritus of MBC. This is a list of people who were, but no longer are, followers of Protestant churches. Natalie Portman is the first person born in the 1980s to have won the Academy Award for Best Actress (for Black Swan (2010)).Natalie was born Natalie Hershlag on June 9, 1981, in Jerusalem, Israel. Michael W. Smith is a Contemporary Christian artist whose songs have topped the music charts in both CCM and mainstream categories. His blog is read worldwide. In 2010, Chan left his church that had grown into a congregation of more than 1500 people and began planting churches in inner city San Francisco. He is the brother of music manager Jordan Feldstein and actress Beanie Feldstein. Shirley V. Hoogstra After years of practicing law, Hoogstra became co-chair of Calvin Colleges first endowment drive which led to a greater passion for service and a career change that would allow her to work in Christian higher education. Sputo is also authored Heirloom Love: Reclaiming Authentic Christianity in This Age of Persecution. At the time, the Catholic Church's " Sale of Indulgences " prospered; sinful men and women could obtain . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The work of IRD is made possible by your generous contributions. In 2011, Geoglein authored The Man in the Middle: An Inside Account of Faith and Politics in the George W. Bush Era. Jennifer grew up in Brooklyn Heights, just across Hardly the dumb blonde of Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997), Lisa was born in Encino, California on July 30, 1963. As part of his testimony, Chandler was miraculously healed by God of brain cancer after being diagnosed in 2009. [4] Ahuva Gray - former Baptist minister, who converted to Orthodox Judaism. Several famous filmmakers are also also practicing Catholics. Mickey Rourke. #94 of 100 on. He broke into films as a screenwriter in 1929 and wrote scripts for many Darren Aronofsky was born February 12, 1969, in Brooklyn, New York.

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famous protestant celebrities